everconfused wrote:
dolphinling wrote:
Well, for people still using IE, there's a
recent exploit that lets anyone take over your computer completely just by having you view a page... They could be using that, or they could be not using it. In any case, Firefox isn't affected (but if you get a download box you didn't request yourself,
don't download it, because then you will be vunerable).
If anyone can link me to an unfrozen account that supposedly has this, I can (safely, since I know what I'm doing

) deconstruct it and give a better idea of what's going on to everyone. I can't seem to find any real information on the neoboards (figures).
OK, I can't give you any links to any accounts that may or may not be using this exploit. But there were people who DO use FF and they DID get accounts stolen.
Don't get me wrong, I love FF. But it's not the be all and end all. I've already gotten spyware using FF, so stuff is out there. Maybe not as much, maybe it's harder, maybe it's just a matter of time before FF has some of the problems as IE ... but this issue is not limited to people using one browser over another.
Well actually, I was planning on using lynx.
I was just saying that right now, your computer can be taken over
completely if you use IE and view a site with a bad image. You should be using Firefox (or Opera, or anything else that's
not IE) so you don't get that. (Which, btw, could easily be on neopets. Your computer could be taken over completely just by viewing a shop, if you still use IE.)
In terms of actually deconstructing it, I was going to use a blank account, in lynx, and then obviously save the html and view it in a text editor. Multiple layers of protection--as I said, I know what I'm doing

Nabile pwns you...
...At Lenny Connundrum.