One question -
Why do you still play?
Every time you come on to PPT it is to complain about the evils of Neopets. But you still play.
Every response before mine have been articulate, I cannot always be so, but my point is valid. Why play?
You said it yourself - you are not a parent - I am. I can tell you Neopets has never had any effect on my kids - quite the opposite. My children grew bored with it. I still play. You always make the assumption that parents are blind, deaf and dumb. We know what "goes on" in Neopets, and quite frankly do not find anything wrong with it.
It has been said time and again - Neopets is NOT a babysitting service. It totally is up to the parents to monitor their children and explain to children any concepts that may be different in the Neopian world.
Everything you have panned as wrong - you still play - sponser games.
Neopets also does not celebrate Channaukah but does celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Chinese New Year.
Check out the Neo greetings - Neo has tried to remain "non-religious" but has considered other cultures, you can see many greetings for other cultural celebrations.
I cannot find it now, but I know Cinco de Mayo was brought up in the news last year.
All in all your post has me flummoxed - I just don't see the point in it. You complain about every aspect of the game and company but still play.
You willingly follow like a lamb to all the sponsor games even though you know you are being bribed. You admit to getting wealthy (in game play) off of a game/company site that you have moral issues with. So how can you make judgements on anyone else, including Neo?
I for one do not play more than 1 round of a sponsor game. I play the game to get it on my highscore list and I never play it again.
Your overall tone towards Neo is that the game involves - secrecy, bribrary, commercialism, christian overtones that only a "select few" know about. You make Neo sound sordid and a hot bed of corruption.
If in your opinion it is that bad - then why play?