Type of Graphic: Signature (part of set, see avatar request below)
Size*: Whatever works best, preferably under 500*500 and preferably rectangular
Image(s)*: http://www.projectbag.com/cowboy_bebop/pics/faye/faye23.jpg http://www.projectbag.com/cowboy_bebop/pics/vicious/vicious14.jpg
Text*: Viciousmiss
Subtext*: "I was lost, I was lost, Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed, I was lost, oh yeah" (note: please place emphasis on 'crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed' or, if it better suits the graphic you make, just use that line and ditch the stuff in front of and behind it)
Things you absolutely do not want on your graphic: please, no pink themes. The colour pink is okay to appear in it, just don't make the colour theme be pink.
Other*: I love the colour theme/scheme/whatever in this image
http://www.projectbag.com/cowboy_bebop/pics/fights/fight23.jpg so if you could use that purpley dark theme, I'd appreciate it. I would also like to have it so that the placement of the images somehow insinuates that Faye is interested in Vicious. If you can't do that, then just arrange it however. And please use different fonts for the text and subtext. Perhaps even something glowy for the subtext.
Type of Graphic: Avatar (part of set, see signature request above)
Size*: Whatever works, just make sure it's within the limits to use on the PPT forums
Image(s)*: Just Faye for the avatar
Text*: Fionnagh
Subtext*: Viciousmiss
Things you absolutely do not want on your graphic: Same as signature request
Other*: Same as Signature request, EXCEPT I'd prefer glowy text (if it looks right and you choose to use it) on the Text not Subtext...just make sure more emphasis is on Fionnagh than on Viciousmiss And, of course, the part regarding two images doesn't apply to the av, I only want Faye on it.