3rd February - Zafara Day!
Happy Zafara Day everyone! To start things off Zafaras can now be magically transformed into a rather snazzy Robot version...
Important Newsflash - There are two new scams going around where people are sending emails that appear to be from
mailto:donations@neopets.com and
mailto:verify@security.neopets.com. These are frauds.
We will never ask for donations from our players, neither will we ask you to verify your accounts by clicking on a link. If you receive any such emails, please report them to
mailto:abuse@neopets.com including the header information of the sender where possible.
The Book Shop has a wide variety of new Zafara themed novels and stories on sale.

A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 15,400. Amazingly only 27 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves a whopping 74,075 NP each.
Aurora_dreams and Anotherdreamer have just earned themselves a shiny Site Spotlight trophy for their website - Aurora Dreams.
This week's Better Than You challenger is none other than Mr. Chipper.
There is a new Background featuring the Zafara Double Agent.
You can now choose from four more Zafara Shopkeepers.
Why not spruce up your shop with this new Zafara Blog?
Can you figure out how to unlock this new Zafara Ace avatar?
There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the battledome image of The Bringer. 623 people guessed the correct answer earning 3,211 NP each.
You may notice some new random events as you browse the site, we have just added a lot
The Zafara Double Agent has been added to the How To Draw section.
There is a new page of Zafara themed Poems for you to look at.
If you are a fan of the Zafara Double Agent you will love these new bean bags, snow globes and plushies!

Can you complete Realsuperhero's Pirate Cave Of The Week?
Make sure you take your Zafara to visit Captain Threelegs today so they can claim their free training.
Zafaras can also be painted Electric and Shadow.

This week's PPL award has been given to the Wadjet. Well done WadaWada, sssssssssss, Wadjetta, Candice, Garland Roben Wadjet, Herbert, Slithers, Tina, SandTrap and all the others.
Apologies, the random contest is taking a little longer to judge than expected. A new contest will be announced tomorrow.