sirclucky wrote:
You just released 50 new species !! how are you going to give them all a day of there own like kiko day? and how are you going to make them be able to be painted with paintbrushes? - Nikki24772005

That was our little April Fool's Day joke. We always do something silly at this time of year. Those species aren't really released, and they won't have their own pet days. You are not by any means the only person who fell for it. (You can stop sending the angry *how dare you release 50 or why are they so ugly* messages now heh ).
I mean did you see the Hughhman or the scary Gorilla/Turtle ?!?! :D
Is there even the remotest, tiniest chance that some of the April fool's pets might be released in the future? The "Sharkaw" and "Polaflint" look pretty cool, and the Neopets menagerie doesn't have any bobcat or lemur-like critters yet. - Gizmonic
Well a lot of those pets were designs that didn't quite make it in the past. If one or two seem popular we could possibly end up tweaking the things we didn't like so much about them and adding a more refined version. We have no plans to do that at present though.

The DonkeyKongBowser hybrid wasnt ugly.

And more than just a couple were good... almost ALL of them were good... donna... adam... el pik.... someone on the neopets staff read this board and pound some sence into your other staff members

I couldn't agree more - what were the neopets staff thinking??
I didn't see one single complaint about the pets being ugly, all I saw were boards upon boards of people wondering why neo were being so mean for their april fools joke.
There wasn't one single pet there that didn't have a whole load of people loving it and wanting one. What a lame "joke" - lets show our members some uber cool pets that are much better than the original ones and then go "haha, you can't have them".
Pfft, I want my Polaflint!
Please don't make me beg again *sniff*