(Kind of out early today.. no? )
28th February
* Food is tired of being eaten, and now it's fighting back!
Revenge of the Food!
* If such a thing as "Evil Food" existed you might be able to buy some in the Bakery. These look pretty harmless though.
* Owww, I think my croissant just bit me... Congratulations to amallz for winning the latest User Lookup of the Week!
* If you want a reminder of what can happen when food attacks this Background is for you.
* You might find the new Gallery Spotlight winner's gallery - Hot and Spicy! interesting.
* ARGH! While I am trying to get this croissant away from me check out the new pictures in the Art Gallery... OUCH!
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Spring MSN Icon. 239 people guessed correctly, earning them 8,369 NP each.
* NO! Not food Buddy Icons!
* Whew, no food here... This week's Meridell Castle Spotlight winner is dark_apocalypse_11 with their level - The Golden Demise.
* Where are some weapons? Maybe one of these from the Battle Magic Shop will help...
* Can you find the differences in the images in our latest sponsor game The Last Mimzy Pair Compare?
* Runs screaming in terror
From WIS! (Thank you!)
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