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 Post subject: The Twelfth Kingdom ((Now Open for Side Characters Only))
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:58 am 
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Posts: 1190
Joined: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:20 pm
Location: Australia
NOTE: If you wish to create a secondary character, please do not create it in Opal or Pearl. Thankyou.

The Twelfth Kingdom

There is a realm named Ouhta, consisting of twelve kingdoms. These twelve kingdoms live in the time that we call “medieval”. Each kingdom is different and each person from each kingdom has a special characteristic that links them with their people. This is the story of the people of Ouhta’s fight for survival and the fight for their land.

It is said that the God Anaedaan created one land named Ouhta. The people of this land made Anaedaan their king and worshipped him. All was at peace. Until another god named Induisha grew jealous of Anaedaan and destroyed him. Anaedaan exploded into twelve pieces of rock: Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Diamond, Emerald, Pearl, Ruby, Peridot, Sapphire, Opal, Topaz and Zircon. They fell to the land.

Legend says that when the stones fell they cracked the land into eleven different pieces. Each of the lands became different kingdoms named after the stone that had fallen on that land.

As time wore on the stones began to change the land and the people on them. For example, the people of Sapphire migrated to the ocean and learnt how to breathe underwater.

However the two stones, Diamond and Garnet, had fallen onto the same land. The two kingdoms lived together for many years in peace. But they slowly grew weary of each other. The people began warring with each other until one day the people of the kingdom of Diamond simply vanished. The kingdom of Garnet concluded that the people of Diamond had fled the land because they knew they could not win the war against them. Whatever had truly happened, the people of Diamond were never seen on the land again. Slowly the Diamond kingdom became story, a fairytale that only young children found delight in.

In fact the people of Diamond had only moved to the skies, building their cities on clouds, watching over Ouhta and its eleven lands. The people of Diamond grew wings and gained magical abilities so that when people saw them they would often be mistaken for angels or spirits of Anaedaan.

Over time the people of each kingdom realised how precious the stones that controlled their lands were. Each stone was hidden in a special place in each kingdom. And only each ruler of each kingdom knew where their stone was hidden.

It was said that if the twelve stones were joined together all the kingdoms would be as well and they would form a sort of ‘super race’ and the great God Anaedaan would return to lead them. The eleven kingdoms wished to do this but the people of Diamond did not wish to join with the other people. They believed that they were above them.

And so life went on like this for many years.

One night, while reading the stars, the people of Diamond discovered that Induisha planned to destroy all the lands of Ouhta by taking the stones that protected each kingdom. Each kingdom had become dependant on the stone that protected them and without them; the land and the people would disintegrate. The Diamond people were not worried. They knew that their stone was safe enough. They also knew that Induisha was sending down a group of demons to each realm to find out where the stone was. But they thought he would not send demons to their kingdom as he didn’t know where it was. In fact they were quite glad. They thought of themselves as the true people of Anaedaan, they believed that after Induisha had destroyed the other kingdoms Anaedaan would emerge and crown the people of Diamond his true people.

But Crown Princess Serenity of the realm of Diamond doesn’t understand how her people can desert the other realms. She decides to send messengers to the other realms to warn them. The council sees this as a problem and attempts to distract her. Still she fights on, trying to save the other kingdoms… She knows if she does not reach them soon they will all perish and Ouhta with it. She plans to unite all of the Kingdoms, so that they may fight as one, to save themselves and their people.

Background Information On Each Realm:


Location: In a volcano.
General Appearance: Light, slightly revealing clothes. Bright earthy colours (reds, browns, oranges, etc). They generally have short hair.
Personality: They’re tough, rash people, only loyal to their country and themselves and great melee fighters.
Special Characteristic: They can withstand any type of heat and even hold fire and become effective human torches.


Location: Cities in the treetops of the tall and dense jungle they reside in.
General Appearance: Tight clothing that stretches over their bodies to give them good movements. Browns and greens mainly, for camouflage.
Personality: They’re subtle, silent and they tend to analyse a situation before making a decision. Great thinkers.
Special Characteristic: They are very agile and can jump long distances, making them able to jump from treetop to treetop and swing from vines. They are quite talented at hand-to-hand combat.


Location: Cities are situated on the top of mountains above breathable atmosphere making it a great defence for hostile armies.
General Appearance: Creative clothes all in one colour with lots of accessories.
Personality: They’re a sleepy people, not impulsive and quite slow. But there is a vast knowledge which hides deep within them.
Special Characteristic: They have the ability to stop time, slow it down and make it faster for short periods of time.


Location: Ever since they were driven from their homes by the war between Garnet and their people they were a wandering kingdom until they were lifted into the heavens by the power of their stone. There they built wondrous cities in the clouds that the people on land could only dream of.
General Appearance: Long, flowing clothes. Pale complexion and lots of jewellery. Generally they wear their long hair free and flowing.
Personality: The general populace is shy and timid and the arrogant governing council has taken advantage of this to suit their wants of power and domination.
Special Characteristics: Each person has a pair of large, white, feathery wings attached to their back and they possess small amounts of magical knowledge.


Location: They live in a deep, lush forest full of animals and plants with whom the people of Emerald have learned to share their homes with.
General Appearance: They all tie their long hair into unique styles which resemble their personality. They wear light tunics with many belts and tights.
Personality: These people are merry and hospitable, they enjoy helping people and when they are around people feel happier and safer.
Special Characteristics: Each person has an animal companion who follows them around loyally. They have the ability to call on the land around them for any kind of help, like food or protection.


Location: Their kingdom resides completely in snow.
General Appearance: They were many layers of thick clothes. They all have thick hair.
Personality: They are cold, crude, distant people. They rarely help people or even talk to them .
Special Characteristics: They can freeze anything they touch from objects to animals.


Location: These people live in the sides of mountains, on cliffs and in caves.
General Appearance: They have short spiky hair. They wear tough, durable clothes.
Personality: They are creative people who are excellent diggers and can make tunnels in hours.
Special Characteristic: If they hold onto an object or person, and concentrate very hard, then they can blow it up. They are very tough and sturdy in that they can survive long falls or even small explosions.


Location: They are an agricultural people, who live on fields and farms tending to their livestock and crops.
General Appearance: They have brown skin, light hair and working clothes.
Personality: They are unbelievably simple and slow, but very understanding and forgiving.
Special Characteristic: They can read minds.


Location: Their realm is mainly ocean surrounding a group of tiny islands.
General Appearance: They all have blue or green eyes (or in between), they all wear light clothes and they all wear pendants or rings that can shape shift them into sea animals.
Personality: They are calm and serene. They are above war and seek peace instead. They ally with all realms.
Special Characteristics: In their human form they can breathe underwater and are very fast swimmers.


Location: They underground in darkness. (Under an island)
General Appearance: They have a pinched appearance and bright eyes, fine hair which is kept shoulder length and they wear warm clothes.
Personality: Dark, pessimistic, but they are loyal and brave and possess courage of many kinds.
Special Characteristics: They can see in the darkness in which they live. They also have super-human strength.


Location: They live in the desert.
General Appearance: Tanned skin, sun bleached hair and protective clothes which cover most of their body.
Personality: They are hard workers, reliable and sincere.
Special Characteristics: They can move at the speed of sound for short periods of time.


Location: In caves under the sea, all remnants of their island have sunk. These caves have air pockets in them as the people of Zircon cannot naturally breathe underwater.
General Appearance: Short hair, they all wear veils to protect their bodies from the humidity. They generally wear light loose fabric with plenty of room for their skin to breathe.
Personality: They are sharp and empathetic. They feel rather than see.
Special Characteristics: They can magically heal people.

Information and Rules about the Role Play:

Myself and Rachel (.:Eternal_Spirit:.) are the two GCs of this RP. And if you have any questions please feel free to PM either one of us anytime. (Note: We’re both from Sydney so our timezone is +10)

Basically this RP’s main characters are meant to be rulers of the different kingdoms. You may decide what type of government rules over the kingdom, what the cities look like and other cultural details which we haven’t specified.

You may also have up to 2 other characters who don’t have to be rulers, whether they are main or side is up to you.

Please PM either one of us your bios, we will decide on who rules each kingdom by who has the best bio and by who sends us their bio first.

But don’t worry if you don’t get the kingdom or the role you are after. There are heaps to choose from and all are very unique and powerful in their own way.

If you choose for a kingdom to be ruled by a dictator (see below) then you must also have a character who is the ‘good’ character. In that they are trying to help unite the kingdoms, not take over them like the dictator might be. This character might be a warrior/hero, or even a past ruler who was booted out by the dictator.

You also must create a demon and any minions that plague your kingdom, the ‘leader’ demon should be in disguise. Your character must not know about these demons at the start, they can be anyone from best friends to mortal enemies. (See demon bio below).
Note: Demons are NPCs.

The currency is as follows-
100 Bronze Coins = 1 Silver Coin
100 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Coin
100 Gold Coins = 1 Gold Bar

NOTE: If you’ve read everything (all 7555 words not including this) then underneath your (extremely long and detailed) bio please include the words- Diamond Dust- in a separate note. (like this one)


Character(s) Info-
Position in Kingdom:
Appearance: (You can make this as creative as possible, go wild :P )
Personality: (Please include strengths and weaknesses)
Weapons: (If your characters use them)
News: (What’s happening in the kingdom at this time/ what’s been happening)

Kingdom info-
Government Type: (Monarchy (ruling King or Queen), Democracy (Elected leader, called Lord or Lady), Dictatorship (Evil, all powerful leader), or a combination of these)
Cultural info:
Architecture/City appearance:
Main Palace/Castle: (where it is, appearance, who lives there, etc)

Demon info-
Minions: (include common name, appearance, personality (docile, hostile, hyper, etc) and common abilities)

Ria’s bios:

Character Info-
Name: Meret Ailuros
Age: 17
Kingdom: Emerald
Position in Kingdom: Empress
Appearance: Dark brown hair which reaches her shoulders, two parts in the front are left out but the rest is bundled up into two buns at the top of her head. These are given structure with wire to become two diamonds, this is then covered with white cloth and bound at the base of each bun with gold thread. Feathers and beads are sewn onto the two top edges of the cloth. Her eyes are a deep emerald green and black eyeliner and mascara surround them. Her skin has a slight golden tan and she is quite thin and small for her age. Her outfit consists of a forest green short sleeved top which ends just below her waist with a zigzag pattern, the collar is low with the same pattern. Her pants are dark brown and made of a stiff, durable fabric. A light brown woven belt it tied around her waist and a long half-skirt falls off the right side. The half-skirt is made of pale green, forest green and white fabric. Her boots are low and are made of black leather. She wears two dark brown armbands with the zigzag pattern facing down on either arm and a pair of short forest green gloves with the zigzag pattern facing up.
Personality: Meret is cheerful and kind, but there is also a certain… distance, one feels when around her. Like she isn’t really paying attention to what you’re saying, and doesn’t really care that you’re there. Of course, most assume that is just because, being the Empress, she has a lot on her mind. Some of Meret’s strengths are that she is extremely loyal, not only to her kingdom, family and friends, but to the animals and plants of the forest and to her beliefs and ideals. She is also very brave, even if she was tortured she would never reveal any secrets of her kingdom and she never even falters if being threatened. Some of Meret’s weaknesses are that she isn’t very physically strong or fast, because of this she relies on her guards and animal companion to protect her. Meret also has a number of enemies, mainly nobles who don’t think she is fit to rule the kingdom, and because of this she has a high distrust of strangers and can very suspicious of people’s motives. Meret has always felt that something was missing in her life, ever since she was young. And as recently the feeling has only grown stronger. The feeling is always in the back of her mind, and when people of little importance speak to her she often tunes them out without realising it and continues searching for whatever it is she is missing. Sometimes, when the feeling grows too strong, she becomes extremely distant and her mind begins to spin dark tales. These tales often theorise on what she is missing and sometimes her dark thoughts start telling her that she’s missing the most important thing to a person. They start telling her that she’s missing a purpose in life… that she’s missing her soul.
History: Meret’s parents were both adventurous people, even though they were Emperor and Empress, and when Meret was very young they went out on a very long adventure. Meret had two brothers, one older and one younger,. and a younger sister and every night she would sit with them, looking out into the forest, and make up stories of their parents grand adventures. Many months passed and her parents still hadn’t returned, she sent many search parties out looking for them, and eventually her parents were found. They had both died, with mysterious wounds in a mysterious part of the forest. Meret’s older brother grew depressed when he learned that he was to become the new Emperor, a year passed and he began to grow ill and weak. Eventually he died and Meret became the Empress. Meret’s younger siblings, two twins, ran away from the palace when they learned of their brother’s death, and they were soon found, having been killed by the same mysterious creatures who killed her parents. At first Meret was frightened by the knowledge that she was to rule the Emerald Kingdom, she had wanted to refuse and run away. But then the memory of her, now gone, family came to her mind. It was obvious that the people expected her to share the fate that had befallen the rest of her family, and she began to realise that the people were losing hope because of the recent disasters. So Meret put on a brave face, did lots of research, collected a group of trusted advisors and decided to rule her kingdom. If not for her people, then for her family.
News: The annual Emerald Kingdom Spring Festival is coming up. This festival is to celebrate the beginning of Spring and is opened by the ruling Emperor or Empress. (see Cultural section below for more info)
Animal Companion: Ruti, the lion. His fur is a pale platinum colour and his mane is pure black. He is smaller than other lions but is more agile and faster.

Kingdom Info-
Government Type: Monarchy/Democracy, with the leader being called an Emperor or Empress
Cultural info: All the people of Emerald are vegetarians, they don’t eat meat, poultry or seafood. Their main diet consists of nuts, vine growing fruits and vegetables (like tomatoes, cucumber, capsicum, pumpkin and all types of berries) which they grow in their kingdom. As well as tree and root growing fruits and vegetables, rice and bread, which are grown in the other kingdoms. There are many festivals throughout the year. The main four are the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Festivals. All the people come to the main city which is decorated according to the festival. Light greens, blues and yellows for Spring. Bright yellows, oranges and reds for Summer. Dull oranges, reds and browns for Autumn. And pale browns, whites and blues for Winter. People also wear sashes and accessories in these colours. All throughout the centre of the city there are stalls and games. These stalls offer many goods and services. Some of which are, many foods, fruits and vegetables for sale, brightly coloured accessories, clothing and ornaments, and beauty booths offering to do make up and hairstyles. Many games of chance and luck are available and there are always many animals roaming around, both companions and wild creatures. The festivals usually last for many days, and each night a large bonfire is lit in the middle of the city, the people dance an sing around it. The Emerald people are all very merry and happy. As well as the festivals for the seasons, there are festivals throughout the year dedicated to the sun, the moon, animals, plants and the sea. The Emerald Kingdom also has many different types of creatures within it. Some of the most common animals are monkeys, wild cats, birds, horses and deer. The plant life mainly consists of large sturdy evergreen trees, most of which have pine cones or similar, as well as low shrubbery, many vines and few grasses. The most common pastime of people is horse back riding.
Architecture/City appearance: All the buildings in the city are made from both stone and wood. The stone is dark and granite-like in appearance and texture, its usually imported from the mines of the Ruby Kingdom. The floors of most homes and shops are covered by woven leaf and bark mats, the furniture is made of wood (chairs, tables, beds and cabinets/cupboards) and sometimes woven leaves (chairs and beanbags). Blankets and clothing are made out of cotton and silk.
Main Palace/Castle: The main palace is made out of dark green marble. It stands at the northern edge of the main city, overlooking a grand plaza, with a great view of the centre of the city. There are many rooms of the palace, the entire eastern wing is for the Emperor/Empress and their family, though at the moment only Meret stays there. The western wing is for the council and advisors, and the southern wing is for the servants and kitchens. The northern wing holds the council chambers and the throne room. Many courtyards and gardens are part of the palace and animals are allowed to roam free.

Demon info-
(1st demon type)
Name: Durgul
Appearance: Pure black skin with glowing amber eyes and long silver hair which flows freely to his waist. Thick, black leather tunic, pants, gloves and boots with many belts.
Personality: Silent mostly, spends most of his time sitting with his legs cross and eyes closed. Gets aggravated very easily, especially when disturbed by his minions, and snaps at them often.
Abilities: Amazing mental powers which require silence and a meditative state to be used. These powers are used to slowly destroy minds. They are the darkness and the doubt heard in weaker thoughts of a strong mind and the evil illness that sweeps over the weak mind.
History: Durgul was created by Induisha from the dark emotions, hatred, fear, anger and jealousy. He was sent down to slowly destroy the leaders of each kingdom, but his first target is the kingdom of Emerald. It is he who destroyed Meret’s older brother and he who has created the dark feeling inside Meret.
Minions: His minions were created from the darkness left by Meret’s younger twin siblings after they were killed. They are named Ella and Atti. They both have pale skin, pure black hair and odd coloured eyes. Ella’s right eye is amber, her left is blue. Atti’s left eye is amber, his right is blue. They are Durgul’s servants, they go out into the city wearing large dark cloaks during the night. They have no powers but they both carry daggers filled with dark magic.

(2nd demon type)
Name: Fenrir
Appearance: A pure black wolf who has eyes which are completely red. A metal ring hangs from his nose. He is larger than most wolves.
Personality: Rough and violent, he can be easily angered and is quick to attack any of his minions for disobeying or questioning him.
Abilities: His howl can strike terror into any creature’s heart. He has powerful claws and fangs.
History: Fenrir was Induisha’s pet until he was sent down to the Emerald kingdom. He commands all the evil creatures of the forest and his lair in hidden deep within the darkest, least travelled part of the forest.
Minions: His minions vary, they are all types of animals who have become demonic with Fenrir’s help.
The leaders of each animal type are-
Awkrorn, the leader of the birds, a fierce black hawk with a 3 metre wingspan.
Torarg, the leader of the cats, a small tiger whose agility and speed make up for his size.
Cahargh, the leader of the snakes, a deep emerald green python whose bright yellow eyes are hypnotic.
Ferak, the leader of the horses, an albino stallion who is one of the largest creatures in the forest.

(2nd character)
Name: Arelore Lirqualie
Age: 24
Kingdom: Amethyst
Position in Kingdom: Mercenary (she left her kingdom)
Appearance: Pale skin with black hair that is cut half way between her ears and her shoulders. Dark hazel eyes with flecks of red in them. Her outfit consists of a tight black body suit which cuts down at a sharp angle at the top and is cut into a semi circle shape on the front from her waist (revealing her stomach). Across her chest is a large dark green stripe with a smaller brown stripe running through this about two thirds of the way down. The collar is large, stiff and white, and its two ends are both up. She has two stiff sleeves covering her shoulders, the top half is dark green with bottom being white. A dark green sash made of velvet is around her waist and it is tied into a large bow at the front. A pair of long black gloves cover her hands and her arms up to her elbows. A pair of fur leg-warmers are attached to her legs below the knees. The top part is made of fluffy white fur and hangs over the rest slightly. The rest of the leg-warmers are made from dark brown fur with thin white stripes. They are held by two metal rings half way down her leg and thick metal stitches hold the fabric together. These leg-warmers cover a pair of black boots. She also wears a dark green headband and a black choker.
Personality: Arelore is very silent and a great analyser of people and situations. She tends to judge people over a long period of time and her friends are few and chosen wisely. Arelore’s strengths include her analytical nature, she can read people like an open book and often provides answers others can’t see. She is very bold, slightly more so than is normal for her people, and she often speaks her mind and gets straight to the point. Arelore’s weaknesses include her temper. Although she isn’t easily provoked and it often takes a while for her to get riled up, when her anger is finally unleashed it is virtually unstoppable. She gets sent into a frenzy of sorts and often becomes very violent when this occurs. Because of this, Arelore has been classified as a ‘Berserker’ and is considered dangerous by her people.
Weapons: Arelore uses her whole body to fight. Because of her agility she is a master at hand-to-hand combat and can leap several metres into the air.
History: Arelore discovered she was a Berserker when she was 12 years old. She had gotten into a fight with her older brother and their argument grew so loud and hostile that when the final straw was broken no-one could stop her rage. She ended up braking several of her brothers ribs and his jaw as well as fracturing both his arms and his ankle. The adults who tried to stop her ended up receiving multiple fractures themselves. Arelore was feared by her people ever since then, they all tried especially hard to be nice to her but she knew they were all afraid of her and what she could do. When she was 16 Arelore left the Amethyst kingdom. She travelled with a merchant from the Emerald Kingdom for many years, she became a mercenary for hire and her reputation slowly grew. When she was 21 Arelore moved to the Emerald Kingdom and was hired as a bodyguard for the Empress Meret.

Rachel’s bios:

Character Info-
Name: Serenity Tehsume (teh-soom-ae)
Age: 15
Kingdom: Diamond
Position in Kingdom: Crown Princess
Appearance: Has very, very pale pink hair (almost white) that reflects different colours when the light hits it (like a diamond) eyes are pink with white flecks that also reflect different colours. Very pale skin. Her hair reaches her knees and she insisted on always wearing it out, although it always gets tangled in her wings. She wears clothes that people believe are strange, but are actually influenced by people pf the other kingdoms. She wears a pale purple crop-top that has long, violet bell-sleeves. The sleeves have each have a hole in them, revealing her shoulders. She wears pale pink gloves under her sleeves, but they are barely noticed as her sleeves are so long. Threads of pink and purple beads dangle from the bottom of her top and onto her bare stomach. Her skirt starts very low at her waist and is lined with a belt of Diamonds. Her skirt is very simple. It is just two pieces of long light purple material at the front and back sewn to a piece of purple material that sits on her waist. Both the skirt and the top are encrusted with tiny diamonds that are placed randomly onto the fabric, making it shimmer when it moves. She wears pale pink tights and lose dark purple boots with fringes that come just below her knees. She wears a silver and diamond tiara on her head and a matching choker. She wears a light chain attached to a shard of the Diamond that protects her kingdom (it is given to her early in the story).
Personality: She is shy and timid. She is also very clumsy and is always tripping over her dresses she that she wears, or is falling over her wings. She is always worrying about small things and has a very small concentration span. She is not a very complex person, she is quite simple and most people can read her like a book. She is very emotional and can be quite cute. She’s very sensitive about her… limited height (she’s only five feet tall). She is creative and is a dreamer, who would rather spend her time listening to old stories than perform her duties as Crown Princess.
Serenity’s strengths are few, but honourable: she is fair and just, she cares about people, good and bad. She listens to her heart, other than her head (that could also be a weakness as well) and she trusts people (maybe more than she should). She puts others before herself. She does not like to fight and will look for any other solution than violence.
Serenity has many weaknesses, most of them unintentional. She has an awful memory and is very unreliable. The meagre spells that she is able to cast always turn out wrong. She tends to act without thinking, if she ever thinks at all. Her clumsiness prevents her from doing most activities properly; even walking is not without dilemmas.
Weapons: Her wand of life, which has been blessed by several famous and powerful sorcerers of Diamond (if she can ever find it) and a diamond encrusted silver sword with a real diamond blade that was handed down by the kings of the Diamond Kingdom. It is not a good melee weapon; rather, it was designed to attack magically. No one can figure out what it does or how to work it yet, and it is deemed useless, but Serenity carries it with her at all times, attaching it the Diamond belt at her waist, believing that it will prove itself one day.
History: Serenity is an only child and her parents died when she was only three. She is has always been clumsy and timid and was never respected by the council. They regard her as a disgrace to the Royal family of Diamond but they know that her people adore her, so they cannot overthrow her.
Serenity befriended a girl named Usnami, (Oos-naa-mee) who was kidnapped from the Kingdom of Zircon to serve her. Usnami learned magic quickly and effectively and trains Serenity (who never learns much anyway) in the art.
She never fitted into the royal community and finds them boring. She likes to escape the palace to explore the land of Ouhta with the other children of Diamond.
News: The people of Diamond have just discovered that Induisha is planning to destroy the eleven kingdoms of Ouhta. The council ignores the matter, as they believe that their kingdom is safe. They do not care what happens to the other realms.
Serenity is shocked that her people can be so cold and immediately organises for messengers to be sent out to warn the eleven kingdoms.
The council decides to counter this act by marrying her off and making her Queen early, so that she will be too busy to worry about the other realms.
Serenity is shocked and angry that she must throw away her childhood so early to become Queen, but she cannot think of anyway to avoid her situation. Desperately, she waits in anguish as the days pass on and it get closer to her wedding and coronation day.

Kingdom info-
Government Type: Monarchy
Cultural info: The people do not use transport, rather they fly, or if they have to, they use a special kind of horse that has been specially bred in Diamond, that has identical wings to the people.
The local sport is called Redball. The rules are simple: a blue ball is thrown into the air and it is not allowed to touch the ground. The aim is to get the ball into the other teams hoop. You can only hold the ball for five seconds at a time and when the ball turns red it will poison anybody who touches it, making them unable to play. You can still move the ball with magic or anything that will move it and prevent it from touching the round but it is too dangerous to physically move the ball when it is red.
The people of Diamond enjoy a diet of mostly light and neat foods, like vegetables and dainty pastries. They despise red meat.
They worship Anaedaan, believing that he is not gone, he is only hiding, waiting until the other kingdoms are destroyed so he can come and crown them, the survivors, his true people.
They are a very graceful people, and care a lot about their appearance. They spend hours brushing their long hair and they spend lots of money on colourful clothes.
Architecture/City appearance: Most of the buildings are made of pearl, opal or marble, with an occasional appearance of Diamond. The Kingdom is held up in the clouds purely by the Diamond and magic. If the Diamond were ever to be taken from the realm, the Kingdom would fall from the sky. The buildings are domed and everything is kept perfectly clean so that the buildings retain their original colour. It is very misty but a small light glows around the city, so people can see. People say that is the heart of the Diamond, their stone watching over them. There are no plants or wildlife in the clouds, except for birds and the special unicorn-like horses.
The buildings are covered with many windows- the people of Diamond are fond of light; they wish it to flow through their homes.
The Kingdom is separated into two districts, one where the richer and important people reside and one where the general public live.
The ground is not covered with anything, unless it is inside a building
Main Palace/Castle: The Palace is split up into four sections: the left wing; where the royal courtiers live, the right wing, where the royal councillors live and where Crown Princess Serenity lives, the upper main level, where the servants live, and the; largest part, the lower main level, where parties are held, the royal court eats etc.
The palace is made of Pearl and Diamond and it is situated on it’s own little cloud. The rooms are decorated with marble and various artworks.

Demon info-
Name: Demon name- Dyre Human name- Tirithral Onakma
Appearance: Demon form- Has an appearance of a snake. Long black hair, white, eyes with no pupils, melted black skin; which he hides under a bottle green cloak, green broken lips. Carries around a long, black staff with a green stone atop it.
Human form- Blue-grey eyes, white skin, white blonde hair that is very long. He wears it tied back in a tight ponytail at the base of his skull. He likes to wear long black coats that accentuate his pale complexion. He has a wonderful charming and mesmerising smile.
Personality: He is cold, selfish, hostile and does not care for anyone but, himself. He lives by his own rules and he is a great actor. He knows that if he gains the Diamond for Induisha, there will be a big reward in it for him. He is a master of disguise.
He also possesses a soul collector. It is a small red box that he carries around with him. He collects the souls of the people he kills and they add to his power.
In his human form he acts charming and perfect. In order to get close to the Princess, he tries to win her trust.
Abilities: Whenever he is demon form and he touches someone, he can make them die of fear. He can also cast a number of spells, but that power comes from Induisha, not himself.
History: He used to be a human, Muin, who lived in the Kingdom of Topaz. He was a kind and thoughtful person. He had a wife and children and he made an honest living as a woodcutter. One day he found a map that promised great riches and wealth. He put together a band of honest men to help him with his quest. They eventually found the treasure but it turned out to be a curse, not a blessing. When they opened the lid, a black cloud rose out of the treasure box, and startled them. The cloud cleared and when they look in the box there was nothing there. A lady’s voice called out to them from behind them. They turned to see a sad look elf. She spoke to them slowly, and darkly, “ You shouldn’t have come here. My husband gave that box to me. He then locked me in the box and left me to die there. That box is sacred to me. For disturbing me, I shall lay a curse on all of you men. No one shall ever be able to touch you or anything you hold again. For when you touch them, they shall die instantly of the curse that has been laid on you.”
She then pointed to each man and told him what his punishment was, “You, whoever touches you shall die instantly of poisoning. Whoever touches you shall go crazy and kill themselves. Whoever you touch, you will drain their energy. They will die of exhaustion. Whoever you touch shall turn to stone. And you,” she said, pointing to Muin, “You, who led this quest to destroy my peace, I shall bestow the worst curse upon. Whoever you touch shall die of fear. No one shall ever want to come near you, you will lose all you have ever worked for. All of you shall live forever to experience the true pangs of my curse,”
She then disappeared, leaving the scared men behind.
Over the years the men saw that what she said had been true. Their families deserted them and they were run out of their homes. All they had ever gained was lost.
They wandered Ouhta, together, all alone until Induisha found them. They agreed to join him if he helped them. So he gave all the men human forms, in which their curses would not harm people and he also gave them other powers, which they could use when in and out of Demon form. Now, he and his Minions serve as one of Induisha’s vile army of demons.
Minions: The four minions of Dyre all have identical characteristics and they are all men. They all have black skin, red-clawed wings, red eyes and they all possess one power. All of their powers are different though (read history).
Their names and ablitites are:
Moragan- Poisoning.
Tera- Madness.
Ryu- Energy drain.
Indun- Solidify.
They act all the same: annoying and disgusting. They are smaller than their master, but still very large, they are seven feet tall. One cannot tell them apart until they use their powers.
Dyre is waiting for his master to send him down more minions as he promised.

(2nd character)
Name: Echo Takahashi
Age: 17
Kingdom: Not known
Position in Kingdom: none
Appearance: Has shortish black hair that sticks up on all ends (like Cloud from FF7), pale skin and deep blue eyes, that seem to shine from his face like two lights (this is why he is believed to be of the kingdom of Zircon). He wears only many layers of the colour black. First layer: A tight black top with no sleeves, black tights (common with all travellers, they provide comfort and easy movement) and thick black, knee high socks. Second layer: a baggy, low cut, black top embroidered with strange golden runes, thick, baggy pants with heaps of pockets and loose black boots. Third layer: A thick, black trench coat that flows down to his ankles. This also has many pockets and there are many evil-looking gadgets hidden within them.
Personality: Cold, silent and unemotional, Echo is not a people person. He is a loner by nature and he suppresses any actions that may bring him close to other people. He normally covers his emotions with a smooth facial expression he always wears, no matter the situation. He is not humourless but he is quite serious. However no one has ever seen what his true personality is like, so it remains a mystery, not unlike himself.
He has many strengths, though he doesn’t like to show them: he displays a surprising amount of leadership and survival skills and is very skilled in sword combat. He has a strong body build, has very fast reflexes and is very agile, making him an awesome fighter.
His weaknesses seem to be hidden behind his unemotional mask, but his distance to other people has created other weaknesses. He shuts people out, so he is always alone and it is secretly eating away at him inside, though he’d never admit it. He has never shown any pride in his achievements, though they are many. It is almost as if he has no love of himself, that he never congratulates himself for is many victories, or that he even cares. His bad temper is the only emotion he has trouble hiding.
Weapons: He carries two identical curved twin swords that both end in a sharp point They seem to shine with a bright light from next to his dark clothes. No one knows what metal they are made of and why they shine so or how they are able slice through anything, even most metals. By putting his speed and skill with swords together he can become an unstoppable force. He uses two identical black belts to attach his swords to his clothes when he is travelling, either on his back or on his waist, depending on wether he is wearing his coat or not.
He also carries a small knife and many other gadgets for other purposes one of which is a small red and black stone. He has not figured out what it can do yet, but he studies it each day, eagerly.
History: Echo’s parents died when he was three. He was then put into an orphanage where he was abused constantly. He ran away when he was five and ever since then he’d been on the streets trying to survive. When he was fifteen, he woke up in a strange room with lost of weird objects in it. He way lying on a bed and there were people all around him, looking at him and writing notes on scrolls. They were wearing robes and they all had staffs in hand.
One of the men started to speak, “ We have done it, friends. We have taken this normal boy and changed him into...”
Echo panicked. He jumped up off the bed, grabbed the nearest weapon (which were two shining swords) and swung them till the whole room was filled with blood and none save him were still standing. He then, picked up a black trench coat (which he supposed was his), the two swords and as he was about to leave a faint glimmer caught his eye. He then walked over to it and after viewing it for a few moments; he took it and put it in a pocket in his coat. He then searched the men’s pockets and found bas of bronze silver and even gold. As he left he saw a picture of him on the wall, next to it was a picture of a wolf and under that picture……. was a picture what looked like a wolf-man. Echo slashed the pictures into threads, and then walked out.
Ever since that day Echo has had no memory of what had happened to him before then, they only thing that he remembered was his name, Echo Takahashi. He searches for information of his childhood in vain- but no one seems to ever have heard of Echo. It is like he never existed.
An outcast, Echo travelled for Kingdom to Kingdom looking for ways to earn money, like bounty hunting and becoming an occasional body guard.
He fell in love with a girl from Garnet named Leah. Her husband found out and he was so angry that he murdered her and hired men to kill Echo. Echo left the Kingdom and managed to survive but he suppressed all emotions so that he would never have to get close to, or lose someone again.
News: Echo’s adventures have taken him back to Garnet. He has found a map, which shows the way to get to Diamond city. He knows that if he proves their existence, he will be famous and rich. He has gone to search Garnet because; legend says that the last place the people of Diamond were seen was in the realm of Garnet. He knows going there will put him in danger (see history), but as a bounty hunter he will do anything for money.


Last edited by ria on Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:39 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:39 pm 
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((I got the okay :) ))

Character Info-
Name: Emra Raeli
Age: 16
Kingdom: Sapphire
Position in Kingdom: Queen
Appearance: The epitome of beauty is Emra for she has stunning turquise eyes, that reflect the cleanest sea. She has pale skin, but her cheeks- when flushed seem tinged with blue not pink. Her features are soft, and gentle; her nose small, her eyes large, and her lips lush. A smile is often upon her lips, and pearly white teeth shine. Her most common garb is an elegantly beaded skirt, of a pale blue- embroidered with sapphire-like beads, varying in shade. She wears a close fitting white top- with capped sleeves, of some silky material, that seems flow on her. A beautiful silver necklace, that is very long and very beautiful can transform her into a dolphin. Almost all of her subjects know not of her the animal she cna transform into, and whenever they see some regal, or incredible sea animal, legends and rumours pass that it is Emra. A delicate circlet hugs her forehead, silver and shiny sea beads decorate it. She has long silver-blue hair, that reaches past her waist. Blue ribbons are often tighted in braids, or elaborate twists within the very shiny hair.
Personality: Emra is peace-loving and smiling, kind and fair, but within her bright eyes sorrow lurks. A tormented past, that orphaned her makes a wisdom that sixteen years could not normally produce. She is calm and serene, an optimist- but the sort that can truly get on some's nerves. Her unwavering decency and bright outlook can seem foolish at times, and when she realizes it she can become sullen, silent, though these fits are rare. Her probably largest weakness is the sight of serious pain, or death- having a tender spot there from her parent's deaths- which she watched when she was only seven. She is very intelligent, and witty. She is charming, but can be very serious despite her cheerful disposition.
Weapons: Emra owns a majestic sword, one of the emblems of her kingdom. It is bright flint and steel, and the hilt is elaborately engraved, and when slashed through the air blue sparks seem to emit from it.
History: Emra's parents were murdered by someone unknown, but Emra saw their deaths- but not the murderer, he or she had fled before the final breath had come. Emra always burdened herself responsible, even though she had nothing to do with it. It was an evil crime to the peaceful rulers and since she was but seven the country's council took over. It was in many signed papers that she would recieve the crown when she was sixteen. She is new to ruling, but has so far done an excellent job.
News: The peaceful ruler caught wind of the Induisha plot, though know no details. She currently is calling no action, but is worrying. She can not let the peace of her kingdom be sacrificed to restore peace in other kingdoms, but she knows that she must help- and renew peace, and try to stop war.

Kingdom info-
Government Type: Monarchy
Cultural info: The Sapphire eat delicacies from the sea, for example, incredibly complex and rather light fish plates. They have favorities of delicate fish that can not be found anywhere else except the beautiful ocean surrounding them. The favorite for all nobles, and the Queen, is the slim and hard-to -catch Lierrn (Lay- ern), it is a bright silver and tastes fresh and ripe, and needs no spices to cure it, or to birghten the flavor. The texture is the softest, and delicatest meat- sort of like their gormet crabs. But, they do not kill fishes as often as you might think- for they are friends with all the sea creatures, able to speak to them transforms. The sea creatures are very friendly, and when one of their number (or much more considering it feeds an entire kingdom) is taken and killed, they still stay near. Girls are married normally at sixteen, give or take a few years. Females are dressed elabortely at all times, and are supposed to be the picture of intelligence, grace, and serenity. Boys dress in pale pants and tunics, also gracefully dressed. The economy is very stable, helped considerbly by the fresh fish, and other nessecities in beautiful shops at the bottom of the sea, where they can breathe underwater. The race has standards of friendliness and politeness, a nod or a "Hello" is not just what you get, native or guest- you get conversation, sincere smiles, welcome or good-byes.
Architecture/City appearance: The Sapphire Kingdom consists of eleven small islands, the very center and largest where the great palace is built. The homes are like small palaces, with walls of glass and walls and canopies of blue or white silk. Most homes have multiple staircases in the open air that lead right to the sea. The palace seems to made completely of glass and silk, but in reality there are many smooth white stone-blocks that keep it stable. A dozen or more staircases come down a lengthy hill directly into the sea- so that the Queen, all the council, and the highest-ranking nobles can swim and shop right from their room or hallway. White sand graces the islands, contrasting the blue-green sea, that is so clean and bright it awes even the natives. The sea is full of the friendly creatures, but even the natives steer clear of sharks and other frightening sea animals. The stores below the sea are just as elaborate as the homes above. The Kingdom is grand, and seems to be young- though very old. The sea seems just as clean, the house seem just as large, even though years and years have passed since the Kingdom was truly young.
Main Palace/Castle: As written above, the main Palace consisting of walls of glass, silk, and stone. Staircases lead down, as explained above, for the freedom of the occupants. The main palace is very large, and covers almost all of the island. Inside, the furniture is all sea oriented- with soft colors of green, blue, purple, and white. The palace is welcoming and very comfortable, a guest would be eager to get inside.

Demon info-
Name: Griyye (gree)
Appearance: Pointy, piched features with sea-green hair, that is very thick and long. Ugly teeth, and a chilling smile are often the sight if you come upon these hidious and terrible creatures. Black eyes, with a deadened blue hue rest in large sockets, with drooping lids. The Griyye are very tall, and study looking, with large muscles and an intimidating stature.
Personality: Crude, cruel, and quick. They are suspicious creatures, suspicious to paranoia. Their eyes are always searching, and they seem to have a hyper aura surround them, sturdy as they are.
Abilities: They can breathe underwater for a amount of time, usually around twenty minutes.
History: They were created by the evil Sapphire Kintley, tormented by a terrible past. He became solitary, not the way of the people in his Kingdom at all. He took for himself slaves, where upon slavery is not permitted or in practice in the Sapphire Kingdom. He experiemented and came with the Griyye, the final product created a week before his death. In that week, he gave instructions to the crude, intelligent demons, so cruel because he passed all fo his intense pain into their demon souls. These instructions included, destroy the kingdom, however you can- bring havoc and awfulness not to just this Kingdom but to all. This was hard however, for these instructions were vague and the Kingdom orderly and peaceful. So, they hid in remote caves in the ocean, air pockets that they were. One chance arrived, one evening the King and Queen were in a garden on the farthest island, their young daughter wandering. A Griyye murdered and then fled very quickly. The Griyye didn't know the daughter wandered back a second after he fled and saw her parents fall to the ground, and then crumple and die.
Minions: The minions are the mutant sea creatures, the Rieqne (ree-EK-nay), thought to be extinct. They are spindly creatures that are purple. A twist of a simple fish, for they have scuttly legs like a crab. They are very hostile and violent, but not very commanding, and dumb creatures- the Griyye gave them food, and the Rieqne killed for them fish and other beautiful sea creatures to feed them. The other sea creatures are starting to wonder if the people of the Sapphire Kingdom are doing this sorrowful killing, but they only half-heartedly believe it. The Reeqne have sharp pincers that can kill quickly, and they are able to blend into enviorments very well, a good killing device.
-Diamond Dust -

Original Joined Date: November 30th, 2002

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:12 am 
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I got approved too!

Character Info-
Name: Thisa Polaris
Age: 42
Kingdom: Aquamarine
Position in Kingdom: Chancellor
Appearance: She appears to be both much older and much younger than she really is. Her hair is completely white, and her eyes are pale blue. She's quite tall (about 6' 6") and is almost bone thin. She wears clothing the same color as her land's gemstone. She wears a long coat with broad, pointed shoulders and diamond-shaped buttons of the same color. Under the coat she has a shirt with various quotes from past rulers embroidered on the edges. She wears a knee-length skirt with similar designs, along with boots that also reach to her knee. She also has gloves that are similar to the boots in length and texture. She has multiple rings, all of which represent the aquamarine in some way. Her head is adorned with a large crown shaped vaguely like a joker's hat, except all of the points are sticking straight up. It's the only part of her outfit that is a different color, because it is made out of white gold. All of her clothing was made to look worn and old, though it functions extremely well.
Personality:She's a stern but kind woman. Many find her to be a great mentor, hence why she has the highest position in her government. Like the rest of her people, she perfers to take her time with things, which in days of war are not a good idea. However, she knows when it's imperative that she acts swiftly, but usually only does so in the forum of advice. She's more than willing to share her knowledge with others, especially if it will help them. Thisa doesn't worry about the other kingdoms to find the need for an alliance, though trade routes would be a useful idea, giving her country's current condition. She does express some concern for the other kingdoms, but like the rest of her people, is not going to do something about it any time soon.
History: Like most of her country's rulers, Thisa started her life in a perfectly normal family. She went to school, had friends, and even worked for a tailor when she was a teenager. She went into higher education in order to become a lawyer. Still, when her people nominated her to be in the Senate, she didn't refuse. Her nomination was due to the fact that the people around her noticed how eagerly she helped others with their problems, and figured that she'd be a good senator. Thisa was elected almost immediately. A few years later, the Senate had a similar view of Thisa, and knew that she would be the perfect person to elect as Chancellor. At the moment, she's been in this position for nearly 22 years, and has expanded her knowledge through that time.
News: Since they are so isloated, basic resources such as food and wood are extremely limited. Thisa has been trying to contact the other kingdoms in hopes of a trading alliance, since her people have plenty of minerals and gems they can give in exchange for what they need.

Kingdom info-
Government Type: Democracy, ruled by a Chancellor with a Senate.
Cultural info: The Aquamarine citizens generally live in bunches, each bunch situated on a mountain peak. Since the distance between peaks is great, the culture differs a bit between each city. They make most of their living by mining, after all they live in one of the best places to do so. Each mountain top happens to specialize on a different mineral as well (one would be gold, another iron, etc.). Each top also sends two people to represent themselves in the Senate, so they can discuss what to do with the resources and trade as needed. The Senate also votes on who should be Chancellor, what countries it would be wise to make alliances and/or trade routes with, and is the only way that the different cities can be in contact with each other. To get Senators, the people nominate them and then the Senate votes. To get a Chancellor, the Senate nominates and the people vote. The Aquamarinians dress in bright, pale colors with unusual textures, often similar to Thisa's in that they have quotes from past rulers embroidered on them. When they do have food, they usually eat lots of vegetables, dairy products, eggs, and fish. Red meat never tasted quite right to them, and they didn't like poultry because they used birds as their mailing service. The birds used were almost always doves, but once in awhile someone decides to use a different kind of bird instead. There are no special holidays or celebrations in Aquamarine, though festivals celebrating the graduation from school are not uncommon. Past times often include studying, since each person strives to increase their already vast knowledge further.
Architecture/City appearance: Every city is carved out of the mountain peak itself. Each city is surrounded by a wall, and since there are no round edges on any of their buildings each city has a fortress-like appearance. Their furniture is also primarily carved from the surrounding rock, the most well-known exception being the hammocks they sleep in.
Main Palace/Castle: The main palace is an extremely tall keep that towers over everything in the country, so much so its top brushes against the highest clouds. It's the only bit of arcitecture not completely carve out of the mountain, the parts that aren't are built out of large stone bricks. The only people who live in the keep are the Chancellor and their family. There are no servants because the people don't believe that type of work is fit for a human being. The keep is located in the largest city, Galeth, which is located in the center of Aquamarine.

Demon info-
Name: Somos Vega
Appearance: A ghostly apparition of the previous leader, who was very similar in appearance to Thisa, the difference being that Somos is a man.
Personality: Selfish, cruel, and decieving. He was the exact opposite when he was first elected, but the deaths of the rest of his family members hit him hard.
Abilities: He can pass through solid objects and become virtually invisible. Since he was once an Aquamarine himself, he too can warp time.
History: After dying unexpectedly during his 35th year as Chancellor, he strives to regain his throne and rule for the rest of his life, just like he originally planned. However, his mind is corrupted, so if he does come into power the democracy will be overthrown and a dictatorship will be put into power.
Minions: (All are ghosts and once-members of his family, so they all look very similar to each other. They all possess the same powers Somos has.)
-Yegs Vega: Somos' brother. He's a thief, and is never honest.
-Goplol Vega: Somos' son. He's the nicest of the bunch, but is bullied into doing horrible things by the rest of his family.
-Irithe Vega: Somos' wife. She's never been entirely sane, even in life, but now she's frighteningly crazy.
-Mulite Vega: Somos' sister. She's the most violent of the bunch, and will go out of her way to harm others.

Yes, I read all of the 7555+ words, and to prove it I shall prance around and say Diamond Dust.

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:09 am 
Beyond Godly
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[I also got the okay. -bounces up and down-

Character(s) Info-
Name: Saria Ishka
Age: 22
Kingdom: Amethyst
Position in Kingdom: Empress
Appearance: Long black hair, which falls an inch past her shoulders. Her hair is usually tied up in a ponytail, her fringe (bangs) hanging down the front, stopping at her chin. They are separated out, one bit of her bangs are hung down the left side of her cheek, and the other, her right. The band she ties her hair with is green and plain, tying close to her head, unlike a scrunchie. She has light purple eyes, which she outlines with black eyeliner. Her skin is pale, and Saria is strikingly thin. She is about 5'8. She wears a light green short-sleeved top. The sleeves come down around two inches below her elbow, and have jagged edges. The actual top just falls over her belly button. This also has jagged edges. The collar is low but straight cut. Her trousers are dark green, the colour of ivy. They are close to her legs and show off her figure. The close cutting, however, is not to show off her figure, but so that the trousers do not snag when she is moving through the forest. Tied, as a belt, is a dark brown piece of cloth, nothing fancy. Saria's boots come up high, one inch below the knee. The boots are dark brown, with white cloth woven into them. She wears black leather gloves with cut close to her hands so she can move her fingers easily and do most things with them (not like loose woollen gloves). Lastly, around her neck she wears a silver chain that goes around close to her neck, like a choker.
Personality: Saria is quiet, and yet she is a strong leader, determined and always reading to give orders. She knows that the whole responsibility of ruling Amethyst rests on her shoulders, and she is ready to live up to this. Some of her strengths are her determined nature; she is responsible, trustworthy and kind. She wants to save the realm of Ouhta, and is willing to do anything in her power to get this done. Some of her weaknesses are her impulsiveness, her want to be outside fighting instead of sitting down being guarded (this can make her disobedient, and she can put herself in danger by doing this). She also has a weakness for her people. She usually thinks of how her people are going to take news, rather than gathering a response immediately. She also has a weakness for the people who are mistreated in other realms because they want to save Ouhta.
Weapons: Two daggers, one sheathed at the left hip, one at the right. A scimitar, which is sheathed at her right side, just in front of her dagger.
History: Saria's mother and father were peasants in Amethyst, before Saria and her parents were run out of their homes when Saria was only 14. Her parents died in the wilderness 4 years later, since when she had been fending for herself, when she came upon a wolf fighting a lion one day. She separated the two with the hilt of her sword, and then lion ran off as Saria was going to kill it, and the animal sensed it. The wolf remained, looking at her, with, Saria knew, no intention of hurting her. She knelt close to the wolf and noted that it was wounded. Slowly, Saria nursed it back to health, and the wolf has stayed with her. His name is simply Wolf. When Wolf was fully recovered, Saria was 20. She decided to return to her realm with Wolf, and this they did. The realm was in turmoil; the only Emperor Saria had ever known the have governed the realm had died only a week ago, leaving no heir. As Saria came back, she fulfilled a prophecy in Amethyst ("and she who comes with a great black dog at her side, exiled for nigh on six years, she shall be recognised at the only true Empress of Amethyst"), and the people of Amethyst have always relied heavily on prophecies. Saria became Empress, Wolf at her side.
News: The realm has discovered Induisha's intentions and Saria is determined to help the other realms. She has the council behind her, along with all her followers. She is ready to help the realms, and persuade the other realms to do the same.
Animal Companion: Wolf, her entirely black... wolf. And her horse, Aksul.

Kingdom info-
Government Type: Monarchy, except Saria does not have blue blood.
Cultural info: The realm of Amethyst is vegetarian. They do not eat meat. This was introduced when Saria became the Empress. Saria did not force this rule on her realm. When Saria went into the wilderness, she lived off plants, vegetables, bread, but not meat. This is the way Saria had gotten used to live life, and now she had Wolf she had no desire to eat any animals. Following this example, her realm is a meat-free country. They eat nuts, berries, bread, vegetables, and fruits (like the Entre fruit, a purple fruit that looks like an apple and yet has the texture of a peach; this replenishes the energy of whoever eats the fruit), and anything that does not contain meat.
The transport the people use is horses, just normal horses. No one in Amethyst has their own horse except for Saria. The horses are all owned by the council and are rented out.
Amethyst believes that Anaedaan is the one true God, and will wait for his return. They will speed it up if possible. They have never lost their faith.
Architecture/City appearance: The buildings in the city are high up in the trees, made from wood. This is to ward off attackers, making them think that there is no city, when in fact the trees house the city. The floor is always wood, the furniture is wood. Blankets and material fabrics (everything except clothing) are made out of cotton and wool or silk, and clothing is made out of leaves, cotton, wool or silk (all of which, apart from the leaves, are dyed green, brown or black).
Main Palace/Castle: The Palace is another tree house, spread between two oak trees. It is the highest building, hardly visible if you look up from the ground. It is a long climb up for most, but for those who live there and regulate it know many shortcuts which makes it faster to get up there. People such as messengers, Saria, advisors and the Council can get up there in a matter of ten minutes. Getting down is quicker. If you move to the back of the Palace, there is a long slide down.

Demon info-
Name: Emkri
Appearance: Dark red skin, like blood. Black eyes, short silver hair, and wears entirely black.
Personality: Usually angry, demonic, evil. When given information he wants, he thanks the minion by promoting them to do even more tasks for him.
Abilities: Long fangs and claws. Can rip out people's eyes extremely quickly.
History: Induisha created Emkri after he created Durgul, making him out of anger and hatred. He was sent to destroy, like Durgul, the eleven kingdoms, but his first target is Amethyst. It was he who killed Saria's parents.
Minions: His minions are named Ekrar and Seth (pronounced Set). They both have pale skin and wear long red cloaks covering everything, with a hood to darken their faces. They have red eyes. They are docile and will adhere to Emkri's every whim and wish. They have no abilities, but carry swords.

Character(s) Info-
(2nd Character)
Name: David Mekka
Age: 19
Kingdom: Emerald
Position in Kingdom: Bodyguard
Appearance: Tanned skin with curly blonde hair that comes down to his shoulders. He ties it in a ponytail. His right eye is deep blue; his left is cut halfway through the middle. One side is deep blue, and the other is hazel/green. He wears a white tunic and tights. He wears a black piece of cloth tied loosely around his waist as a belt.
Personality: Usually happy and comfortable around others. He has a hate for evil, and his strengths are fighting for what he believes in (which is usually good), an optimistic nature, and good fighting abilities. His weaknesses are acting on impulse and regretting what he has done, even if it was for a good reason (like killing a bad person).
Weapons: One sword with ruby stones encrusted into the hilt, which he keeps sheathed on his left side, as he is left handed and it is easier to pull it out.
History: David's best friend used to be a girl he found in the wilderness. She was considerably older than he was, but they became fast friends. When David was 15, news went around that a wolf had killed his best friend. He wept for days, having begun to love her. He was employed by Meret and will defend her until his last breath.
Animal Companion: A chaffinch, Jugtra. Jugtra looks like this.

Diamond Dust rocks.]

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:56 am 
PPT Student
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((I got the ok too. Many interesting characters, by the way. And the demons are nice too.))


Character(s) Info-

Name: Merle Dahra

Age: 17

Kingdom: Topaz

Position in Kingdom: King

Appearance: Short nearly white blonde hair. His eyes are very pale blue, sometimes, when he is angry or emotional, they show only his pupils. Giving any onlookers an uneasy feeling. Stripes and spots of red are visible on his chin and neck from his oncoming decease. Merle is quite well looking and a little too boyish looking. Most people that haven't heard him talk or just met him, will see him as a mere boy. Merle has different garments in which he dresses. Usually they will contain lots of white or blue. The garment he wears at home has long sleeves, decorated with gold paterns at the borders and white gloves. His overcoat, that he wears for horse riding, is blue, with a gold-white weapon shield that contains a topaz symbol in the middle, with four topaz around it.

Personality: Merle is a thinker, too much of a thinker. He thinks about his Council, he thinks about his people, he thinks about himself, about life, his mind never seems to stand still. On the bright side, this gives him an edge on most boys of his age, even on those much older. On the negative sight, it gives him sleepless nights, doubts about himself and constant head aches. Merle used to be a sportive youngster, who liked swordfighting and horseriding. But then the Disease struck the land, years ago. And Merle got infected. His bodily condition is very bad and growing worse. He cannot ride or practise swordfights as a sport anymore. Because of this he cannot put his mind away anymore in bodily excersizes.. and got even more time to think...

Weapons: A sword, and his horse Arden, which is specially trained for him. The animal knows many commands, like 'kneel' (for his master to get easier on), 'fetch' and 'attack'. Arden is a grey stallion with white manes, a grey-black tail and spotty white coat. Of course, Arden isn't let inside the castle and is only used for trips or battle missions outside.

History: Twenty years ago, king Alkaran ruled the kingdom of Topaz rightfully. There wasn't always peace, because of the struggles between the many desert tribes of the kingdom. As usual, it required a lot of diplomacy, hard hand and an occasional tactical battle to rule Topaz. But Alkaran was a strong king and loved by most. Twenty years ago, his wife Zue begot him his first son. And a little more then a year after, his second son. It was only seventeen years ago, that Merle was born. He was the third in line. Merle was a beautifull child, most agreed on that. Lively, but he could be very silent sometimes. Watching and learning, like his uncle called it.

When Merle was about five, he followed his brothers to the gardens of his uncle, to train in weapon skills, ruling, tactics and other things one require if one is a prince. It was then, that the first rumors floated around of the 'Disease'. A horrible disease that infected limbs and body, so that the person would loose all touch first in one body part, only to loose the hand or feet next.

At the same time, a struggle erupted between the southern tribes and the king departed to put it down. It was sure he would be away for months to come. When he came back, the southern tribes were at peace again, but one of the princes had been struck by the Disease. His second son. It became apparent, that the other two, who had been living, fighting and playing together, had been infected too. Sadness ruled the Royal Court. Years passed and Merle didn't got any more then a red spot or two. But his brother died. When Merle got 10, the crown prince died. And the Council was in despair.

The king had departed on another mission. A diplomatic event, which at the last moment had gone wrong. A group of rebels had struck out and wounded Alkaran. On the way back, the wound infected and the king died. In only one month, Merle was crowned. But most believed he would not last long. Many rose to test him and are still plagueing the young man.

In the last years, Merle has lost nearly all of his left hand. But he remains standing. Unlike some of those that quickly crowned him would have wanted. Slowly but surely people have gotten respect for their young king. His uncle still stands behind him, helping. But the peace amongst the many tribes is shaky. The last thing Merle could use, is another problem.

Merle has one sister, Darnae, who lives near him. Four years ago, the doctors found a way to protect people from the Disease. This allowed Darnae to live near her brother, which Merle of course enjoys.

News: The Royal Court has always have a group of knights that protected the capital (nicknamed the topaz knights). In the last years, the knights have split into two factions, one lead by Merle's uncle, Gradea, and one by the Duke of Mae, Reani. It has never been a secret that the Duke was and still is against the rule of a sick (and young) king. But lately, many strange attacks have been happening. Of which some survivors said it to be knights that attacked them. Of course, Merle can't pinpoint the Duke as the leader, but he assumes the man is behind them. These attacks have become worrysome, because they threaten the peace and threaten to smolder Merle reputation as a king. After all, who is a king, that can't control his own knights?

Kingdom info-
Government Type: Monarchy with Council of Tribe Leaders

Cultural info:
The people of Topaz tend to cover themselves up entirely. Usually, they avoid black or dark colours, preferering lighter colours such as light brown, red, yellow, blue, etc.. Bright is the message. Their culture is nomadic, though they have a capital, which is more the center of all commerce, then where the main population lives. Topazians are reknowned for their fine and sturdy horses. These little animals have bright eyes, long manes and an amazing constitution. Horses are the most important livestock. The Topazion tribes also like to cross borders with other countries, simply to trade. Only for this the tribes try to avoid battle with other countries. Topaz itself hasn't that many resources, outside the horses, products that derive from them and maybe a few gem mines.

Struggles inside Topaz are sadly quite common. They go from struggle over an oasis to outright wars about stolen horses. Desputes can be brought before the Council and the King, but Topazians like to 'solve' their own problems. The King is required to be strong, though most Topazians look up to Merle for surviving the Disease for that long.

Nearly every week there is a big market in the capital Dahran'e. But twice a year, a main event with horse races and prices for fine weavery are held. Attracting nearly trice as many people.

Architecture/City appearance: Soft sandy tones of buildings, with much of white houses between are the main appearance of the capital and other small cities. Between houses, one can find cloths and sheets hanging to dry, in many colours. From early in the morning, merchants show their wares until late in the evening. Though, they take a break from the afternoon until five hours later because of the head. The cities contain many small houses and shops that over sweet drinks, tea or coffee. In the desert, the nomads use white or light brown tents, with colourfull tapestries in.

Main Palace/Castle: The main palace of Topaz lays in Dahran'e. The palace is situated on a small hill, so that it lays a little above the other buildings. It is surrounded by a garden, with green palms and sandy grounds, and again the garden is surrounded by a white wall. The palace has only a ground floor, outside, it looks quite plain, white with straight walls, though one can see an occassional colourfull sheet floating from the small windows. If one walks inside, one will notice a great square (without a roof) inside the palace. All chambers have a door to this square. The square contains a fountain, several seats and palm trees. It is a place to come to rest.
Inside one has a south, north, west and east part. Merle lives in the east part. His rooms are spacious and colourfully decorated. He has different chess boards on tables across the rooms. And several books and manuscripts laying around, giving the chambres a messy appearance. His sister also resides in the East part. The south part contains the great baths. One warm, one a little more cold but very big, resembling a swimming pool, except one can walk around at all times. Meaning, foot touch the ground at all times. The south part is restricted to the royal family only. The west part also contains baths and chambres for guests. The north part contains chambres for servants, guards and such. His uncle tends to reside in the west part, only because he has a castle of his own somewhere else, and isn't around all the time.

Demon info-
Name: Zue

Appearance: Long curly brown hair, with the same blue eyes as her son. She has a small posture, and a gentle appearance. One that one would trust and to share secrets with.

Personality: Gentle, but also a thinker. Yet, she has a severe streak, which can border to be being cold and cruel. A long time ago, she decided that to achieve her goals, she would do anything.

Abilities: Powers that can be associated with the dark side of witchcraft. She can poison cattles milk (or any drink) at will, change into a brown fox, and mesmerize people with her voice.

History: Zue was the former queen of Topaz. Up until this day, she still remains the 'queen mother'. Her influence is substential, everyone respects her. But she doesn't rule a country or army. Ever since her sons started dieing, Zue has put the need on herself to save the country from chaos. Then her husband died and only one son remained. Merle was only ten and not fit to rule. So during a short period of time, Zue ruled, with the help of Gradea. The poor women was never truely fit for the situation and soon things started to slip out of control. Gradea was away for long periods to protect his own lands, and during one of these periods Zue closed a pact with a demon to gain powers and help in ruling Topaz. Of course, she did this with the best intend. And things got better again.
At fifteen years, Merles reign truely began. But then Zue had been under the influence of the demon voices for many years. She had started to believe that her son couldn't rule without her. Though Merle appreciates her advice, he prefers to deal with his kingdom in his own way. Lately, Zue has started to believe that maybe, Topaz would be better of with only a queen. Though, deeply inside, she is restisting the idea, but she grows more accustomed to it every day.

Minions: Two Raven, Ernandir and Sorwardir,
The raven have the mind of a human, their eyes are astauniching blue. Each raven has an unusually sharp beak and claws. Outside from that, they have the ability to whisper bad dreams in peoples ears or to blind someone temporarly.

NOTE: Diamond Dust!

Set by WIS!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:29 am 
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Well, so far there aren't very many RPers yet, but Rachel and I have decided to start next week anyway. The other kingdoms will just have to be NPCs for the moment, until RPers decide to join....

So starting thinking of a cool introduction for your characters, and be ready to have some fun! :D


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:51 pm 
PPT Toddler
PPT Toddler
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((This has been approved ;) ))

Character Info-

Name: Patrice Ignesis (Pah-treece Igg-knee-sis)

Age: 19.5

Kingdom: Garnet

Position in Kingdom: Princess, heir to the throne

Appearance: Thanks to her relatively pampered existence in the royal palace, sheltered from much of the harmless but at times unpleasant sweltering heat of the Garnet kingdom's volcanic location, Patrice has had the liberty to grow her hair longer than the average Garnetian citizen (most keep their hair cropped short to combat greasy hair brought about by sweating during heat waves as water is not extremely easy to come by within the volcano). This strawberry blonde (an unusually ligth color for a Garnetian) hair falls just below Patrice's small but developed bust. Excluding large social or ceremonial events, this hair is generally pulled into two tight pigtails that have several extraneous hair bands placed and inch apart all the way down each pigtail to keep her hair out of the way. These bands are thick and black, and black rhinestone clips pull Patrice's a-symmetrical semi-long bangs away from her face. Her skin is a healthy light bronze color, with a lively rosy undertone. Her lips are a peachy pink and her eyes an orangey brown with golden flecks in them. Her eyes are one of her more famous attributes, for they are intense, deep, and sparklingly beautiful. These eyes are almond-shaped and wide, in a strikingly attractive way, as if Patrice is so full of life that she is constantly taking in her surroundings (as she is). She has a somewhat roud face with a prominent but shapely jaw, and when she is not smiling you could say she has an air of natural toughness about her, though she still appears to be quite attractive. Dark black and long lashes frame her eyes, and she generally wears a very light and almost invisible light dusting of iridescent orange eye shadow on her lids. She is particularly fond of black eyeliner, as it accentuates her eyes to an almost but not quite alarming intensity. Her eyebrows are of a slightly browner and oranger shade than her hair, and are thick haired yet carefully maintained and perfectly shaped. On Patrice's ears hang medium-sized obsidian hoops. While she has many clothes of all coordinating colors, as a character you can think of her as wearing the following outfit. On top, Patrice wears a tank top made of slightly clinging but thin and flattering fabric. The hemline, neckline, and sphagetti straps are made of/edged with a thin line of black satin, while the rest of the top is a mottled bright clear orange. Just below her bust is a medium-thick stripe of orangey yellow, each edge of the stripe also edged with the same black satin. The neckline is a scoop neckline and dips down just enough to at times reveal just the slightest bit of Patrice's hardly existent cleavage. Around her neck is a black satin choker of the same thickness as that which edges her top, and on her left wrist is an obsidian bangle. On her right ring finger is a simple yellow gold ring with a heart shaped garnet stone in the center. Small and modest, this ring is worn by the eldest surviving female member of the Garnetian royal family. The tank top Patrice wears is a little bit short, revealing a thin stripe of her midriff. On the bottom, Patrice wears a pair of rust red drawstring shorts, with a slightly darker waistband and a black satin drawstring. These shorts have a 2 pockets in front and 2 butt pockets, and are made of material that looks and acts and is as strong as good quality denim, yet is much thinner. Using revolutionary Garentian technology, these pants can seamlessly be extended into cargo cutoffs using 'heatseams' through which the specially edged extensions (complete with cargo-style pockets) "seamlessly" attach themselves to the bottom of the shorts when localized heat is applied. This is a reversible process. Patrice's feet are protected from the rocky landscape of her home by dull black lace up boots with thick dark orange brown rubber hiking treads. Beneath these boots, small breathable orange socks cover her feet. Indoors, Patrice often wears flat black flip flops with black rhinestones along the straps. Patrice never ever paints her nails.

Personality: Patrice is a very independent girl and does what she wants, generally. She is adventurous and loves the outdoors, even the somewhat volatile surroundings of her homeland, the volcano. She stands up for what she believes in and is quick to speak her opinion and take action, sometimes rashly. When she does think things through properly, which is not often enough, Patrice is very intelligent and as she has been schooled in many subjects, she is very knowledgeable. Above all, she is passionate. She fiercely loves her home, father, and her people and throws herself heartily into whatever she is working on (which is both a great strength and a great weakness). While she is outgoing and friendly, she is also somewhat of a closed door emotionally. She has many, many friends, however very few people have ever seen the deepest parts of her character and she does not easily share her inner thoughts and secrets, her deepest hopes and dreams. Often, while she easily expresses herself, she has a hard time expressing her innermost (and very passionate) emotions, because she is "too tough" to get outwardly too upset about anything that might be seen as more sentimental rather than important. Sometimes she will not realize that she has hurt people around her or said something that she should not have said. Patrice is incredibly loyal and very, very trustworthy. She is known to be kind to people in need especially, and is well-loved by her subjects for her work for their humanitarian rights (despite many incidents where Patrice definitely has put her foot in her mouth). She possesses a particularly wonderful singing voice and ability to dance, however she has wasted time learning difficult dance routines and steps and complicated fast-tempoed music and is not very skilled at singing soft beautiful tunes, nor is she skilled at simple, gentle dancing (although she is very graceful). Patrice is relatively strong and physically fit, well-trained in her fire magic as well as hiking, rock climbing, and lava surfing.

Weapons: Patrice has never had need of weapons, however she does carry a small obsidian dagger that has a black rhinestone hilt which she has trained to use (in hand to hand combat and precision throwing), although she has never used it in practical practice (only drills, never a real life-and-death situation). She keeps the dagger in a special pouch in her boot. Additionally, she carries a thin orange meshy veil that fastens around her head at the back with black satin strap. This veil falls just below the eyes and hangs just below her chin when properly on her face. It is an oxygenator, and the fabric filters the air only letting pure oxygen through. By breathing pure oxygen, fire magic trained Garnetians can intensify their fire and self-combustion abilities up to ten times their normal strength. Patrice has no other weapons, save her own fire magic, which is considerably powerful.

History: The Garnet Kingdom is ruled by Patrice's father, King Elbert Ignesis. Her mother died in childbirth and Patrice is the only royal child, and consequently the heir. When she turned 18 she was included in the political workings of her country officially, serving as a senator in the Senate, although she had studied the politics of the Garnet Kingdom for many years, even making speeches to the general public. Lacking a mother since birth and thanks to her father's loving but awkward parenting, Patrice has been brought up mostly by herself and her teachers, resulting in a slightly headstrong and tom boyish young woman. She likes being a girl and so has maintained the learning of proper etiquette etc. however. Her "childhood sweetheart," Jaason, who was really just an incredibly good friend of whom she was very fond, died when they were both 15 in a lava surfing accident. While this seems to have not discouraged further lava surfing on Patrice's part, she has never quite emotionally recovered, which may account for her inability to express herself.

News: Foreign relations with the 10 other kingdoms have declined during Patrice's father's reign. It isn't that he is evil or hostile in any way towards the other kingdoms, he is just far more focused on the development and well-being of his own kingdom. Communication has deteriorated and the kingdom of Garnet has become relatively isolated. Recently, strange people, who don't appear to be from any of the recognized kingdoms in the world, have been migrating to the kingdom of Garnet. They seem to be neutral and hard-working, but they also have definitely congregated together, and are making the native Garnetians nervous. The King wants to welcome these newcomers, but is afraid that a double-society will form and prejudices will arise as Garnetians have certain powers and resistance to the harsh Garnetian lands, and these newcomers do not. He also wonders where these people come from and what their real reasons for moving into the Kingdom of Garnet are. Patrice is relatively unaware of this, separated from these new people in the palace and trusting her father in his decisions and what he tells her. The King, sensing strange goings on not only in his kingdom, but throughout the others, has begun teaching his daughter as much as he can, should something happen to him, despite the fact that he, in all practical senses, feels secure and safe and healthy.

Kingdom info-

Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy (Ruling royal family and Senate)

Cultural info: Garnetians are very intellectual people, always striving to improve upon their technology. They are also social within their kingdom, particularly each village and/or city forms a very close knit community. This causes cities and villages to somewhat separate from the main capital. They often have their own fairs and holidays. However there are a few nationally recognized events, the most popular of which is the national lava surfing competition on the main lava flow, the Epailao,which runs along the eastern side of the capital city, which lies at the center of the volcano. It is very common for citizens to be trained in their fire magic, even the poorer citizens pass down magic lessons through the generations. Their diet is mainly composed of strange fish that live in the lava flows and berries and fruits from the low-lying brush that is relatively spare naturally and must be farmed. Water is scarce, and the Garnetians do not need as much of it to survive, however, they must have water and have developed heat resistant systems to pipe it in from the spring-fed lake that completely surrounds the volcano inside of which the majority of the population lives. It is not particularly suitable for life to exist on the outside of the volcano, and few venture out onto the lake, which radiates out several miles in all directions around the volcano. The Garnetians are tough people, they have to be in their environment, but they do not think of themselves as such, and are creative and passionate (which leads to many fantastic inventions as well as violent street brawls).

Architecture/City appearance: Buildings are often partways hewn into the rocky landscape that forms the inside of the volcano. Not particularly aesthetic in appearance, they have thick walls to shield inhabitants from heat waves. Special pods made of the same materials that transport water into the volcano fashion round pods which ride the lava flows like a conveyor belt through the volcano. It appears that the volcano has lava flows going in every direction, for you can even ride the flows up and out of the volcano (although only certain flows out of the volcano have been approved as safe by the regulatory branch of the government). This is the public transportation system, and works much like a modern-day subway, although individuals can purchase their own pods. Large lizard like creatures which are evidently unaffected by lava and heat can also be used for transportation, like a horse, and many Garnetians use them, however they are hard to train and even harder to breed, and only those raised from an egg are suitable for domestic use. They are called Iglales.

Main Palace/Castle: Located at the very heart of the volcano, it is very large and partially under the street surface (which is polished volcanic rock). Hewn out of volcanic rock which is polished smooth on the inside, the outside of the palace is plated with obsidian and the floors are also made of this obsidian (black glassy rock produced by volcanoes). Much like a desert rock formation, there are various flat areas and turrets that make up the palace, for it was originally hewn out of an existing rock formation. At least half of the palace is not regularly used, and there are many twisting and turning passages that are only minimally maintained.

Demon info- not an actual demon, just a greedy Garnetian now controlled by greater evil

Name: Kalai

Appearance: He is short and squat in appearance, bronzed skin and a somewhat grizzled face. He has black cropped hair and black stubble. He wears a blood red wife beater shirt and black pants, and a rust red trench coat. He has reddish brownish black eyes. The tough look common to Garnetians is so prominent in his face that he looks slightly evil. But he can pass off as just a more hardened individual.

Personality: Gruff and short tempered he rarely says much. When he does is it precise and to the point. He does not lack Garnetian intelligence, however he is greedy and will do anything to increase his wealth and prominence.

Abilities: Nothing apart from the usual fire magic abilities of the Garnetians.

History: Kalai has lived on the fringes of the Garnet Kingdom near the mouth of the volcano from a young age. He has not committed any ridiculously aggregious crimes as of yet, however he has connived and scammed his way into less than savory work. He is somewhat of an oddjobs man and feels no shame in ripping people off. An anonymous source has offered Kalai great rewards if he will distract the King and the rest of the government and keep the Garnetians from connecting or communicating with the other kingdoms. He is also to try and destroy any correspondence trying to make its way into the Kingdom of Garnet.

Minions: He seems to have some sort of connection with the newcomers, however they do not appear to like him. Kalai prefers to work alone, but when he needs some help (such as on this BIG assignment),he has two aides.

Meklop - he is sort of non-descript in appearance, a simple, blank face with sharp and beady black eyes, short cropped chocolate brown hair and a shirt and long shorts set made of matching reddish grey. he is quiet and brutal, perhaps more merciless than Kalai himself. He has killed before. He is just a Garnetian, with regular fire abilities, however he has explored the fire magic off-limits to regular citizens - that which offers great power but could end in the complete and final eruption and destruction of the volcano.

Rionme - She is a trained assassin and theif, only working for Kalai on-hire. She has chin-length bright red hair and wears a black tank top and brown shorts. She carries a myriad of weapons that aid her in her fire magic and is skilled at killing or stealing without leaving a trace. She is ruthless. Unlike her working self, usually she is noisy and somewhat rude, almost bossy. She doesn't particularly like what she does, but it makes her a living and Kalai is a good boss, or so she tells herself.

((second character to be introduced later - aka as soon as I actually write the bio))

oh yes, and -Diamond Dust-

((note: i may or may not have computer access during the next week (up until july 24) obviously, I will be working to get on a computer and will no doubt succeed a few times, but it will be sketchy :D ))


[smile though your heart is aching::smile even though its breaking]

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 3:38 am 
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Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 9:23 pm
Location: The small corner of my mind where dreams are made...
Appearance: Has shortish black hair that sticks up on all ends (like Cloud from FF7), pale skin and deep blue eyes, that seem to shine from his face like two lights (this is why he is believed to be of the kingdom of Zircon).

((Note: When I said Zircon, I meant Opal. Echo is supossedly from Opal because of his bright eyes. What I put there just didn't make sense! I wanted to change it, but it was Ria's post, not mine.))

(( Okay, I thought I'd start this off. Ria'll put her introduction later....when she's done her essay. Start the RPing!))


Echo viewed the map once more, to make sure he was not in the wrong place. Yes, the map was right. The only way to the Kingdom of Diamond was through Garnet. He had spent the last three days searching the Garnet for some way, some possibility that Diamond had been here, and that there was a way to get to Diamond.
The map said something about a “ Stairway to the Clouds”. Once he found this stairway, he would be able to get to the city.
But it was nearly dawn now, and he had not rested for three days. Despite how much he wanted to keep on searching, he could not keep is eyes open to continue the journey. He would have to retire, if only for a few hours.
He sighted an inn, called the Molten Rock. It was small and plain looking. Great. He knew where there were larger and grander inns in Garnet, but he did not want to stay there and attract attention. Something smaller and shabbier like this would be perfect.
He made his way into the inn and sat down at the smallest table.
“What will it be, sir?” asked the owner, who was busily cleaning the tables. It was after the late night rush and it was time to prepare for a new day.
“Whatever you have. Nothing fancy,” Echo replied not bothering to even look at the owner.
The owner nodded and disappeared into some doorway at the back of the room.
There were only two other people in the inn. A dark figure, who sat in the shadows in a shroud of darkness. Echo did not know who he was, but he didn’t like how the man kept glancing in his direction. The other was an old, scruffy looking man. He was sprawled over his table in a daze. Echo guessed he was either sleeping or unconscious.
A hooded figure appeared at the window, peering in at the three men. The hood fell away and Echo saw that it was a girl… but not just any girl. She looked like… like Leah! Her lips, that hair… those eyes. She was unmistakable! Echo stood up with a start, sending his chair toppling. He made his way over to the window where the girl was standing, but at the last moment a frightened look crossed her face and she bolted. Echo ran to the door to follow her, but as he poked his head outside he saw that she has disappeared, without a trace. No clue had been left in the earth to suggest that she had been there. He walked back to the inn, dejected. When he walked inside, he saw that the old man had awoken and was holding his map that he must’ve dropped when he ran outside. He walked up to the man and fixed him with a withering glare until the man handed the map back.
“You’re looking for the Kingdom of Diamond, eh?” the man asked. Echo ignored him and walked back to his seat. No one listened to the ramblings of drunken old men.
“So you know where the Stairway to the Clouds is, then?” the old man asked, slowly. Echo paused. The Stairway to the Clouds? Did this old man hold the knowledge of where to find the stairway? Surely he was just bluffing. But Echo, who had been searching with no avail for weeks on end could not take that chance.
“What do you know?” Echo asked, turning to the man.
“Have a seat,” the man gestured to the empty wooden stool beside him, “And I shall tell you all I know,”
Echo cautiously sat next to the man.
“My name is Cael,” the man informed Echo, holding his hand out to shake Echo’s. Echo did not take the man’s hand, or say anything, “What is your name?”
“My name is not important. All I wish to know is your knowledge of the Stairway to the Clouds,” Echo said.
“Hmmm, you are very cold and silent for a young boy. But, times are hardened and so must be the people. There is even word of an attack on the eleven kingdoms by some unknown godly force,” Cael alleged.
Echo rolled his eyes. He had heard this all before, it was boring him. He did not have time to listen to some crazy old man’s tales of attacks from above.
“If you do not have anything interesting to say,” Echo said, getting up.
“No, no, no! I do!” cried Cael, pulling Echo back on the seat, “Listen,” he said, looking around him to make sure there were no unwanted people to hear their conversation, “What I am about to tell you is confidential, because if anyone else hears they may be able to get to Diamond as well,”
Echo leaned closer to the old man. This sounded interesting.
“When I was a young boy,” Cael continued, “I was adventurous. I was not fond of the hot, harsh climates of Garnet that my people are so used to. So I went exploring in the other regions of Garnet, the cooler ones. One day I got to a marvellous place that looked somewhat like the deep jungles of Amethyst, so unlike Garnet. There, was a tower of rock. I climbed and climbed and climbed and I climbed. I climbed until I came to a blanket of thick mist. Then the tower ended, in the clouds, but there was nowhere to go. There were strange runes on the rocks, and a big crack in the rocks, that looked like the shape of two doors. I had to go down, I could not stay up there, but I think that they were the doors to Diamond. And I think that they can be opened by the correct password.”
Echo digested Cael’s words slowly. Echo did not like to ride on an old man’s hunch, but so far it was the best he had.
“Do you know where the gateway is?” Echo asked Cael.
“Yes, I have a map here that you can follow,” Cael handed a yellowing piece of parchment to Echo. Echo studied it. The map showed regions outside of Garnet.
“I wrote it myself, so it isn’t too fancy but it should help you,” Cael suggested.
“Thank you,” said, Echo, surprised that the old man did not ask for payment.
“Just find that stairway and prove that Old Man Cael isn’t as crazy as everyone says he is,” pleaded Cael. Echo left the table; not wanting to listen to the woes of an old man, despite all Cael had done for him.
While waiting for his meal, Echo walked around the inn, examining the old pictures on the walls. There was an interesting picture of the royal family. It wasn’t very big compared to most Royal families he had seen, but then something caught his eye. He leaned closer… WHUMP.
An arrow had whizzed towards Echo, barely missing him and had speared the picture that he had been looking at. Echo spun around grabbed a stool and unsheathed one of his swords from his waist. Using the stool as a shield, Echo advanced on his attacker and cut him down. That’s when he saw the rest of them. There were five of them (including the dark man who had sat in the shadows of the inn) and each held large swords.
Echo dropped the stool and unsheathed his other sword, ready to fight.
The first man was very large. He charged towards Echo with great force. Echo merely stepped out of the way and the man ran straight past him and into the wall behind them. The others were not so easy. The next two came at him at once. They were smaller in build but faster. Echo held them off with his twin swords for a while but he knew he would not last for long. If a third man cam at him, he would be finished. Suddenly one of the men he was fighting lunged at him with a blow of killer force. Echo ducked and the man’s blow hit his alley. The man saw what he had done and reeled in shock. Echo, seeing his chance slashed the surviving man and the man fell to the ground.
There were two men left. Seeing what Echo had done to their friends, they turned and fled. Echo let them flee. There was no harm in letting them go tell their leader how he had easily evaded their little group. But he did need information.
He jumped for the men and managed to tackle one of them. The other one kept running, either not caring or did not know about his friend who had just been trapped. Echo looked down to see whom he had caught. It was the mysterious man who had sat in the shadows in the inn. Still laying on top of the man, Echo lifted the man’s head up by his hair and rested his blade under his throat. He could feel the man trembling beneath him.
“Who are you?” demanded Echo.
“My name is Llenruam,”
“Why are you here?”
“My band was hired to kill you. You stole my best friend’s wife, Leah,”
Echo’s eyes narrowed. So this was about Leah.
“So he’s still trying to kill me. Nice.” Echo commented, pulling harder on Llenruam’s hair.
“ We will never give up, you traitor, not until you are dead.”
A bold remark. Echo moved the sword closer to Llenruam’s throat as a threat. Llenruam gulped. Echo stood up and dragged Llenruam up with him, then pinned Llenruam to the wall.
“Listen to me,” he told Llenruam calmly, “I don’t care how many men you send after me, because as you can see, I can beat them all. I will beat them all. Tell you master that,”
Echo scowled at Llenruam and let him go.
Llenruam started towards the door but stopped and turned to Echo, “You will not escape Tundra,”
Llenruam ran out of the inn, before Echo could question him about “Tundra”.
The innkeeper entered the room and gasped as he took in his surroundings. He then ran to Echo and pushed food, blankets and ale into his hands.
“We don’t want no more trouble here sir. Please leave,” the innkeeper said, trembling.
Echo nodded and walked out. As he left, he thought he saw Cael wink at him.

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This amazing set by ria!

Last edited by .:Eternal_Spirit:. on Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:11 am 
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Emra rearranged her long, flowing skirt around her, her head looking toward the horizon. She sat on the smooth steps from her chamber, leading right into the sea- eyeing it wondering whether she should take a dip. She placed her chin in her hands, not being able to sleep she had decided to mull things over in the open air. She thought about the dangers creeping closer, but what exacly where they? She had caught wind of some of the dark plans, and dangerous future perhaps approaching did she help? Queen Raeli sighed softly, racking her brain for ideas. She could always go to another kingdom... But, abadoning her kingdom? At a time of danger? Unthinkable- but it may be come her plan. She looked out at the sea, her heart singing with the waves, she ran down the remaining of the steps, and transformed. A smooth, gray dolphin took her place in the shimmering dark waters. Though it was early morning, stars still winked and the moon still shone. She swam, and swam, crooning calls to the other dolphins- who knew the queen was among them. They flocked around her, detecting her worry and anguish, and they flocked closer. But her mind pounded with the danger, and that she must help stop it. Words spun violently in her whirring mind, about Garnet and Diamond? And about...Induisha? Fear and worry flooded the serene dolphin at this evil. She had to stop it, bring peace- for that was her task, and that was her nature- being part of the Sapphire Kingdom, or rather Queendom, and being their Queen. She thought about a letter she had recieved that day,with increasing worry and confusion.
Queen Raeli,

I speak to you from dire need. Our most
experienced Seers have found out very
discerning news.

Induisha is after our most precious possesions-
our Stones. As you know, he wished Anaedaan
no good and now he wishes us none either. His
only goal is destruction of our lands.

I send this letter as a warning to be watchful,
and as a question for us to meet.


Crown Princess of Diamond,
Serenity Tehsume

What did it mean? The kingdom Diamond? And this princess? Words spun in her head, breaking the calm dolphin's shell, she screetched at swam on top the water, skipping like a stone.

((Was my edit okey-dokey? Getting the same letter,etc. Hope so :)))

Original Joined Date: November 30th, 2002

Last edited by Forest_Majesty on Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:30 pm 
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The air on the inner court was cool. Almost fresh. Well, to Topezians. Any other (outside for the Garnetians) folk would still be sweating and suffering from sun strokes.

The sun had passed its highest point. The small fountains in every corner of the court, gurgled fresh water. These fountains sweetened the air. Making the meeting that took place on the inner court more pleasurable.

Merle was seated on a small throne out of stone. Gradia stood at his right side. As usual, the man was standing up, his chair behind him. Gradia wasn't the type of person that could sit for hours.. well, in fact not even for a few minutes.

The young king, on the contrary, was very happy to able to sit. Last days he had been plagued by fevers through a wound that had infected on one of his feet. The disease caused these wounds and fevers at random.

One of the tribeleaders started to talk about her cause again, "those horses and livestock, Sire, he just took the.."

The man she had been pointing to interrupted with a red face, "Dei-ha should have been well aware that the oasis she stopped her caravan at, was on our grounds."

He breathed in, calming himself, because the others were starting to look, "we simply took our payment for them using our oasis."

Gradea snorted.

Merle kept his face straight. Then he saw how Dei-ha was opening her mouth to speak up again. The young king quickly lifted his hand and the other closed her mouth.

"Lord Reke, of course you are right, that since the oasis and the thereby connected water resources lay on your grounds, you may ask goods or money when others want to use them. You do maintain the oasis' structures and people."

Lord Reke was clearly pleased by this.

"But.. four horses and.." Merle looked at his secretary for information. The man quickly raised his voice, "ten camels, twenty goats and eight sheep." Merle nodded, "exactly, I find a little overrated. In fact, I believe it is more then four times the taxes I receive from you per year."

The Lord wasn't that sure anymore, he shrunk back. But he understood the hint.

"I hope this is no habit. And since I have received no other complaints about this, I will consider this matter as a personal conflict. I wish for you to return all the horses and livestock. You may ask a money compensation, or some goods."

The two tribeleaders sat back in the chairs.

Merle looked at the sun clock on the walls opposed to himself. Nearly done.. he felt impossibly tired, sweaty and sick. A man was brought forward. A merchant, from looking at his clothes.

"Speak." It must be important, otherwise a merchant wouldn't contact him through the court.

"Sire," the merchant bowed, he was a chubby man, but had a honest face. "My caravan was attacked yesterday evening."

"Most concerning," Merle agreed. But it wasn't his cause, but that of the towns guards.

"By.. knights."

Headache flared through Merle's head. Knights? This meeting wasn't over yet. Merle was thinking about what to answer, when a messenger brought him a letter.

Still thinking about the present matter, he carelessly opened the sealed parchment. He didn't notice the symbol on the seal.


I speak to you from dire need. Our most
experienced Seers have found out very
discerning news.

Induisha is after our most precious possesions.
Our Stones. As you know, he wished Anaedaan
no good and now he wishes us none either. His
only goal is destruction of our lands.

I send this letter as a warning to be watchfull,
and as a question for us to meet.


Crown Princess of Diamond,
Serenity Tehsume .

Merle turned the parchment around, the seal contained, indeed the Diamond symbol. Was it fake? Or not?

He rose from his throne, "the meeting is over." Remembering the merchant, he felt a little ashamed.

"Please take your concerns to Lord Gradea, he is one of my most trusted advisors."

With that, Merle turned around, leaving the surprised court behind.

((No intend with godmodding with the letter.. Let me know if I have to change things. And sorry for the lengthy post. >->))

Set by WIS!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:25 pm 
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kuroro wrote:
((No intend with godmodding with the letter.. Let me know if I have to change things. And sorry for the lengthy post. >->))

((Don't worry, the letter was a great idea. And Ria and I encourage lengthy posts, because there's more of the story to read :D ))


The Royal Council of Diamond always came into session precisely when the sun hit the land. They always sat neatly in the same spots, and they only talked about matters that affected themselves. This is what happened every day and this is how the council liked it. But today was different from most other days. They were discussing an unusual matter, a matter of grave importance. A small, frail man, who had a snowy white beard that reached the floor, began the discussion.
“ Our Princess is causing harm to our kingdom. We must stop her,” the man started slowly, so that no one would miss what he was saying, “ We all know of the reason that she is causing this upstart,” all of the men in the room nodded. The reason was clear. A few months ago the royal Seer, Kinome, had announced to the royal court (and the princess) that he had discovered that Induisha was planning an attack on the twelve kingdoms, by taking the twelve stones. The council were not alarmed. As far as Ouhta knew, there was no such kingdom as Diamond; therefore, Induisha could not attack Diamond, if it was not believed to be real. He would never find out about it. They were safe.
But Princess Serenity was not concerned for her own people, as she should’ve been. She was concerned for the other kingdoms. She sent the messengers of Diamond to the other kingdoms, to warn them of danger.
But the council would not have this. Not only would the discovery of the kingdom of Diamond uncover the mysterious and secluded blanket around Diamond that they knew and loved, it would also destroy their plan.
“So what is it that we must do?” asked the man, stroking his long beard.
Immediately the hall erupted with voices.
“ Overthrow her!”
“Poison her!”
“ Make her into a numb servant of our will with a mind potion,”
“All very…tempting ideas, but I have a much better one,” stated a person, standing in the shadows of the doorway.
The man turned his head and gasped, “Tirithral, what are you doing here? You know this meeting is for us councillors only,”
Tirithral walked over to the man and fixed him with a steady and meaningful look, “ Councillor Quade, I bring to you a most interesting proposition.”
Quade’s eye’s narrowed in scepticism, “Go on,”
“Permit me to marry the Princess, and I shall control her to your will,”
“And how will you achieve this?”
“I have my ways. Just give me the Princess’s hand in marriage and I will fulfil my promise”
Quade sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, “ If you marry her, she will have to take the throne early. She will be too dangerous,”
“She could be very useful if under my control. I could stamp this, Induisha business out of her,”
“Very well, you have your wish. But if you do not fulfil your purpose then you shall be banished from our Kingdom. We have no need for boasters.”
“Of course, sir,” Tirithral bowed and left the room.

Serenity threw Usnami's crystal ball against the wall. It shattered and smashed into a thousand pieces. She had seen everything through the ball. How dare the council sell her off like that! Many servants rushed over to clean up the mess she had made. She stepped over them, and slipped over on a piece of glass.
Someone held their hand out to her to help her up. she looked up to see who it was. It was Tirithral. She stood up without any help, glared at him and briskly walked away, her eyes to the floor to make sure she did not fall again on anymore stray pieces of crystal.

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This amazing set by ria!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:57 am 
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On the highest floor in the highest keep of the land, Chancellor Thisa paced about in anticipation. She had sent a letter to the Peridot lands in hopes of a trade alliance. Her people were beginning to notice the food shortage, and were getting worried- an uncommonly expressed emotion for her people. She hoped the government of Peridot would allow such an agreement, she hadn't heard from them in awhile...
She became startled by a knock on the door. She didn't expect anyone today, besides the usual bird that delivered mail.
"Enter," she said.
A young man, known as Besthif Sirius, walked in. He was Thisa's correspondence to the rest of the Senate, who frequently held meeting to discuss minor issues about the land. He seemed to be clearly disturbed by the keep for some reason.
"Ah, Senator Besthif. Any news from Peridot?"
"No, m' lady," he replied, "but the Senate recieved an urgent message from a hidden land today. Something about the stones, demons, and impending doom."
"Anything specific?"
"No, they said that they couldn't go into details, but would like to make arrangements to meet you as soon as possible."
Thisa pondered this. How would they get to a kingdom that is hidden from all?
Besthif seemed to be thinking what Thisa was thinking. "They did mention that they were contacting the other lands about the same matter, and would conduct a meeting with all of the in the same place, or, that's what they'd perfer to do."
"Very well. Send word that I got their message, and await their reply."
As the senator began walking out, Thisa stopped him.
"You seemed bothered by something. Is there something about the letter that incites fear?" she questioned.
"'s your abode. The air feels colder than it should be...and thicker. I'd be on the lookout for supernatural activity if I were you. Perhaps invite your family over, actualy, it may be safer if you go to them." he seemed to cower at the thought of what might be lurking in the shadows nearby.
Thisa nodded. "I shall consider that, but I have some buisness to attend to first."
Besthif bowed, and hurridly left, leaving Thisa to commence pacing around the room again, this time worrying about what the hidden realm had to say, and that her lands may already be in danger.

((EDIT: Whoops, my bad. I forgot that bit.))

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

Last edited by DiscordantNote on Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:57 am 
Beyond Godly
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Saria Ishka sat on the wooden chair, high up in the trees, in her realm, Amethyst. She fondled the leaf blanket set upon the chair for more comfortable sitting. She watched outside the window, where all she could see were the canopies of the trees, and the other treehouses of Amethyst. She sighed, thinking of the other realms, and Induisha's threat to them all.

"Your Grace?"

Saria was brought out of her reverie by one of her advisors talking. She looked up at him with blank eyes, and sighed once more. "Yes, Asulou?"

The man called Asulou seemed relieved to be addressed, but another man cut across him before he could even speak. "Your Grace, it has come to our attention that there are three men intent on hunting you down and killing you."

'Big whoop,' Saria thought. She merely said, "The other leaders have the same problem, Cigoa."

Cigoa nodded, but said, "We stress that you are more important than the other leaders, Your Grace."

Saria narrowed his eyes at him. "By this logic, you seem to be suggesting that I am more important than even my own people, my loyal followers, the realm of Amethyst."

Cigoa nodded again. "Yes, you are -"

"Don't even try to tell me," Saria cut across him, holding up a hand, "that I am more important than my own people. If it weren't for them, would I be in this position?"

Wolf growled softly, already irritable in the heat, but hearing his mistress' voice take that tone with Cigoa, he felt it ample reason to growl at the man.

Saria patted Wolf's head soothingly just as Cigoa said, "But of course, Your Grace..." Saria thought she detected some sarcasm and mutiny in the way he said 'Your Grace', but she pushed the thought aside.

Asulou had been silent all this while, feeling it was wrong to speak out of turn when Cigoa was speaking, but now he said, "Your Grace, we know that you and all the others of Amethyst are equally important -" here Cigoa rolled his eyes "- but you are our Empress. Where would we be without you? We need someone to govern us through this difficult time, and if you do not govern us, we are through. We need to protect you because you are the only one holding this city together..."

Asulou trailed off. Saria looked at him, thinking. "I need to call the aid of the other Kingdoms," she said. "Stay there while I write it."

When the letter was finished, Saria informed Asulou and Cigoa that it was going to be sent to the Kingdom of Emerald, and not to read it. She always went to Meret for advice, in times like this. She passed the letter to a messenger, who left immediately to Emerald. She dismissed the advisors, who also left.

The letter read:


Our people need our help more than ever. We need all realms to cooperate, though the number of them puzzles me somewhat - surely there should be another?

Cigoa brings me news of three men trying to track me down, and kill me. I know that these must be minions of Induisha, and I would imagine that he has sent these men to kill all the rulers.

I want you to watch out for yourself.

In need of guidance,

[-squishes ria for not telling me Diamond 'doesn't exist'- :P

I'll introduce David later.]

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

Last edited by Anubis on Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:46 am 
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((Well I've finished my essay... but unfortunately I've got to get ready for school tommorrow (ugh, holiday's over, another term is beginning) and have no time to finish writing my introductory post. One good thing about school starting again is that I get to talk to Rachel more often, and we can brainstorm our ideas.

One other thing. I'm afraid some of you are going to have to change your posts. No one is supposed to know the Kingdom of Diamond exists!))


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:02 am 
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Merle lingered in one of the hallways. On one side the garden, the other doors and narrow windows from the rooms inside the palace. He had delivered the seal to one of the historians working in the palace. The man had been his teacher once and he trusted that this man would find out if it were real or not.

He ought to return inside, let his wound be taken care of and get some rest. But right now, Merle preferred staying in the garden.

Most certainly, the letter is a joke or a jinx.

He looked at the delicatly crafted floor stones. Yet his thoughts couldn't be kept away from the letter. It was kind of exciting.. if it were true. And worrysome also. But if it were a jinx or joke? Who was doing this, and why? Who could get so close to him to get this letter delivered. He ought to ask where it came from...

Then there was the merchant.. and the knights. I shouldn't have left all the sudden.. I have no excuse. No excuse at all..

Merle was terribly afraid to make mistakes. And if it concerned his kn..

"Hey brother!"

The young king almost jumped into a nearby fountain, startled by the voice.

Darnea had appeared around the corner, with two sleak hunting dogs. The animals were running around her, wagging tails. She laughed at his reaction.

"You think too much. I wonder about what, if you are so easily startled."

Merle rolled his eyes.

"Have you been hunting?"

She shook her head, "merely riding."

Then her face got more serious, "mother wishes to see us both. She has called some advisors too."

He walked up next to her, petting one of the dogs with his good hand. Wondering silentfull what this was about, he said, "let us go then."

Soon the two arrived in one of the many meeting rooms of the palace. The chamber contained cushions and large curtains blowing gently up by the wind coming through the large windows. Some small green desert palms stood in the corners, together with candles that weren't lit yet.

His mother stood in the middle, a small women with a pleasant smile, talking to one of the advisors.

She turned towards her children. Darnea's dogs immediatly started sniffing around, pawning through the pillows and shamelessly jumping after moving curtains.

One of the advisors lifted a brow. But before anyone could comment, Zue, his mother, started to talk.

"I know you are tired, but there are some matters that need to be handled."

She gestured at the pillows and everyone sat down.

"Good," Merle felt tired indeed, but his fever was also rising again, "say what you have to say."

"If your father had been alive, this subject would have been touched a long time ago," Zue looked sad when she mentioned her husband. "I think we need to find a husband for Darnea, I would understand if you.."

Darnea grew red, Merle shifted uncomfortably, his sister shook her head, "but mother. I don't feel like getting .."

"Please," Zue said, "you must understand, that Merle.. possibly cannot find a wife" she did not mention that because of the Disease no nobleman would agree his daughter to such a marriage, "and the doctors said.." Zue silenced, and then continued, "you know what happened to your brothers."

"How dare you assume that Merle is going to die," Darnea called, rising from her cushions. The dogs started to bark and growl.

Zue looked sad. Merle sighed, "I get your point."

Darnea snorted, "what?!"

At that moment, Gardea (who wasn't known for his subtility) bursted inside, "finally, I found ya! What were you thinking, boy? Just leaving like that!"

His sister was temporarly distracted, wondering what this was all about. Merle felt dizzy, he leaned back in the cushions.

"Can we talk about this after dinner, Gardea? Mother, I will think about what you said."

Darnea wanted to say something, but Merle cut her off, waving his hand,

"please leave all. I am tired."

Set by WIS!

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