Huggles wrote:
No, they're saying that as a team, it's better to win by a couple thousand points, rather than a couple hundred thousand. Winning by that much attracks a fair amount of people who join and then not play/win much hoping that everyone else will keeping winning for them.
Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. IanB, I wasn't talking about any single game played I was talking about an overall round and how much a team as a whole scores.
Of the top 4 teams in round 1:
Mystery Island 769,323
Krawk Island 765,904
Lost Desert 739,504
Brightvale 714,322
one of them succeeded in winning the second round. Part of that has to do with the match-ups, Krawk Island and Mystery Island were put up against each other. But, I propose the other reason is that useless dead-weight players joined the teams that had done well thinking they could get a freeride to the next round and by doing so actually dragged the team down by adding the dead weight that the wins still had to be shared out to.
If you look at the scores at the end of the second round, the top teams in round 1 (that lost in round 2) had their scores from one round to the next drop substantially. Even Krawk Island that won round 2 had their score drop from round 1 to round 2. Whereas the other winning teams in round 2 actually had their scores increase from round 1 to the next.
The way I see it, useless players just want to try and get on the teams that are "good", they base the decision on how a team did in a previous round not realising that by doing so they're actually going to drag the team down in the next round. The not so useless players (the ones that will actually work and pull their weight) don't need the comfort of a supposedly "good" team and hence join whichever they prefer.
Suppose you could also claim that by winning with a substantial margin people don't believe they need to work as hard either. If everyone thought like that, they pretty much wouldn't have a score at all.