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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:53 pm 
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Typhoon wrote:
Snow White
Alignment: Innocent
Movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Win Condition: Defeat all evil players


Find Diamonds: One of the rooms has a cache of diamonds in it. Every night, you will search the room you stay in for them. If you find them, you will receive a special power.

Room Cleaning: You are immune to any rooms that have a bad effect. Also, anyone in the room with you is also immune.

You start with a 30% shield.

@ JellyFish72: What was so funny about Prof.Doughboy being Cinderella?

ScottNak wrote:
Impressive stuff *thumbs up* Takes a lot to live up and execute a Disney game. Well done I say. Now... unlike last time, there actually is a gap... a hole... waiting for someone to fill it if they wish. Fire off a PM saying want to, give me an idea of your plan, and tell me how far along you are on it [just started to think, halfway done, i'm ready to go!] and you can host WW23. Or something like that.

Meanwhile, I'm not...? planning on coming up with something for the new future...?

Speaking of WW games I believe that WereWolf 5 aka WereWolf 5 Excess (hosted by ScottNak) was the longest werewolf game in PPT history with a Weretime of 16 days. (Mind you I have only checked the first 5 werewolf games whilst making a list of the winners so far in those 5 games so who can tell.)

Weretime: The number of days in Werewolf games. (E.g. Day 1)


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:12 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I've been in a game that's lasted 21 days. That was pretty long. I do remember dying pretty early... although it also wasn't on PPT. I think the only person that's actually played on the forum is Kugetsu.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:49 pm 
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Combusken BG wrote:
@ JellyFish72: What was so funny about Prof.Doughboy being Cinderella?

I know him in real life - he's one of my best friends. But, still, that makes it all the more amusing knowing he was Cinderella. I mean, you've got this guy who does, like, karate, and he's Cinderella. Maybe it was just funnier to me. In fact, it was all the more funny considering me and his aunt have recently bullied him into taking a ballroom dancing class with us. So, meh.

*remembers* I remember WW5! That was my first game ever, and I managed to survive 'til the end... :)

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:52 pm 
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-mope- Killed by a friggin light

Alignment: Evil
Movie: The Little Mermaid
Win Condition: Be the last team alive
Teammates: Jafar (Princess Miyu), Maleficent (Compact Disk)


Malevolent Choice: Before the end of Night 1, PM me your choice of spokesman. The spokesman will send in the kill lists and use any SPs that the team receives as a whole. If you are chosen as spokesman, your method of killing is a magical bubble that fills with water around a person’s head, drowning them.

Song of Silence: Twice during the game, you may steal someone’s voice at night. That person will be disallowed from posting or voting during the next day, and the stolen voice will be used during the nightscene as a misdirection. You may not target the same person twice.

You start with a 50% shield.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:01 am 
Beyond Godly
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Yay, I suck.

Oogie Boogie
Alignment: OMT
Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas
Win Condition: Be the last team alive


Call of the Night: Three times during the game, you may resurrect someone. The resurrected person will be converted to your team and given a new role. The first rez-convert will be Lock, the second will be Shock, and the third will be Barrel. Any of your rez-converts will die when you die.

Cannibal Feast: On odd nights during the game, you may open a seam in your costume and let the bugs out to devour a person (shields apply). PM me a list of five people. The first eligible person will be attacked. You may not use this power in conjunction with a rez-convert.

An Awful Fright: On even nights during the game, you may scare someone so badly that they lose all powers of reasoning and become gibbering wrecks. This will give them a posting requirement: at one point during the day, they must make a post consisting of gibberish, random letters, symbols, etc. If they do not, there is a 50% chance that the next person to say their name on the thread will cause them to die of fright (shields apply). PM me a list of five people. The first eligible person will be frightened. You may not use this power in conjunction with a rez-convert.

SP: Protection: Once during the game, you can activate this SP and protect all people on your team for a night, by retreating to your tree-castle, at the expense of a nightly action. PM me when you wish to use this power.

For protection purposes, you are considered to attack Physically.

You start with a 70% shield, and cannot die until Day 3.

I would have won, but I had to get grounded.

Ah well. Sorry DM, for making you lose.


Question- what's the smallest number of players you guys would be okay with for a game of Werewolf?


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:21 am 
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I am currently in a game which started on Dec 31.. so that would be a Weretime of 52 days.. although it is a Mafia game. eh..

Yeah, I think the innocents were a little too powerful, still a good game though.

Thank you. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:36 am 
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Location: The Forests of Thought
Gender: Female
Alignment: Innocent
Movie: Mulan
Win Condition: Defeat all evil players


Train: Every night, PM me a list of five people. The first eligible person on the list will be taught to defend themselves: they will gain a 20% chance to reflect the first attack made on them back to the attacker. You may not target the same person twice in a row, but the effects do stack if not used. However, due to the human nature to forget, each night, the chance of reflection will diminish by 5%, as will the percentage you start out with. You may renew yourself, if you wish, instead of teaching someone else.

You currently have a 40% shield, and a 20% chance to reflect attacks.

Kuge's/my role. Fun game, even though I only got to play it for a couple of days. ^^

o-O Whoa, that is one long game, Miyu. I thought Mafia was the same as Werewolf, only under a different name? I don't see why it should last longer... crazy!

Tested, I believe at one point the lowest was 24. Or maybe I'm just mistaking that because I remember Scott saying that and we all know how obsessed with 24 he is...! :P But I would probably go a little higher than that.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:33 am 
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Well. The very first werewolf was 15 people. Game 2 was indeed 24 people. Game three was a monster 35 people. Game 4 still increased to 39 people. Game 5 (aka, the crazy monsterfest... looking at my records for it... I don't even understand how i kept track of that all) 33... Whew. I'm sure we broke 40+ at some point... Talk about memories.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:57 am 
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Wow, I'm surprised I made ti that far in the game.

Magic Mirror
Alignment: Innocent
Movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Win Condition: Defeat all evil players


Mirror, Mirror: Every time you go into a different room, you will learn something about it’s effect. How much you learn depends completely on the dice…

Mirror Mirror 2: Twice during the game, you may PM me the name of a room that you are not in at night and receive information about it as well.

You start with a 50% shield.

Obviously, I used the second ability at the beginning. I hope my information helped some people :)


IDB Rater, Pink Inker

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:32 am 
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Combusken, in case you were wondering, your diamonds were in the Sienna Room. CW's tail was in the Viridian Room.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:10 am 
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It turned out that the innocents won pretty easily, but we were lucky that Tested was killed so early, and Piro didn't use the Even night kills. That would've been more converted players, and more dead people. And getting rid of one team first cut the number of nightly kills in half. It was just a lot of luck, lol

What could Cinderella do?

Pipsqueek, Apex was the one who killed you with a revenge daykill. Sora, Donald, and Goofy were really souped-up siblings who didn't know each other's identities at the start.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:31 am 
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Haha; yeah. There isn't any deadline for days. So the day ends whenever you get a majority lynch on someone, or if you request a deadline. We are on day two now.. Day one last over a month. Haha. There are only seven players involved, plus you can not converse with each other outside of the game thread. So there is tons of discussion. Haha.

Thank you. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:08 pm 
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I still want to know why the physical baddies didn't kill me...

- Go WIS!

What kind of smurfery is this?

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:14 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Typhoon wrote:
Evidently a couple people didn't. I'm sorry, CD.

Alignment: Evil
Movie: Sleeping Beauty
Win Condition: Be the last team alive
Teammates: Jafar (Princess Miyu), Ursula (Ethics)


Malevolent Choice: Before the end of Night 1, PM me your choice of spokesman. The spokesman will send in the kill lists and use any SPs that the team receives as a whole. If you are elected spokesman, your method of killing is using greenish-black fire to burn a person to death.

Hedge of Thorns: Twice during the game, you may surround someone with a hedge of thorns. The surrounded person has a 50% chance of dying if they perform a night action while caged. Similarly, anyone who targets the surrounded person while they are caged has a 50% chance of dying. The cage lasts for one day/night cycle. You may not target the same person twice.

You start with a 50% shield.

Princess Miyu is your team spokesperson.

I took over as Spokesperson a day or two later. xD

Yay for getting an evil role late. :D

:( Piro, why Me and Apex? I was doing so well. And I was telling everyone I was Doc, one of the seven Dwarves, trying to find Snow White.

-.- I so would've survived for a few more days if it weren't for you. Grrrr.

But yes, I encased Tom in thorns. :D

Set by WIS/Button by TS.
Join a werewolf game! Click here![/URL]

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:44 pm 
Beyond Godly
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:P Well, that was entirely useless, hehe, and would only have acted as a protection for the resurrector. Go CD!

Donald Duck
Alignment: Innocent
Movie: Various
Win Condition: Defeat all evil players


Curaga: Three times during the game, you may bring back a person from the dead. PM me when you wish to use this. The person will be revived as soon as I receive the PM.

You start with a 40% shield.

Yup, that was me.

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