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 Post subject: Rude Neopians X_x
PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:06 pm 
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Yeah. That rudeness did actually happen. Can you believe that someone actually had the gall to give me a public telling off for 'posting off-topic' for a board that...WASN'T OFF TOPIC?

I didn't like that so I sent her a neomail that went like this:

"Hello. I'd like an apology for your comment on my board please. Just...take a read and you should see why. Thank you."

See, I figured that she had only read the board title, which was "I need help...with maths. I was going to put (Neo related) by the side of it but didn't realise anyone would be that silly enough to only read the title and not the message inside.

Anyway, a couple of minutes later, she replied, with the exact opposite of an apology.

"No why on earth would I give you one?If it's not neopets related then it doesn't belong here.If you really want to push the issue I will report you for it.I can get real mean real quick.If you don't like my comments on the boards then don't post off topic ones."

I was getting angry at this point! How dare she treat me like that? I had done nothing wrong and yet here she was threatening to report me! I sent this:

"But it IS Neopets related! I wanted to estimate the worth of my gallery on...Neopets. It's Neopets related. My gallery is on Neopets."

I had JUST managed to contain my anger there. Just. If it wasn't Neopets I'd have let her feel my fury, but I really don't want to end up getting frozen. Anyway, she sends her next and last (for now) neomail, and this is what I really can't understand.

"what board are you talking about then?I didn't see a board about how much is my gallery worth?I thought you were someone else then with the off topic stuff."

What? Of course she saw the board! She posted on it for hecks sake! But she didn't READ it, that much I know. How stupid is that, really? Because of that, I got flamed for something I hadn't done. I still haven't got an apology off her. She's gone very, very quiet...

Embarrassment? Guilt?

"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:16 pm 
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Eh, I wouldn't get too worked up about it. It's just Neopets. People misread stuff all the time. *shrug* At least it wasn't one of those foolish chain letter posters.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:20 pm 
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Wow, that girl is ridiculous. *sigh* I'm sorry that happened to you, but there are plenty of Neopians and PPTers alike who are probably willing to help! Sorry I can't, due to my lack of mathematical skills :P


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:42 pm 
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I would honestly just forget about it. It's likely the person didn't actually read your board, in which case they probably shouldn't have posted. But it's best to just ignore it and wait for someone who's nice enough to post something helpful. You don't want to go off and make anything worse when it's easy to just ignore it.

That's my advice.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:51 pm 
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what the heck?!

"This user has blocked you from sending them Neomails. Your Neomail will not be sent to them!"

The cheek of this! SHE was the one who was RUDE to me! I should have blocked HER, not the other way around! Ugh. Makes me so friggin' mad!

I hope she gets frozen one day.

"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:53 pm 
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Calm Down, take a breath, and be glad you don't have to deal with this person again!

If you want a hand with the maths stuff still, i can have a go, just pm me the details.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:57 pm 
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Rachel wrote:

Calm Down, take a breath, and be glad you don't have to deal with this person again!

If you want a hand with the maths stuff still, i can have a go, just pm me the details.'s not fair. I take being blocked very seriously, especially when I haven't done anything wrong. It isn't right. It's cruel to be treated in such a way.

And thanks, I'll do that ^^

"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"

Neo account: ginger23456

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:18 am 
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Get over it.

Frankly I find your first neomail to the user to be rude as well. I don't take apologies being demanded of me very well at all; I'd have blocked you after the first message and not thought of it again. Had you neomailed me and politely pointed out that I was in error with something along the lines of "I'm curious as to why you thought my post about gallery math was off topic since it was about my neopets gallery" would have gotten you an apology from me...the way you did it would have just gotten you an eyeroll and a block. Had you continued to neomail me about the subject I'd have contemplated reporting you for harrassment (depending on what the neomails said).

People mess up; people have bad days; crap happens. You don't know what's going on in someone's life and they don't know what's going on in yours and while we should all try to be civil under all circumstances it just doesn't always happen. Give people a little benefit of the doubt and a little courtesy, even when they aren't courteous to you, and don't get so worked up over a misunderstanding on the's not worth it in the grand scheme of life at all.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:20 am 
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No offense to other premium members, but alot of them are rude. I once posted for people to give me opinions on a pet application, and I had people saying "I don't rate applications" and its like, "then why'd you post in the first place?" I haven't used the premuim boards since.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:25 am 
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It doesn't really matter that you've been blocked. Its not like you'll ever need to neomail them desperately. I'd just forget about it personally, they obviously made a mistake by not reading the full message, there's no real need to demand anything from them. Some people are just stubborn and won't admit fault.

And you do have to admit, you get sick of off-topic posts very quickly, so when you think you see one, its easy to jump down their throats. Don't get too worked up over somebody you don't know or need to have any relation with :)


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:42 am 
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Guys, tone it down a notch. There is absolutely no need to be rude to anyone else on these forums. This is a safe place to complain about rudeness not like that not some place to attack her for being upset.

It's hard to read tone on the internet sometimes and people do make mistakes with how they read something. Things that weren't meant to sound harsh often can. People can make mistakes in understanding. It happens, and it probably just was that, a mistake.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:49 am 
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Ginger, my heart goes out to you. I have played this game for way too long and have learned that there are a lot of people on the site who are very sweet. But, there are also people who must be so insecure or powerless in real life that they go out of their way to "correct" others. You need to see that this kind of behavior is the only way they can have power over others. I say this not because it is right, but only so you can understand why they might do want they do. And so you can let it not eat at you. Try to not let it get to you, OK? And, I learned a long time ago to stay away from the chat boards. I found these forums to be a much kinder, gentler place where people go out of their way to be supportive.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:19 am 
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Oh my God, Neopets is full of rude people like that. I've encountered hundreds myself, often with hilarious results.

In this one chatroom, this complete idiot was calling everyone "preps" and such who disagreed with her. She called me a prep (which was a laugh in itself) and was saying, in incredibly poor English, about how she was going to be a "psycologyst", and how all us preps were stupid and would never have jobs. I told her, "You might want to learn how to spell 'psychologist' before you enter the field, Freud." Later on in the board she made this whole post calling me all these bad names ("moron" was one of the tamer ones). And at the end of the list?


She was too stupid to know who Freud was and assumed it was an insult, like "idiot" or "loser". I pointed this out and was laughing hysterically and her excuse was, "well itz late and im tierd and i had to take the garbige out". Chances are, if you want to be a psychologist, you might want to be familiar with the father of psychoanalysis.

Anyway, just brush it off. If someone is that uptight that they'd treat you that way on the Neoboards, chances are their life is so pathetic that they deserve more pity than scorn.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:35 am 
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The lesson here? DON'T GO ON THE NEOBOARDS. There's no reason to. Any advice you're looking for there, you can find here, minus the more than outside chance you'll be frozen for getting in an argument just like this one. Really, you could probably find a slightly higher level of discussion in a kindergarten classroom, again without the risk of being frozen.

Oh, BTW, the answer to your question: If it takes 150 NP to start a gallery, and 200*(previous level) to upgrade it, that's 150 + 200 + 400 + ... + 19000, for a grand total of 893150 NP.

Yay for arithmetic series! (In case you're wondering, the formula to figure a sum of a series like that is, if n = last number (in this case 95, because your shop size is 96), then

total = n*(n-1) /2

Then multiply by 200, add 150, and there you go.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:32 am 
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i knew it had an n in it! i was trying to work out how to do the whole sum in a spreadsheet but couldnt remember the proper way to do it!

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