14th November
* The Smoothie Shop has some new flavours to choose from, each inspired by a different food.
* There are some new Poems for you to read in the gallery.
* Decorate your desktop with this new Background.
* frackiss and _Dorcas's site - Fruits of Neopia, has just earned themselves a shiny Site Spotlight trophy. Don't forget that if you want a *Shiny* trophy all to yourself you need to send in a site spotlight entry!
* Get your shop ship shape with this new Shop Blog.
* The Usul in today's Caption Contest is feeling a little under-appreciated...
* The winner of this week's Minigolf Spotlight is p0tr0ast with their course - Decisions, Decisions.
* A new Story Telling Competition has just begun.
The Neopets lined up outside the Soup Kitchen were not their usual quiet, respectful selves, but rather they kept arguing and talking loudly in confusion.
* Stamp lovers will adore this new Screensaver!
* Congratulations Griffinwizard, you have just won this week's first Pet Spotlight trophy.
* Now your Neopets can decorate their rooms with a bold earthy feel with new furniture from the Tyrannian Furniture Shop.