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Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:28 am

Any clue on how to actually do NQ2 within say 10hours??

Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:49 pm

Winchycott wrote:Any clue on how to actually do NQ2 within say 10hours??

Hmm, I'd say not getting bored of fighting tons of goo fiends who keep healing themselves and wandering away from the game for a day or two would be a good start. ;) bet nobody can guess about where I am in the game right now.

Sun Aug 13, 2006 1:15 am

Winchycott wrote:Any clue on how to actually do NQ2 within say 10hours??

Skip all skippable bosses (miner foreman, Leximp, Hubrid Nox) and don't worry about levelling up all the way at the end. I'd guess going on Normal most of the way ought to do the trick too. Of course, you'd probably have to do this on Normal as well, which after a few runs of Evil and insane will be extremely easy.

Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:44 pm

Choosing the right opponents to level up against can be quite helpful too. Here's a clue: "Tons of healing goo fiends" are probably not the ones to choose.
I didn't really read the rest of the thread, but whoever was giving advice on preparing for Zombom was good, but missed a trick: buy about five or six damage potions and you can beat him a good two or three levels earlier.

Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:27 am

Hi I'm on Normal mode and my whole party's lvl 40 at Haunted Woods and I need some hints on with lvling and bosses. :)

Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:17 am

*blink* I'm a little confused - what hints do you need with levelling? Just fight the monsters until you get more exp and levels..

As a rule of thumb, if you can safely fight groups of four before the boss without getting hurt too much, you should be fine for the actual boss.

Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:11 am

Ok well that's good enough but what lvl should I be for the faeries?

Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:38 am

For the Four Faeries on Normal, I followed the advice of the conservative guides and was at 46 on my way to 47. I didnt want to die, and I never thought it was all that cool to be 5 levels under par, just to brag later that you finished the game at level 54 or something. You'd be okay at a slightly lower level as long as they dont mesmerize Velm a whole lot.

I like to have a bit of mesmerizing skill points myself, so I can keep a faerie or two occupied while I go after the others.

Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:56 pm

I'm curious--is there any actual point in paying to upgrade Mipsy's weapon? I'm thinking of not bothering with it this time around; it'd save me some gold and time.

Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:25 am

PuddingofEvil wrote:I'm curious--is there any actual point in paying to upgrade Mipsy's weapon? I'm thinking of not bothering with it this time around; it'd save me some gold and time.

Hmm, it's been so long since I played it on normal and actually had to buy weapons. But, if the weapon for sale has a bonus you'd want i.e., right now the weapon Mipsy has equiped on my game-
steady wand
- Direct Damage: +2
- Group Haste: +2

go ahead and buy it, but if the weapon only raises the damage pass on it...Mipsy is a spell caster, not a warrior.

Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:08 am

Yeah well I finished Haunted Woods, the Faeries weren't as tough as I hear and Hubrid Nox was just so annoying I was lucky I beat him thanks to Mipsy. He keeps slowing me and it took me 8 seconds for a turn and I couldnt slow him because he resisted it and I hasted myself but he slows me down the next turn. But at least it's over and I got up to Faerieland. :D

Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:49 pm

Deevil wrote:
PuddingofEvil wrote:I'm curious--is there any actual point in paying to upgrade Mipsy's weapon? I'm thinking of not bothering with it this time around; it'd save me some gold and time.

Hmm, it's been so long since I played it on normal and actually had to buy weapons. But, if the weapon for sale has a bonus you'd want i.e., right now the weapon Mipsy has equiped on my game-
steady wand
- Direct Damage: +2
- Group Haste: +2

go ahead and buy it, but if the weapon only raises the damage pass on it...Mipsy is a spell caster, not a warrior.

Thanks! I don't think any of the ones sold in the shops raise skills--just the ones she wins. I won't bother with upgrades this time. :)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:08 am

I know the issue about the Father's Sword has already been discussed, but I'm on Insane right now - nearing the Fairie Thief and getting frustrated by darn Bionic Cybunny-Paladins. Would it be a good idea to use FS over any other sword? [including SoA if I get it]

Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:02 am

Oh gosh... you're playing insane? That's really... insane.

Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:19 pm

Indeed. :p The Father's Sword isn't all that bad. Managed to kill him without dying. So that's good. :p

Too bad I only got the Sword of the Apocalypse. Was hoping for a constant 13-iconer.
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