theres something you guys have to remember. when somebody posts... for example... a robot chomby. people automatically just search robot petpets and yellow petpets, but that doesnt necessarily make it good. lots of pets arent "yellow", but have yellow on them, or there are robot petpets that arent painted "Robot".... also, the robot chomby is mainly yellow, but it also has green on it. a petpet that is green and matches the green on the chomby also looks good. dont be quick to pick petpets for a pet just because of their main color... be broad, and you'll be surprised what you can find. there are also petpets that look good with other neopets ironcially, such as cirruses and strawberry pets, because it looks like strawberries and cream.... im just sayin, dont stick with matching main colors, go further and you can find cool matches!
here... gimme a minute and ill show you what i mean...
Here are a few examples of what i was talking about... ill use exodias petpet requests....
Ok, theres the robot jetsam. people mostly look for red petpets and robot petpets....
however, i looked for christmas petpets first. lots of christmas petpets are colored red and white/silver, so thats something most people wouldnt think of, but keep in mind that just because a pet isnt "red" doesnt mean it doesnt have lots of red! I also looked up white petpets, since lots of them appear to be silver *to match the jetsam*, and i also looked up petpets that always have red on them, no matter what color they are painted *such as the bilguss, with his hair*... and lastly, i didnt look up "petpets that have been painted robot", i looked up robot petpets, like they sell at the space station. lastly, i saw that there is a simple black line on the top fin and on the back of the robot jetsam. so, look for pets that are mainly red and have a little black, and you may have a perfect match... youll see what i mean ~ heres what i came up with for the robot jetsam:
Robot petpets:
the neotrack is a good one. it isnt painted robot, its naturally a robot. and not only that, its white/silver, and also has a secondary color of red. great match! also, the poppit is o.k. because its robot, its silver, and has red eyes which match the jetsam's secondary color. however, be careful with ones like this, because that glowing green may wreck the match.
also notice the red poppit is good, not just because it is red, but it has a bit of black. not TONS of black, but the little bit of black on it is good with that bit of black on the jetsam's parts.
other red petpets:
ok, so youve noticed how the secondary color of the robot jetsam is red, so red petpets go with it great. but color isnt the only factor that makes petpet matching great. the shapes of the pets also add alot... so, what does the jetsam have that makes it original? that big ol' fin. its pointy, red, and sticks out the top of his head.... so, look for a red petpet with pointy things.
ok, the bloop isn't THAT great, but check out that acko. not only does the red match, but its also good because its got all those spikes along its back... so it naturally looks pretty neat with the fin on the jetsam. however, although i like these, my favorite red spikey petpet to match would be the spirkle.
this one is great. its red, so it matches the secondary color. it has a HUGE spike on the top, which matches. and best yet, black, but not much. black is like a small tertiary color, and now the jetsam and the petpet both have red, and a little bit of black... and so the splike works out perfect!
one other "red" petpet that works out great that has a little black is the halloween mortog. its not painted red, its halloween, but its color is red, and it has a little black, and in the best place... the top of its head! so this is another pretty good match.
however, a little distraction is that pitchfork..... its bright yellow, so that does sort of wreck it.
and lastly.... white!
white is another great color to look up. it may not be silver, but many white petpets have a silver look to them... thats where looking up strange colors may look better then ya think! ESPECIALLY when they have red in them.... such as the felf. as you can see, the felf isnt exactly white, its got alot of silvery grey, as well as the red, so it looks good. the anubis doesnt have any real "red"... but the white anubis is really silver looking, so it is also a good match.
and lastly, like i mentioned before, this may be a king of them all. bilguss... you may not think of it, but the bilguss is a great match for the robot jetsam.
look at all the reasons. it may be a "white" petpet, but it is actually very grey/silvery. it has black, but not very much... its very subtle, but those little black eyes are perfect for having a little black. and lastly, it has red, but not too much. and where? on the top of its head. hes got a red wavy thing on the top of its head, so it looks great with the robot jetsam!! doesnt that rock??
well, i was bored tonight, and ive seen many people just match pets with petptes by looking up certain colors.... but remember, just because a pet is plusie, doesnt mean a plushie petpet must go with it. i hope i showed you how there are MANY factors that can make a petpet match with a neopet.... nifty, eh?
*and i bet that really helps you, exodia