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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:56 am 
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It is simple, but I'm not sure the Elaborate part works. I'm not fond of using both ends of the scale to describe something, and while others may disagree I don't think it really works here.

I was referring to the fact that at a quick glance, its a pretty simplistic blue signature with a name and a shadow. But when you look at it closer, there's a lot more to it with fading colours, different shades etc.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:37 am 
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This was an exceedingly difficult sig to add subtext. Whilst most people opted for "blue" variations, I'm amazed that was the majority of what people could "see" and what was deemed acceptable.

I saw the Y hand signal Image
as a challenge, in other words, "I'm cool, fear me," the blue overwash hiding the talents on cursory examination.
However judging is a subjective assessment - So be it.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:26 am 
Beyond Godly
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Wow this was a toughie, huh? To me, the signature was mysterious and jazzy but not depressing. I was looking for originality but I could just see too many similar subtexts. I do think it was open to interpretaion as a signature and I particulary liked the ones which made the reader really think about the image. I'm fed up of the word blue though, please, please, in future rounds, if you see a word that's repeated in many of the others sigs, try to think of a synomyn for that word unless no other word would fit.


_jade_em_ - Sinking in the Depths of Darkness
Hum. I like the fact that you've refered to the image underneath the overlay. Nice and original and no blue. Thumbs up from Twinkle!

.:Compact Disk:. - The Lady in Blue
Like the Lady in Red? I get it. But I see the person in the background as male. Unless you meant Fzun. It's alright but I would have like to have seen a synomyn of blue.

.:Requiem:. - Deeply, Beautifully Blue
To me, the sig is very unusual and mysterious but not beautiful. I just think you could have played around with the wording more so.

Ammer - Trapped in the Blue
It works well on the signature and matches the images used. I think you have potential but I'd like to see you use more diverse language. Eg, Azure, Sapphire rather than Blue. However, the blue does work.

Anoohilator - Be Blue *fade* Doo-bah-dee-doo
I like it actually. The bluesy, jazzy subtext matches well with the sig. Nice job.

Anubis - If my shadow feels blue -fade out, then in- how do I feel?
I don't like this one. It's too deep and meaningful for the sig. Although the colours are dark, I don't think the feel of the sig is.

Atjj - a song of peace
I like it. I can see the person singing and the peace sign in the background which I would not have noticed without readning your sig. Nice work.

dargonz - Singing in the Blue
Nice but a little ordinary. It's very literal isn't it really? I want description for this sig.

Divine - Behind this ocean of blue... *fade* peace lies concealed.
Nice! I love it. Good job.

DM was on fire! - In a Blue Mood
It's very bleh to me. I don't think that the sig is particulary depressing or dark so it doesn't really fit.

Forest_Majesty - Hues of Blue
Nice. It flows very well which I like. However, I would have liked to have seen you tie the overall look of the sig with the shapes in the background.

gemma58 - Fear My Hidden Talents
I don't understand it at all. It seems completely unrelated to the sig. I know you wanted to bring out the "Y" hand shape from the background but I don't see it. Even if I did, I don't think it would fit.

Khristian - Out of the Blue
Very ordinary and predictable. I love seeing things from a unique perspective and this fits but doesn't really stand out to me as one of the better ones.

matterbug - Lost in the dark.
I like this. I love the way you've implied there's something behind the actual signature. And no blue so thumbs up to you!

paperfacesX022 - Living in the blue
Again, it's bleh. Ordinary, fits but is unoriginal.

pattypus - In the state of blue
Hm. I don't like this one either. I'm not sure if I understand it.

Stephanie - When your blue, the whole world can see it.
ARGH! Sorry but this is a peeve of mine! Always, always, check your grammar and spelling before submitting a sub-text. Shove it into Word and do a check on it if you have to. As for the sub-text, it's ordinary. However, the use of the word blue does work here and no other synomyn would go really.

Sweet Pea -In the darkness, my spirit lies
Hm, it's altogether too deep for the overall sig. I don't think it quite matches up.

the_dog_god - Simplisticly Elaborate
I like that you're trying to refer to the sig as a whole and not just the image or colour but I feel like there was so much more you could have done with this sig. The words were a bit of a mouthful too. Maybe Simply Complicated would have looked better. Overall, I don't like it sorry. It just doesn't sum up the sig in the way that sub-text should do.

VeraX - Hiding in the Blues.
Boy, this is depressing huh? It's okay but I think that another word for blue could have worked well here. I'm quite disappointed really.

Wind - Hiding from reality
I like that you've mentioned the background without mentioning blue which must have been difficult to do. However, I feel like there's something missing.

gemma, the_dog_god, Anubis and pattypus.

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:24 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Ratings to come soon, it appears I have been keylogged (where someone records all your keystrokes), and am trying to rid of it.

Click the wonderful signature. You know you want to.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:18 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Twinkle wrote:
.:Compact Disk:. - The Lady in Blue
Like the Lady in Red? I get it. But I see the person in the background as male. Unless you meant Fzun. It's alright but I would have like to have seen a synomyn of blue.

Thank god one judge is english... -.- *huggles you*

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:19 pm 
Beyond Godly
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.:Compact Disk:. wrote:
Twinkle wrote:
.:Compact Disk:. - The Lady in Blue
Like the Lady in Red? I get it. But I see the person in the background as male. Unless you meant Fzun. It's alright but I would have like to have seen a synomyn of blue.

Thank god one judge is english... -.- *huggles you*

:P Two, actually! I'm working on them now, I'll edit once I'm done.

Click the wonderful signature. You know you want to.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:25 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Round Note:
This was a hard round, I must say myself. Blue was... over used. I wish some of you'd throw in some variations of blue, navy, azure, whatever. There are some places where blue would fit better, though in some subtexts, a fancier name for blue would be much... better. :P

_jade_em_ - Sinking in the Depths of Darkness
Ehh, meh. I dont see this signature as the 'dark and evil' kind. And it looks like the person is just behind a curtain of blue. Dont think it fits very well.

.:Compact Disk:. - The Lady in Blue
It doesn't strike me as a lady. However, Fzun, I believe, is female. So that would kina work itself out. The wording is a bit drab however.

.:Requiem:. - Deeply, Beautifully Blue
Ehh, this doesn't strike me as good as your other one. This one's not bad, I mean, it fits and all. I think it's just missing a special something. Just doesn't stand out as much. Perhaps it would be better, if you somehow incorperated another 'b' word in the beginning instead of Deeply. That might make it more catchy.

Ammer - Trapped in the Blue
I dont like the whole 'trapped' concept. There isn't much to suggest that the person's trapped really. Well, there isn't very much to go on in the signature. However, this one just seems a bit less fitting than the others.

Anoohilator - Be Blue *fade* Doo-bah-dee-doo
I like the concept of this one. I'm glad you didn't go with the whole 'trapped' and 'dark' theme. I believe the mood of the signature is just about right. But that, I think, is about personal preference. I think the person is doing something musical, so...

Anubis - If my shadow feels blue -fade out, then in- how do I feel?
Ehh, I like the first part, but the second part... I dunno. I think you should've left it simpler. Something like, 'Blue shadow' or 'Shadow in the Blue'. The whole wording of it is what throws it off.

Atjj - a song of peace
I dont like how you've made little connection to the signature. Sure, there are many assumptions made this round, you might see a peace sign there, but others might not. And I, well, I see a shadow thing, but it doesn't really look like a peace sign to me. The wording is a bit drab and boring as well.

dargonz - Singing in the Blue
Eh, though I personally think the person might be doing something musical of sorts, but er... The wording sounds really bad to me.

Divine - Behind this ocean of blue... *fade* peace lies concealed.
Again, I dont really see a peace sign there... I think it would be best, if you had just left the signature to 'Behind this ocean of blue...' In which case would leave the reader to imagine, and I do believe this is a very vauge sig.

DM was on fire! - In a Blue Mood
Ehhh... This is actually not bad. Its not that good, but the signature was a really hard one. This can vaugely relate to Fzun too, which is a plus.

Forest_Majesty - Hues of Blue
This works, really. It sounds a bit awkward to me, but it works. That's about... all I can say. :P

gemma58 - Fear My Hidden Talents
I dont see how this relates to the signature very much... The 'fear' part sorta makes the whole thing sound more like 'Ph34r mah hidden powas!' Which... isn't very good. :P

Khristian - Out of the Blue
Out of the blue? The signature sounds more like a 'In to the blue' to me. :P But that's the name of a movie... so...

matterbug - Lost in the dark.
Again, I dont really find this signature to have very much of a darkness theme. Its very... non-fitting for the signature... meh. I cant really elaborate more. :P

paperfacesX022 - Living in the blue
Also a bit drab, but it passes. I think it would sound better, if you had gotten rid of the 'the', and just leave it as 'Living in blue'.

pattypus - In the state of blue
I'm in the state of confusing a bit right now. X_x;; I think you're trying to get across the fact that the person is feeling blue... but... it doesn't sound quite right.

Stephanie - When your blue, the whole world can see it.
Tell you the truth, I quite like this one. Cant put my finger on it though. And I think you dont need a fade here, its good as there is lots of empty room in the signature.

Sweet Pea - In the darkness, my spirit lies
Again with the darkness theme. =\ Which doens't quite suit the signature. Also, the theme sounds a bit too serious for this signature. Sounds a bit more like an anime subtext to me. =\

the_dog_god - Simplisticly Elaborate
I dunno, I'm thinking the signature is bit more simplistic than elaborate. It'd be better if you'd just gone with 'Simply ____' And replace the blank with something else.

VeraX - Hiding in the Blues.
This is okay... but, I feel the person isn't hiding, I think he's more 'behind' than hiding. :P Also, I feel that 'blues' would be better as just 'blue' and get rid of the S.

Wind - Hiding from reality
Again, I dont feel that it's hiding, but behind. :P Also, I'm not really sure about the reality bit. Sounds a bit more serious than the signature intends to show. For me anyways.

I vote out -

Anubis, Atjj, Gemma and Sweet Pea

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:29 pm 
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Well, mixed responses on my subtext. I used Lost in the Dark, because I think blue was being overused, and I wanted to do something different. The first thing I thought of when I looked at it was that the figure in the background was "lost" in the darkness of the sig. That's why I used it I guess.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:55 pm 
Beyond Godly
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A tough round, overall, the picture was open to interpretation. I'll try to judge appropriately. I think the overuse of blue is probably down to multiple meanings of blue, as in the colour, depressed, as water and the genre of music.

Sinking in the Depths of Darkness

Yes, I like this one. The incorporation of the silhouette is a sensible idea, so well done.

.:Compact Disk:.
The Lady in Blue

I like this, too. It's a play on words, which I always like, and the word 'blue' is used to good effect here, it's much more natural than something like 'azure' or 'navy', which I find important in a subtext. Good work.

Deeply, Beautifully Blue

I preferred your other subtext, but, that aside, I think this is a solid, rather than outstanding, subtext. 'Deeply' works well, with the varying shades. I'd argue that it isn't the most beautiful scene, however.

Trapped in the Blue

I can see the subtext working, again, blue seems more natural than azure or navy. I also see the trapped. A sound effort.

Be Blue *fade* Doo-bah-dee-doo

I like this one, relating to both the genre of music and the colour, I like the way you used Herman (Khris is stupid, I meant the sound thing. Stupid Khris.) to a good effect, well done! One of my favourites of the round.

If my shadow feels blue -fade out, then in- how do I feel?

I don't really like this one, as much as the others. It would have been a nice chance to use rhyme, as I don't really think 'how do I feel' works well. It doesn't seem to fit.

a song of peace

I like this one, it's very nicely composed. I think the way you used both the singing man and peace symbol, combined in one, a brilliant idea. Well done.

Singing in the Blue

It's better than some of the others, but to be honest, it's not fantastic. A solid combination of the singing and blue, though.

Behind this ocean of blue... *fade* peace lies concealed.

Very smart, a great effort, nothing much, other than congratulation. My favourite of the round.

DM was on fire!
In a Blue Mood

I don't really like this, but, under assumptions, I guess it works. Not a fan, though.

Hues of Blue

I really like this one, it's very different from many of the other subtexts, and I'm a fan of rhyming. A really good effort, well done.

Fear My Hidden Talents

I don't really like this one, I personally, could not see the 'Y', and if I did, I still don't think this fits. I'm getting a jazzy feel from it.

Out of the Blue

I like this, I found the signature somewhat random, and so this fits nicely. A solid, yet maybe too predictable, effort.

Lost in the dark.

I like this, it's a twist to the other texts. Though the person doesn't exactly look lost, I think I see what you are trying to communicate. A good try.

Living in the blue

I'm not as keen on this, it seems a little mundane. I see the blue, but little else in this. I don't understand where you got the living from. Okay, the character is alive, but it doesn't seem the link I'd have liked.

In the state of blue

I'm not too sure on this one either, I see the blue, and I see little else. It's okay, but not great. I'm just confused.

When your blue, the whole world can see it.

I like this one, though don't think the character is particularly visible. Still, it's one of my favoured ones this round. Well done, but remember your apostrophes!

Sweet Pea
In the darkness, my spirit lies

I don't understand where you're getting spirit from, it doesn't really make much sense. I see a singing figure, and a peace sign. Not one of my favoured texts.

Simplisticly Elaborate

I like this one, the contrast works well. One of the better subtexts, seem more original, and originality always score bonus points.

Hiding in the Blues.

I don't think this fits, sorry, not a fan.

Hiding from reality

I don't really like this one, either.

Votes to Anubis, Gemma, pattypus and Sweet Pea

(has really gotta go)

Click the wonderful signature. You know you want to.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:54 pm 
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Anubis, Gemma and Sweat Pea had the most votes.

TDG, pattypus, Atjj and Dargonz are all tied with two votes. I will use a randomizer to decided who is eliminated.



Anubis, Gemma, Sweat Pea and Atjj may not participate in this round.


Subtexts are due Sunday October 16


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:57 pm 
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Location: Vancouver.:Platypus set by Ken- many thanks!:.
Phew... that was close! :o
Here's mine.

Chocolaty Goodness

Is chocolaty a word? Oh well. :P

I might change it.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:23 am 
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The real treat is inside.

Dunno, probably will change.


Set by Twisted Sanity.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:37 am 
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Food of the Gods

Will most likely change.

Awesome Set By WIS

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:40 am 

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None can resist its divine aura

Ehs. That for now. Probably will change, I just want to make sure I thought of something.

EDIT: Change!

a divinely sweet aura surrounds

Argh this is hard! =[

Last edited by Divine on Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:04 am 
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