31st January
* We're not sure who in their right mind would want plushie versions of Petpetpets, but they're on sale in the Toy Shop if you're inclined to pick one up.
* This week's Site Spotlight goes to jupeboxgal and Teasila's Chocolate Cottage.
* Zorateer should be mighty proud. She's just won the Minigolf Spotlight award!
* Brightvale Glaziers has a lovely new set of stained glass windows available for your Neohome.
* Grab your crayons and head to Brightvale! A new set of Colouring Pages is now available for you to print.
* Zafara Day is drawing near! If you'd like a shot at winning a spotlight, now is a good time to submit your entries!
* Kayla has whipped up a new batch of Meridell Potions! They look safe, but that doesn't mean they are.
* A cornucopia of new Poems have just been put on display.
* The Art Gallery has been updated with a new page of fancy art!
* The Sakhmet Royal Prize Commission has just released these statistics, collected during the race to save the city of Sakhmet.
Top Sand Movers
1. lordjetro - 73
2. majacal_daze - 70
3. jenlynng - 68
4. princess_peace001 - 64
5. rosebud2554 - 64
6. parkerchempro - 62
7. pretiful - 62
8. marigoldd - 62
9. samniann - 62
10. devingl - 62
Top Block Movers
1. sinisten - 14
2. sunshinebubbles - 14
3. soerenl - 13
4. indisguise - 13
5. kimik000 - 13
6. takumi0830 - 13
7. tracy17901 - 13
8. barrymanglow - 13
9. bassexe_04 - 13
10. Still lost in the Repository.
We've been told that furniture mover statistics were stolen shortly after they were tabulated. The Foreman's toenail polish is also missing. The hunt is on for the dastardly villains responsible.
* Navigate your way through town to find all your friends in this newest sponsor game - Animal Crossing: Find-A-Friend.
* Fans of Eliv Thade may want to consider submitting art, galleries, and other spotlights before the day is out. Why? No reason really. None at all. *shifty eyes*

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at
LWI *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss