Tsuka, I understand how flash files work. You misunderstood what I wrote. I was not identifying a clue, saying "now that altador alone is zoomable..." Instead, what I was conveying was, "because we CAN, have we?"
I originally couldn't decide whether to write "since we can zoom in on flash maps", but decided to just say altador, since that's the important one we're focusing on. Apparently, I chose.... [come on everyone, say it with me]... poorly.
ANYWAY..... Indiana Jones references aside...
I don't have a flash decompiler available at work, to be able to grab the entire image at once. Here's what I put together by using screencaps and paint in between actually getting some work done here at my job... (as you can see, not much)
Feel free to download and add to this... I did it at the third level of zoom-in. You'll know if you're zooming to a different size.

If you add to it post here so we know that you're working on it, and please post a url to your partially finished product when you stop.
I will finish it when I get home unless someone else does it first, or can do it the easy way (ie getting the image out of the flash file). I
It may come to nothing, but on the other hand, it would be a lot easier to notice something missing if we were comparing the big versions, rather than the teeny versions.