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 Post subject: finishing the challenge
PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:42 am 
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I've played 59 games! Now, I'm down to the three games I can't seem to figure out. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to get at least 50 points in these three games? Thank you all so much in advance!!

1. Dubloon Disaster--at best I can only get about 16 points. Those darn homing device things just pile up on me! How can I get them to leave me alone?

2. The Great Qasalan Caper--I just can't figure out how to make the darn statues go to the bottom of the screen! They usually fall to that Meowclops, who mercilessly eats them. What am I doing wrong?

3. Time Tunnel--I've always been terrible at figuring out puzzles like these because that's not my area of expertise. Any advice anyone can give about this game is appreciated.

EDIT: For Time Tunnel, I need help figuring out what dot corresponds to what stone. Here is an example:
Is the black stone the one that corresponds to the green dot, or is the white stone corresponding to the green dot? I know that orange dots mean stones need to move around, but it's good to have at least one green dot as an anchor, something I don't have to change. I would just like to know which direction the dots correspond to.

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 Post subject: Re: finishing the challenge
PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:10 am 
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10in2010 wrote:
...Can anyone give me some pointers on how to get at least 50 points in these three games?...

1. Dubloon Disaster-...
2. The Great Qasalan Caper-...
3. Time Tunnel-...

For Dubloon Disaster the more mines the more diffcult it will be to get around them. Mines have a couple weaknesses Wavepools which are pretty rare and themselves. If you are between two mind that are close together if you stay at a distance from them they will both come towards you and hit each other. But be carefully because sometimes you will get killed if you don't have it right. I just use it when there are too many mines.

The Great Qasalan Caper is pretty easy you can press any row that has a statue on it.

Time Tunnel can be just as easy if you don't do random patterns. White is Wrong Orange is in the wrong position and Green is right. But it doesn't say which is wrong and right. Do all colors of each until I get a total of Green dots shown up and use the colors that came up. Of course you won't get a hight score but you will get the requirements after a few times.

Dubloon Disaster will take the longest but if your lucky and skillful enough you can beat it after a few tries.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:07 pm 
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For dubloon disaster what I do is circle around the outside. This keeps the mines pretty close together, although sometimes at the beginning I will go between two to start them off closer. And they're all towards the middle of the screen, so they dont get in the way of any on the outside, which is most of them. Just keep going in circles, and you can rack up a lot of points without having to go near the mines. If a dubloon comes up near the mines, go to the other side and sit in the corner for a while to drag the mines towards you, and away from the dubloon. I usually end up going to two corners so I can get them farther away from the dubloon without letting them get too close to me. The only times I have a big problem is if a dubloon comes up smack dab in the middle of the screen, but that's not too often. And there's the scallywags code that you can use once a game to make a whirlpool if you really can't get to the dubloon(sometimes it only lasts for a second or two though, so you shouldn't rely on it).

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:40 am 
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I am totally lousy at Dubloob Disaster. What i basically do is keep having a new game and wait for a 50 dubloon coin to show up.

 Post subject: Re: finishing the challenge
PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:37 am 
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10in2010 wrote:
I've played 59 games! Now, I'm down to the three games I can't seem to figure out. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to get at least 50 points in these three games? Thank you all so much in advance!!

1. Dubloon Disaster--at best I can only get about 16 points. Those darn homing device things just pile up on me! How can I get them to leave me alone?

2. The Great Qasalan Caper--I just can't figure out how to make the darn statues go to the bottom of the screen! They usually fall to that Meowclops, who mercilessly eats them. What am I doing wrong?

1. when playing dubloon disaster, try not to have more than two mines on the screen at a time. when there are two mines, draw them together by making a triangle with the two mines and your boat. try to keep both mines the same distance from you. as they move towards you, they will get closer together. simply move farther away in the same direction they're moving and eventually they will hit each other and explode. repeat.

in this setup, A and B should be about the same distance. move in the direction of the little arrow. avoid the dubloon until the mines are gone!

you want this to happen

2. as far as I know, in the later levels of the Qasalan Caper you can get really stuck when the petpet is right in front of the only way down. I think the only thing you can do is wait for it to go away. I've also been stuck when a statue hits the shuffle lever and it shuffles the boxes so that there a solid line of boxes that you can't get through. sorry!

3. too tired to discuss Time tunnel right now. will post help tomorrow.

Oh, everyone thinks I'm crazy, just 'cause I try to warn people about the face-sucking aliens headed for Earth. Yeah, laugh now, have your face sucked off later. When the aliens come, I'll be the only one left with a face, and I'll be using that face to laugh at all of you, even though I'll be sad.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:27 pm 
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Great work explaining the dubloon thing. Exactly what I do. I'm not good at it, but that certainly should get you up to 20 or 25 points after a game or two IF you are patient!

Qasalan Caper... I was having the same problem. Basically, just focus on pushing the statue-rows so that the statues fall into a hole on just the next row down. The slower you do it, the better -if you try to throw them down a column where there are lots of open spaces, there will usually be a lyin down there. Try going back and forth to drop them down one row at a time. Also, try to hit the levers. That will shuffle everything - might be good, might be bad, but you only need to beat the first level to get the Games Master-able score.

As for Time Tunnel... Whew, this is complicated, but I'll try to simplify.

First of all, the "dots" you called them (I call them lights) don't correspond to specific rocks/buttons. If a light is green, it means one of your four buttons is the correct color AND in the correct place. If a light is orange, it means you have the right color, in the wrong place. But you don't know which one it is until you start playing around. If a light is white, it means that you don't have all the correct colors out there.

Your goal is to get all the lights "on" (either green or orange) to confirm that you have all the correct colors, and then shuffle things around, figuring out where each color belongs.

There are two methods of doing this:
1. Submit all light gray, then submit four blues, then try again with all red buttons, all black... etc. Keep track of how many greenlights you get for each color. Stop once you've seen 4 greenlights, and then, using the colors in the quantities indicated, work on getting the order correct.

2. Submit all gray. If you get any greenlights, keep that many grays, and submit blue on the rest. If you get any greenlights or orangelights, keep the correct number of grays and blues, then move on to red. Once you have lit up all your lights, shuffle the colors until you get the order correct.

Now... once you have all your lights on, you know how many of each color you need. So, for figuring out the order... some hints:

A. If you have one of one color, and three of another: just move the single color down the row, one at a time: blue-gray-gray-gray, gray-blue-gray-gray, gray-gray-blue-gray, gray-gray-gray-blue.

B: Otherwise: ONLY SWITCH TWO BUTTONS AT A TIME!!!!!! Try to think of your changes in terms of how it's different from your most successful attempt (ie, find your attempt that has the most green lights, and shuffle from there.)
If you shuffle ALL the colors around, you'll never know why the greenlights are changing. Once you have changed TWO button colors, check your lights.

If you suddenly LOSE a green - cool, you know that one of the things you changed was already the right color. Revert one of them back to its original color, and try that color on a new place altogether.*

If you suddenly gain a green - great! you know that ONE of the buttons you changed is correct now. Try switching the others and leave it alone.

If nothing happens - cool, you know that one of the ones you DIDN'T change was already in the right place, and you also know that NEITHER of the buttons you changed should be either of the colors you have just tried. (you know TWO places where those two colors don't belong).

If you suddenly gain two greens - well you lucky dog! They're both perfect and the other two are either correct (you win!) or not (just switch them).

*Yes, you could consider this as changing THREE buttons from your previous turn, but feel it is much easier to look at your best attempt (what combo produced the most greens you've ever had?), and start from there, changing only 2 buttons at a time. In fact, you can start off your turn by literally recreating that best attempt: turn the buttons so they match that attempt, (don't submit it of course - you already tried that one!) then change two of them, then submit your change.

Also, DO think of it as changing the colors of buttons or rocks that are glued into place. DON'T think of it as moving colored buttons/rocks around, or else you can get confused and accidentally "swap a red for a red"... If you think of it as "I already painted that button red, and it is wrong" there's less chance of getting confused.

Method 1 is easier but can take more turns [thus giving fewer game points] because you're not learning anything about where the colors go: if all four buttons are currently the same color, and the color is correct for one of them, you can't tell which button is right because they're all that color. Make sense? So you are starting from scratch on the positions once you've figured out your colors.

Method 2 is a little more complicated, but if you have the hang of it, it can go faster, because you CAN start the shuffling while you're picking your colors with this method.

For instance, you try all grays and get one green.

Do gray-blue-blue-blue. You get one orange. You know that something should be gray, but not the first button, so next time, don't paint that one gray. Also, none of them should be blue.

Do red-gray-red-red. You get three greens. So, you know that you have put the gray in the right place, and two of the others are correctly red. But which ones? We'll just leave the first two red, and see.

Do red-gray-red-black. You get two greens, two oranges. You know the gray is correct. Obviously the first three buttons haven't changed, so if they were the correct ones from the previous step, you'd have four greens (three for those and of course if those three were right, the last one would have to be right too!). So, the last button should not be black or else you'd have got a greenlight for it! Paint it red, and try black elsewhere.

Thanks to all those who voted for ethuiladdie!
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Last edited by miz sparrow on Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:35 pm 
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Wow, that was an impressive codebreaker explanation (the second method is the one I use).

I personally prefer the "circle around and around to herd all the mines in the center" technique. I try to think of Dubloon Disaster as an exercise in herding mines into neat groups and moving them around the screen, with periodic dubloon-grabs, as opposed to an exercise in dubloon-grabbing with occasional mine-dodging.

I personally don't like the "entice mines to destroy each other" technique as I prefer having all the mines on the screen: I find the biggest danger is when the new mines crop up, since you don't know where they are going to be and if it shows up in just the wrong place you can hit it before you have a chance to avoid it. When the mines are grouped nicely on-screen, you'll only die if you take too big a risk or get slow. Also, using the mines to kill each other is slower. However, that's more of a long-term strategy: since you only need 50 points letting mines kill each other should work well, too.

Having once been sucked into a whirlpool 20 points from the avatar score, if you're going for the avatar or something I highly suggest using the cheat to trigger a whirlpool as soon as you start the game (the whirlpool only appears once per game).


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:07 am 
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Does anyone have any tips for Ultimate Bullseye. it's my last one and I've played hundreds of times but can't get past thirty points.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:29 pm 
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Ultimate Bullseye is, I think, one of those things you just have to get a feel for. My personal trick is to aim the arrow so it points toward the bullseye or toward the line between the bullseye itself, and the 5-point area just ABOVE the bullseye. Usually the farther away it is, the higher I aim - but never aim higher than the middle of the 5-point ring above the bullseye.

Hold down the space bar until you've got about 4.5 bars, then let go; your goal is to get almost 5 bars of power. I hold a little longer if the target is very far away and high up.

This usually gets me in the neighborhood of 50 points. My highest high score ever was 77 because I got two bullseyes in a row... Not the best, but good enough for the games master.

I suppose if you were having trouble telling where you're aimed, grab a sheet of paper, and hold it up to your screen so that the edge of the paper touches the shaft of the arrow (make sure it touches at both ends and all along the arrow!).... the paper should extend all the way to the bullseye and tell you where you're aiming. Then you can raise or lower the arrow, measure again, and once you're aimed correctly, shoot.

Good luck!

Thanks to all those who voted for ethuiladdie!
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:53 pm 
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Thank you! I managed to get 49 three times but no 50. :( Hopefully there will be a next time.


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