Tymaporer wrote:
I am an atheist to the absolute. I only believe in what can be proven, and the existence of ghosts has not been proven.
Hmm, me too... I'm a complete atheist, a great believer in science and a general disbeliever when it comes to supernatural things. I'm confused about my position on ghosts, however.
My family and I were staying at a "shack" (old holiday house, in Aussie) with some family friends, and late at night we were getting ready to go to bed, and I happened to look out the window. I thought I saw a person standing outside the window, looking up into the room next to ours, which happened to have a light on. I drew back from the window quickly with an "eep" and covered my eyes, because I wasn't expecting anyone to be out there. When I got up the courage the look out again, no-one was there.
The creepy thing is, I can remember most things about the event quite distinctly, but the person seems... indistinct. I got the impression it was a lady, but that's it. And oh, it sounds too tacky to be true, but in my memory, she/it seems like a white blur. I remember the light spilling out of the room next to ours, onto the ground... and that figure standing there.
I was youngish, but old enough to not be making up stories (15 or so?), and I really can remember it in pretty good detail now. The place was an old hospital, and I can't remember whether I knew that (or whether I was creeped out by the fact) before the event, so that could've made me jumpy. I certainly was nervous about the place from then on, though!
So yes, I'm mostly cynical about such things. But there is a tiny bit of doubt in my mind, now, about this one