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 Post subject: Randomly locked neoboard topics!?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:14 am 
PPT Warrior
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This is in the Dutch(?) Avatar/Sig neoboard. Inside the threads, the TNT message says something about spam. I barely understand the language, but it doesnt seem like all of those topics could be spam. Whats going on? o_o


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:24 am 
PPT Toddler
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I'm dutch, and judging from the titles those are perfectly normal neoboard threads. There's spammy stuff like avatar games, but also help questions and such.

Top to bottom, they translate:

April 1st avatar waiting room part two
didn't get it
Eliv Thade tips?
Question: where do you get eggs?
Background maraqua
Site for a nice lookup
site for html
ghost lupe!
What about this altador stuff?
oops... forgot
live in Gelderland (dutch province)? click here!
font test.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:54 am 
PPT Warrior
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Seems like a glitch, I guess. They all have the same TNT message inside, and they arent against the rules.

Maybe you could translate why it says theyre locked too, Raza?

*** THIS TOPIC HAS BEEN LOCKED! ***Spam de prikborden, gilde borden of andere site gebieden niet. Dit geldt ook voor "bump" borden. Dit betekent het veelvoudig posten op iemand's prikbord om het boven naar de lijst te bumpen. Het posten van onderwerpen om de meeste antwoorden te krijgen is spammen. Het plaatsen van berichten die van het onderwerp afwijken is spammen!

Every translator I tried to use was telling me something about tea-towels.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:11 am 

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theres someting about mods locking neoboards in the newest neopian times editorial section

I noticed that, a few months ago, for a short period of time you guys would lock boards instead of closing them. Why did you stop doing that? ps: Cheddar or Pepper Jack? ~ queen_of_llammas
Generally we only lock boards if we want to educate other users (those involved in that specific topic and those who are simply lurking) about why something is not appropriate or allowed as a topic of discussion. A majority of the time, most of the other posters are quite aware of the problem, and we can simply clear the topic and warn the topic starter. Other times, the posts should simply not be viewed by players as they can be quite offensive, and are deleted straight away.

dunno if itll help but yea, didnt read it properly myself so i dunno

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:11 am 
PPT Baby
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:roflol: I'm guessing that you have a bad translator, or it's one of those things that doesn't quite translate (like when you try to translate some japanese sites, and it comes out really weird and all grammatically incorrect)

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:50 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Spam de prikborden, gilde borden of andere site gebieden niet. Dit geldt ook voor "bump" borden. Dit betekent het veelvoudig posten op iemand's prikbord om het boven naar de lijst te bumpen. Het posten van onderwerpen om de meeste antwoorden te krijgen is spammen. Het plaatsen van berichten die van het onderwerp afwijken is spammen!

"Don't spam the bulletin boards, guildboards or other site areas. This also goes for 'bump' boards. This means posting multiple times in a thread to bump it up to the top. Posting topics to get the most responses is spamming. Placing messages that stray from the topioc is spamming!"

Translated creatively, as it's very clumsy dutch and quite difficult to understand. Partially due to them trying to translate internet terms that simply have no translations literally, partially due to poor sentence structure. I don't think it was translated by a native speaker.

I haven't the vaguest clue where you'd get tea towels from though... maybe either 'spamming' or 'bump' is some very old fashioned obscure dutch term for those, but otherwise... :P

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 12:56 am 
PPT Warrior
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missybabygurl wrote:
theres someting about mods locking neoboards in the newest neopian times editorial section

I noticed that, a few months ago, for a short period of time you guys would lock boards instead of closing them. Why did you stop doing that? ps: Cheddar or Pepper Jack? ~ queen_of_llammas
Generally we only lock boards if we want to educate other users (those involved in that specific topic and those who are simply lurking) about why something is not appropriate or allowed as a topic of discussion. A majority of the time, most of the other posters are quite aware of the problem, and we can simply clear the topic and warn the topic starter. Other times, the posts should simply not be viewed by players as they can be quite offensive, and are deleted straight away.

dunno if itll help but yea, didnt read it properly myself so i dunno

I figured that just mean they were explaining why sometimes they locked a board as opposed to deleting it right away, unless I completely misunderstood?

And thanks Raza! My translation was absolute gibberish. Maybe because of how badly constructed the Dutch was to begin with. At least Im reassured that they werent mentioning something really important about tea towels that I should know.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:42 am 
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I'm curious about tea towels, so I tried babelfish. Unfortunately, I didn't learn anything new about tea towels, but the resulting translation does sound vaguely dirty:

Spam borden or other site the puncture prikborden, gilde do not order. This also applies to "bump" borden. This means multiple posting on iemand's prikbord for above to the list at bumpen. Posting subjects to get the most answers are spammen. Placing bulletins which deviate from the subject is spammen!

Me in a dress - that's a once in a lifetime opportunity

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:50 am 

Posts: 5
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Puncture Prikborden? The spammen! The spammen!

(Seems like they were just purging a forum, but that doesn't exactly look very effective. Seems like they need better moderators. But everyone knows that the boards need more and better mods.)

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