Tess nodded. "Alright. You groom and I need-" A loud bang erupted and she sighed heavily, rolling her eyes to the side and turned with one foot, placing her hands on her hips. "Hey! I'm gonna have to put another payment into that stall if you don't knock it off! I can't afford another hole at the moment!" She hollard so her horse wouldn't ignore her. "You groom while I lounge him. I think he's about to burst with energy," she said and smiled, walking off towards her horse's stall. In moments, the short girl was leading a rather tall horse by a lounge line towards the indoor arena. After entering, she made the horse halt and shut the gate and then lea dhim to the center of the ring, allowing him to trot energeticly around her, giving him more slack on the lounge line until he was creating a nice, big circle around her.
Sunlight glistened upon his dark bay hue, tressles of his mane waving with each step he took. Muscles rippled beneath his flesh and his ears were perked forward, eyes full of excitement. His elegent head was thrust towards the ground and he let out a large buck.
"Hey, take it easy now. I don't want you gettin' hurt," Tess said to him, giving the lounge line a small tug. The horse let out a series of snorts and Tess made a smooching noise with her lips. Instantly, Sacred picked up a gorgeous canter, letting out a series of tiny bucks this time instead of one large one.
"I swear, you just bottle it up don't you?" Tess shook her head and continued to exercise her horse for a little while longer, praising him when he listened to her cues and words.
Last edited by UberSpiffehEquestrian on Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.