Urthdigger wrote:
And it's people like you who hoarded them that ticked the rest of us off
Have a nice day.
If you had 100 stashed away, I could see that as hoarding. Having 4 stashed away IS NOT hoarding. It is a smart business move.
Just like people who buy retired items and stash them away in the hopes that the items will increase in value. Or people who buy the advent calendar items when they are dirt cheap at Christmas time and then save them to sell the next Christmas.
I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever. It's investing your nps in the hopes of making a future profit. Anyone who has been playing for awhile knows that the price of seasonal items (Halloween, Valentines Day, Easter, Christmas) always goes up during the holidays. Because more people want them then.
Besides, anytime you buy things to sell at a later date, you do take a risk. You never know if a gazillion are going to be released and therefore, your anticipated profit plummets. Or if Neo decides that the particular item you bought will not work the following year for a sidebar or avatar. Or, God forbid, the item stashed away in your SDB disappears due to a glitch.
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