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 Post subject: Neopets: The Darkest Faerie
PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:07 pm 

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I'm completely unsure where this goes as it fits at least two topics. Sure it's a console game, but it's heavily neopets based (and applies to the next plot it seems). I'm also not sure if there's already a topic about this yet. I tried looking and saw nothing. Please delete this and direct me that way if there is. Just please don't yell at me as I tried.
One last thing, WARNING: This is MORE than likely littered with spoilers for the plot and the like. Don't want it spoiled? Then don't read past the line. I will not be held responsible for your inability to control your own curiosity.


After a bit of convincing a friend talked me into getting the game. It was pretty darn expensive too (42$ plus change with tax). But it's okay because I have a job. The card it came with was a Roberta promo-no guarantees from me that everyone gets that. :P

Anywho, at first I was rolling my eyes at the intro. It seemed immensely lame even with that voice actress's lovely narrating. I couldn't help but shrink and blush the moment she said, "Neopia" for that matter. But boy, was this intro deeply deceiving.

My Personal Reveiw--------------------------------------------------------------

Sure, the game lacks well-done graphics. But that actually adds to the charm. The CG movies remind me of claymation every time. Also, because of the simplicity the game runs quite smoothly mostly(it freezes sometimes when I'm walking from one area to the next because for whatever reason it has trouble loading the map).

The voice acting is god aweful. Like... two sets of voice actors, ones that do the CG movies and another set for the sounds the characters make when you talk to them. So a character is deep throated one minute then high-pitched and of the opposite gender the next (yes, you can seriously tell XD). BUT, you'd think this would be a bad thing wouldn't you? It's not! It's like watching a really REALLY bad B-movie. It's so bad it's good. I still laugh thinking about the random sounds the characters make.

To top all this off, the plot and gameplay from what I've experienced sucks you in... I toss and turn in my sleep while thinking about how to beat a certain "quest" I'm on and with no walkthroughs yet as far as I am(as far as I can tell), I have no choice in the matter either. Few games get this power over me and when they do it's just pathetic. XP

My only beef with the game is the blaiant Zelda inspiration to the gameplay. :P But I'll just ignore it because most games rip on each others at least a little these days. *cough*NearlyeveryrpgusesFF'ssystem*cough*

Onto the Game-------------------------------------------------------------------

There's SO much to talk about with the game, I'm as far as the swamp in chapter 3. I honestly have no clue where to start so if anyone was thinking of getting the game just ask me something, untill then I'm just going to mention a few things I've noticed.

The darkest faerie has TWO amulets. One that she wore as a stone and another that she wears for the rest of the time which looks embedded in her chest. This amulet(stone?) can be seen on the manual(which was VERY nicely done by the way) and looks almost like an insect.

The game goes abruptly from bad guys you can beat if you try hard enough - to bad guys that you HAVE to run from or you'll be massacred. I really don't like that... but there's no shame in running for your life as one of the characters will tell you. I think it was meant to be like that really. But it's seriously not fun screaming every two minutes when you get swarmed by black knights. :P

I LOVE the buried treasure aspect of the game, gives you something benefecial to do if you really don't feel like advancing yet and got all your quests done.

"Tainted" pets have only fully made one appearance yet and the strange thing is they claim to of been cured of the darkest faeries spell by some "hero". The other pets that are actually under her controll look like they normally would except for their eyes(see that one TCG with Skarl waiting on the darkest faerie). Chances of this becoming an actual pet color on neopets is next to none since they look almost identacle to darigan pets (I thought those in the swamp WERE darigan untill they were talking about the curse and stoof :P).

There's only a handfull of items and motes, it's VERY easy to get everything even without trying too hard.

There's a glitch in this one part where you're climbing a specific ladder and as you reach the top it shows you fall then bounce back up... well, hard to explain it but trust me you'll see it when you're hunting down the Ixi Raiders. Sometimes I wonder if it was even a good deed to do such a thing once you read the books on them. :/

You'll hear a LOT about the "new world" in chapter three. Honestly, I hope it makes a complete appearance in the game, but I doubt we'll get to explore it at all since it isn't anywhere in the manual map (then again, neither was faerieland and Roberta started off there). *crosses fingers hopefully*

The TCG set gave away a LOT of the plot, believe it or not. Even the gelert assassin says EXACTLY what his card says. Hehe. :P

A Little Help-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Got the game but not far along as I am? Need help with something? Just ask... Me on the other hand. If you're farther along, I could use a little help. I'm trying to find the other two berries to make the cure and can't seem to. I have an idea I haven't tried out yet, but it'd still be nice to know before I kill Tormund for the umpteenth time like with all my other hair-brained ideas XD My "idea" is there's a sinkhole I'm missing that leads to one of the two tunnels I can't seem to reach through the underground. I wonder what that swamp snake monster will look like beyond the ragged fin... mabey they'll be Adriake's friend if I don't slay them first. Hee XD

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:37 pm 
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Wow, amazing guide! Very informative too! :o

I have to agree with you on the graphics part... I watched the trailer (nothing to do at the moment, and this made me want to go and play the game :P) and everything looks very silly. :lol: The fighting looks fun though. o.o

I have a question though. Is the music as fun as what's heard here? :D

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:20 pm 
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I'm with Riyoku, this game has just sucked me IN! :O
I abosuloutly can't wait to get home and do some more! I'm in chapter three was well, heading back to brighvale to stock up majorily on those basic fruits, so I have lots of food for the Turmac that I want to re-pick-up in Market town. Then I'm doing a load of sidequests and treasure-finding to buy up the upgrades in Market town. THEN I'm going to boshot to get the bridge repaired. xD I don't mind sidequests, there fun. The early part of the game was almost to much, with becomming a squire and all, but I think that was the worst part so far...getting the hilt of the sword was also annoying.

Overall, I'm liking this game. The claymation-like cutscenes are really quite nice, as I've always been a fan of claymation! (*coughCorpesBrideandNightmareBeforeChristmascough*
I was chuckling a bit near the begging, as that old nights speech about showing things to his parents through actions seemed to be talking more to the player than the charecter. xD but really, its all good.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:55 pm 
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I'm really liking this game. It's just my kind of thing. It's a bit slow in the beginning (I'm want to kill that guy in the recruiting place) but it picks up a bit more when you become a knight.

I'm at Bogshot right now and currently trying to figure out how you're supposed to beat Kastralis. Usually when I'm stuck at a part it's because I'm missing something blatantly obvious like I forget to go in that specific cave because I thought I'd already explored it before, or I didn't think to jump to that ledge because I didn't know I could jump that far. So I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:39 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I looked at the trailers and Zelda was everywhere ;_;


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 Post subject: darkest
PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:40 pm 
PPT Baby
PPT Baby

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i am in the uk can i get the game yet cos i would like to play it as it looks good

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:41 pm 
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Anoohilator wrote:
I looked at the trailers and Zelda was everywhere ;_;

Well see, I've never played any of the zelda games, and the only Link game I played was for the old nintendo, when you couldn't save...

So it dosn't bother me much. xD


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:38 am 
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I got the same promo card but I don't understand why you felt the intro was pathetic. I'm really not trying to be rude but I'm tired of hearing people bash this game. It wasn't intended to be this awesome and uber selling game to top all games. It's made for fans only. I'm just tired of hearing people complain and whine about things, everyone is so childish and ungreatful.

The graphics, in my opinion, are very well done. It doesn't freeze, it pauses to load the map. Which isn't such a big deal, not in my opinion. It could be a lot worse. It's not like most games where, before you start a new part of the game, it takes you to a 20 second load screen with just some goofy graphic.
The voice acting is much better than you could probably do, so it seems to me that you're just out to bash this game. Most of what you're saying about two different voices is completely not true. You can even look in the manual and see that there is one person per character, not two. So I have no clue where you're getting that from. They're not of a different gender either; seriously I think you have hearing problems or something. You seem to not know much about video games nor are you very mature. You've made quite a few childish comments. (Oh and if you want to be immature about this and attack me, I really don't care what you have to say about/to me)

You must just be horrible at games because there were no enemies you had to run from o_O I always defeated them all, which is probably why I haven't finished the game yet. I explore and fight much more than I probably should. If you would take the time to realize that this game was created with kids in mind (because not all 10 year olds are obsessed with gaming) so they couldn't make things too terribly difficult or hard. I have no clue what glitch you're talking about. I do have to say that the camera angles were the one things that annoyed me most about the game. It could have been done a lot better.

The TCG was released around the time the game was because of that reason. I rarely ever died and sorry to seem extremely rude but I've played a lot of games in my day and I do realize that it was made for young kids, not teenagers. If you do need help with the game, feel free to contact me. I promise I'm not as rude as I've come off xD

The music, I completely love. I find it amazing (maybe it's just me?) I am tired of hearing people compare this game to Zelda and then they're like "this game could never top Zelda". The game wasn't made to be a best-seller; it was made for fans and fans only. I don't know, I guess it just annoys me that people are so critical of this game and I think people put this game on a platform higher than they should have.

I'm not saying this game is awesome and the best ever, but it's a lot better than people have been saying. Also, you do get to explore Altador, it's near the end of the game.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:50 am 
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jtaker wrote:

You must just be horrible at games because there were no enemies you had to run from o_O I always defeated them all, which is probably why I haven't finished the game yet.

That statement is incorrect. Trust me. You do in fact have to run from a specific set of enemies(The dark faerie sisters, you can't even damage them so far as I know, and if you check your quests, it tells you to RUN, RUN, RUN!!!) to avoid getting killed. Excaping Meridell castle then leads to the next act, Roberta's. Progess farther in a game before making such a statment.

Also: The second voice thing there talking about...outside cutscenes, charecters do often make funny noises...that dosn't really sound like their voice from the cutscene. They seem to be generic sound noises.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:30 am 
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I agree with you jtaker. I don't like the heavy criticism the game is getting from some people either. Considering the basis of the game, it could've been A LOT worse. And what I mean by that is that when I first heard about the game it sounded like how you can often find games based on movies and tv shows which are absolutely terrible in that you just play the main character and go around hitting stuff which resemble giant multicolored polygons that look like someone had tried to shape it by bashing it with a rock.

At least the makers of TDF put some effort into making you need to use some strategy with timing your attacks and motes and such. And I like the way they made it so that you can explore one seamless world (Well there's faerie land and all that but at least every area doesn't require you to use portals or something similar). And frankly I just appreciate there being cutscenes at all and they're very well done considering. For me, the best part of the game is exploring the land and wandering areas of neopia you had only known in 2D. It's a fan game, I'm a fan, and I'm enjoying it tremendously. I swear, the heaviest criticism (if you can call it criticism) I've heard about the game is from people who think that games that aren't 3rd person shooters or don't feature guns at all are kiddie games.

I have never played Zelda so I wouldn't know how it compares.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:31 am 
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jtaker wrote:
I'm just tired of hearing people complain and whine about things, everyone is so childish and ungreatful.

That's what's known as hypocrisy--you whining and complaining about other people whining and complaining. (EDIT: or is that irony? I'm not in English teacher mode right now, so I can't tell.)
jtaker wrote:
The voice acting is much better than you could probably do, so it seems to me that you're just out to bash this game.

Y'know, there are people(Roger Ebert, for example) PAID to say what they think of something, be it good or bad. When he complains about an unrealistic plot or unconvincing actors, no one says, "Hey man, I bet you couldn't do any better!" As long as the criticism isn't bashing--and there's a difference--people should be completely free to say what they think about the game without you jumping on them for it.

From this and other posts, it seems to me that you're very defensive. Back off a little, would ya?

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:00 am 

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Sorry for the late reply. I just now FINALLY got off work (*gasp* I work tommorrow too -- evil, but I don't really celebrate turkey day anyway...)

LAQ - Silly can be good too if done thoughtfully like they did. It's so silly you gotta love it. XD The fighting can be fun if you know what your doing, some of the moves you can't really fully execute on enemies though. I find the attack where you wait for the blade tip to twinkle(they call it "glowing" but that's a twinkle :P) for each swing impossible on most enemies as they interrupt you before you get past one... evil things.

YES, yes it is! The music is very riveting sometimes. I actually get audio-nausea(music/certain sounds make me sick) so I usually mute games as I play them or turn the music REALLY low if I can. But, I haven't had to yet with this game. Then again, music one person likes another could find icky so you'll just hafta hear for yourself. :P

digitel_anime_fan_20 - So THAT is where the Turmac is! Thank you! XP Any clue what benefits it bestows? The books are all, "Turmac fans say they're worth having to constantly feed" blah blah but nothing specific. X3 Bogshot has it's moments. I still jump whenever I hear a gurgle expecting it to be a tentacle attacking.. hate them so much - especally the smart ones that slap then flee immediately so once you catch up they can slap and flee again. I should really learn to start using Roberta but I'm just so paranoid the moment I do stuff will go after her like... well, every other time. XD

CrewWolf - It's Kastraliss?! Wow... I must be dumb not seeing that comming. XD Oh well... howed you find the other two berries - or am I already in the right direction with what I thought I had to do?.. or something I'm being dumb about? XD

Jedi - I have nooooo clue about it being in the UK yet or not. I -think- TNT did an Editorial on that question and said they weren't sure - but I may be remembering wrong. XP Just ask the stores there. Someone somewhere surely knows.

jtaker - Okay, but where was I bashing? I found the intro lame - that's it, just my opinion and you seriously don't need to tear into me for my opinion being different. Everything else I said I liked, yet you're yelling at me for that? How.. odd? I really don't have anything to say to that. :P

digitel_anime_fan_20 - Thank you for clearing that up. If you play hide and seek with the girl aisha, the sounds she makes were DEFINATELY made by a male voice actor. I had to point it out to my friend who was watching me play and they got a hoot out of that one, as did I. I love it. XD

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:47 am 
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Riyoku wrote:
CrewWolf - It's Kastraliss?! Wow... I must be dumb not seeing that comming. XD Oh well... howed you find the other two berries - or am I already in the right direction with what I thought I had to do?.. or something I'm being dumb about? XD

You basically just have to walk around and happen upon them. They're in specific places, I just can't remember which ones.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:50 am 

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CrewWolf wrote:
Riyoku wrote:
CrewWolf - It's Kastraliss?! Wow... I must be dumb not seeing that comming. XD Oh well... howed you find the other two berries - or am I already in the right direction with what I thought I had to do?.. or something I'm being dumb about? XD

You basically just have to walk around and happen upon them. They're in specific places, I just can't remember which ones.

Oh darn, thank you anyway. *claws at evil swamp mud* is Kast just really really strong or? ._.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:06 am 
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Riyoku wrote:
CrewWolf wrote:
Riyoku wrote:
CrewWolf - It's Kastraliss?! Wow... I must be dumb not seeing that comming. XD Oh well... howed you find the other two berries - or am I already in the right direction with what I thought I had to do?.. or something I'm being dumb about? XD

You basically just have to walk around and happen upon them. They're in specific places, I just can't remember which ones.

Oh darn, thank you anyway. *claws at evil swamp mud* is Kast just really really strong or? ._.

The berries are pretty easy to spot since you could easily mistake them for a mote from far away, so don't go trying to dig around in the mud and bushes :)

Kast isn't really strong exactly but the way you have to beat him can get a bit annoying although not much more than that.


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