This is going to be very hard but the idea came to me last night when I was thinking of how cool secret passages are. I'm going to make a castle, out of card, six floors made individually. Secret passages, rooms, most probably stairs.
One of the harder things is that the only materials I am using to make it is card and sell-o-tape.
Another hard thing is that I'm going to make the floors rearrangeable. Instead of making a set 1st,2nd,3rd.... I'm going to make it so you can change it from that to 2nd,5th,3rd.... except 6th which is the roof and will always be on top.
Are there any tips on which to make this easier, I'm also thinking of painting after I'm done which will be harder than from the start but I'm awkward like that.
If you want more details or want to be on a mailing list for pictures (yeah right) post here or PM me, otherwise post for tips or how crazy I am and how much time it'll take.
set by whhattisthiss. Thanks!