Do you and your friend IM with people you don't know (like a RS chat, something like that)? Have you accepted any files from anyone? Do you use Hotmail (from my limited understanding that's very very easy to crack). Have you been to any sites that anyone's given you a link to?
I understand that there is a patch now, but Firefox has a vulnerability that IE actually doesn't. It's called pharming (or phishing) where you go to a site, the url looks correct, but it's actually NOT the site you were going to. I know that makes no sense, but someone told me to take a url and paste it into notepad and the real url would show up.
You could have gotten a keylogger, backdoor, something like that. Firefox/Mozilla is not invincible. I was reading on Cnet a week or so ago that Firefox users could expect to start seeing spyware problems by this summer. Maybe someone's already figured out how to do it?
I'm so sorry this happened to you and your friend. I hope you both wrote to Support to get your accounts frozen so hopefully no further damage can be done. You will have to "jump through hoops" to prove that the accounts are yours - email you signed up with, dob, pet names and petpets, bank account type and last known balance, last trade/auction done, something in your sdb, trades, shop, etc., the guild you were in (if you were in one), some neofriends on your list, any neomails in your inbox, any weapons equipped to your pet(s), trophies ... anything at all you can think of.
I regularly do a quick copy and paste of my nf list, inbox, quickref and bank once a month and email it to myself as a just in case.
I really DO think the security code should be brought back. I know it's not infallible, but it does at least help. I also think that 2 people should definitely not be able to be logged into the same account at the same time. I have no idea why this is possible - sharing accounts is against the rules, and I feel that disallowing a second person to log in while you're on the site might at least dissuade would-be hackers/crackers. Either that or some kind of "warning" Event that someone else is logging into your account. You could at least try to get to User Pref and change your password to kick them out.