can buy a plushie to sit on your bed or desk, and a few other little things to amuse yourself. The video games coming out sound cool, and I do seem to remember them talking about earning a few np by playing them and unlocking codes.
But reading
this upsets me a little. I don't like the merchandising intruding upon the innerworkings of our Neopian lives. This is regarding upcoming cellphone applications:
Players will be able to log-on from their handset and access exclusive new areas, pet species, characteristics, items, rewards as well as additional ways to earn Neopoints, the currency of Neopia.
New pet, who cares, but new areas? Items? Rewards? Hmm, I'm not too sure about that. What could they mean by 'characteristics'? I've been toying with the idea of going Premium, but cellphone playing is something I'll never do (maybe I'm just too old
) because I use my cellphone to make calls and then toss it back in my purse. Just can't imagine myself playing Neopets via a cellphone -if I have the time/opportunity to play it's always just at my desk, and why log on with a cellphone when you have a computer in front of you?
I just hope they don't make it so that someday you just have 'basic' Neopets unless you are able/willing to go all out and pay for access to extra special stuff through various ways. I despise being all doomy gloomy, but reading that put a little pout on my face