Wow, I had no idea something like this could be such a problem. When I first started reading this thread I thought "oh, how annoying, but not really reportable..." but as I kept reading I was shocked. I would
Never have guessed something as simple as that could cause such problems!
It is possible that this user thought it was really nifty having this background and that the person they received it from was the one who realized they could create a problem. They may not realize that this is real... when I first read it could cause a seizure, I being totally uneducated on the subject, thought it was just an embellishment. That is until I read people's accounts of viewing the page.
I really am sorry to hear about the trouble it has already caused for some of you, and I really hope TNT can find a way to fix it. I really can't see them dismissing it as nothing, it certainly sounds serious.
So with the software mentioned earlier in the thread, does it just stop the flash patterns or rates that actually cause the problem, or is it most flash patterns in general? If a website can use it to keep bad patterns from showing up, does that mean that there is software that a photosensitive user could install on their end as a last defense?
I hope everyone it hit feels better! It sounds like you had a rough time of it Morningstar!