Luke looked upwards, still clutching Lila's hand with his own hand, his other arm hanging uselesssly by his side. A bright white mist had appeared on the water, and suddenly the seas fell calm. Thunder clapped around the light, echoing solitude, resentment, death. Luke's eyes blurred over as he kept his eyes on the mist.
Something snapped him out of it, a scream, someone falling, someone landing beside his feet with a sickening crunch, lying on their front. Hesitantly, Luke let go of Lila's hand, and turned the body over. It was Karl, his eyes wide in shock, reeled backwards on a sturdy, untossing ship.
There was a crash somewhere in the mist, and the seas started tossing again, throwing Luke away, away from Lila, to the other side, making him regret his decision to let go of her immediately. "LILA!" Luke screamed, and the seas stopped tossing again as the rain beat down on Luke's head, preventing him from seeing anything. Suddenly, a light blinded him, and as he raised his hand to cover his eyes, he was thrown backwards, reeling into the sea, which he fell into with an almighty splash.
Kerami stood, screaming orders to Karl, telling him to get a hold of himself, when Kerami himself was obviously losing it as well. Suddenly, Kerami felt a force of wind, almost like a ghostly hand, and he fell back onto the deck. Karl was not so lucky, and Kerami forced himself not to watch as Karl was thrown backwards, in front of two of the kids.
Kerami looked up once more, hearing the crash, hearing the splash as one of the teenagers fell into the water, and watching the ghostly ship as it drew closer and closer towards them, bearing a skeleton as its figurine, and a man who was little more than a skeleton standing on the bow, looking directly at the captain.