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"Win a Million Neopoints" Contest - Bonus Round

Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:04 pm

Hi all. :) Okay, this is how the game is going to work. I will post four multiple choice questions each round. You will have two days to PM your answers. Then answers are given and points awarded. The member(s) with the lowest score will be removed from the game. After each round, there will be a bonus round. The bonus round will be something everyone has an equal chance at, like guess a number. Then the questions start again. The last member left will be awarded one million neopoints.

If a member does not get their answers in on time, then they do not get points for that round. If more than one person has the lowest score after a round, there will be some sort of tie-breaker. After two tie-breakers, if there isn't one member with the lowest points (depending on how many ties are involved) they are all removed.

When a person is removed from the game, they will have the option to PM one question for the remaining players to answer later on.

You will have two days to answer the questions. The bonus round will take one day. All deadlines are midnight EST.

There will be prizes for first, second, third and fourth places. There will also be a prize for the person that accumulated the most bonus points (out of the people that didn't place for a prize). This way, even if a person doesn't know that much about me, they have a chance at a prize. The prizes will be neopoints, with the winner receiving one million np. I'll reveal how much the neopoint prizes are for the other places at the end of the contest. (It depends on how much I game/restock while the contest is being held.) :)

I'm sorry to say the questions will be about me, but I couldn't think of anything else that couldn't be Googled. lol

Also, do not play if you do not want to accept the main prize if you win 1st place. That is the point of the contest, not to prove how well you know me.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. ^.^

Current Participants

Blk Mage
Sweet Pea

Anyone is free to sign up until the first round ends. Then signup will be closed. :) (The signup thread is here.)

All answers besides the bonus round will be PM'd. This is to help prevent copying. ^.^ Please title your PMs something along the lines of "1 Million Nps - Round #". Also, there will be no eliminations in the first two rounds. They will be just to get used to the game and to get a score underway before people have to start leaving. :)

If you are not going to be present for any reason and know so ahead of time, let me know. I can give you the questions early for while you are gone and you can PM the answers back to me. I have done this in another game and it has worked out quite well. If you miss a round, I do not want to hear excuses. You will simply not get points.

I hope you all enjoy the game! I am very excited to see who will win! ^.^

First thread


Round 6

I was having a bit of computer problems, so you will have longer for this round. You will have until midnight EST Friday night to PM your answers to me.

Here are your questions:

Round 6

1. What place am I in my family?

a) oldest b) youngest c) middle d) only child

2. How many of my grandparents do I have left?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

3. One of my relatives recently got married last year. Who was it?

a) cousin b) aunt c) sister d) godmother

4. Last year we moved into our home. Where is this in relation to my family?

a) same state b) nearby town c) same town d) as far as I could go

I will post the answers and scores on Saturday and then the bonus round will begin. Also, this is the first elimination round. Good luck! :)

(Btw, don't forget to check the bonus round results at the end of the previous thread. :) )
Last edited by Jasujo on Sat Oct 01, 2005 1:30 pm, edited 9 times in total.

Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:32 pm

:P I knew I should have chose Turkey!
I was going to change, but wasn't sure if we were allowed.

(psst, you didn't link to the last thread)

Now, to start on this round!

Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:05 pm

I never get the bonus rounds right either :P

Sent pm, some guessing, fingers crossed here.

Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:15 pm

Sorry to moan, but... I said turkey too. :cry:

Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:41 pm

Chicken... turkey... same thing, right?

Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:44 pm

Anubis wrote:Sorry to moan, but... I said turkey too. :cry:

Sorry about that. :) Your point has been added. :)

Pixa wrote:(psst, you didn't link to the last thread)

Lol. I didn't think I had to because it's right there on the page, just a bit down. ;)

Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:50 pm

Guess, guess, guess, guess.

I sent it in today, because every time I try to remind myself to send it in the next day I end up forgetting!

Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:48 pm

Dang, I was typing Turkey, but changed it to Ham...when I was replying to the bonus. Darn, I should have left it alone.

oOo I think I'll probably guess this round like before. X3

Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:56 pm

As I said, turkey is the only meat... in Mt. Kuge. :o

Um... I'll wait to the last possible minute to turn my answers in. XD

Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:09 am

Hmm. A definate 3, if i can get four maybe it'll help redeem my terrible loss in the previous round =/

Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:18 am

I'll send in my answers tomorrow. So tired. x_X;

I knew it. I shoulda picked turkey. I was thinking, "Butterball Turkey!" when I posted Salami. :(

Oh well.

Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:34 am

I love guessing lately, because I haven't been eliminated yet ;)
I think I got one, and no more- one I was pretty sure about, but now am regretting. I just realized Jas, I know like nothing about you except Twosome Tournament and just some posts. That is sad and pathetic, and we will see how long I last ;)

Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:36 am

Whee!!! Random guessing ^^

Sheesh Jasujo...your life is kept so secret from google... :roll:

Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:36 am

Forest_Majesty wrote:I love guessing lately, because I haven't been eliminated yet ;)
I think I got one, and no more- one I was pretty sure about, but now am regretting. I just realized Jas, I know like nothing about you except Twosome Tournament and just some posts. That is sad and pathetic, and we will see how long I last ;)

I don't even know anything about the Twosome Tournament!

Anyways, you can really edit your answers through the outbox, if Jas hasn't looked at them already :D.

Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:40 pm

Divine wrote:
Forest_Majesty wrote:I love guessing lately, because I haven't been eliminated yet ;)
I think I got one, and no more- one I was pretty sure about, but now am regretting. I just realized Jas, I know like nothing about you except Twosome Tournament and just some posts. That is sad and pathetic, and we will see how long I last ;)

I don't even know anything about the Twosome Tournament!

Anyways, you can really edit your answers through the outbox, if Jas hasn't looked at them already :D.

I would, but I figured that if I edited that one would probably be the wrong one and my orginal correct. I just have bad luck like that :P
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