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 Post subject: Downgrades/"Red X" Items/Other Weapon Stat Changes
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:37 am 
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Does anyone know the exact rules of weapon downgrading?
Let's say for instance, I had two HPs equipped before they were altered to "Limit One". I know i'd still have the two at my disposal...but, let's say that the Honey Potion was downgraded to 10 icons. Would they be affected? Or still do the old damage?

Now...for something entirely different.
"Unlucky Scratchcards", which can be found via the IDB, seem to be one of those weapons that only the 1 Player Opponents have. Somehow, they were released to the public.
If I had gotten one and equipped it, then the item was deleted from the server, (For users, anyway) what would happen?

Also, a very odd occurence...ever tried stealing from Punchbag Bob/Inflatable Balthazar?
You'll receive an item with a red X on it that can't be used.
I just thought i'd mention that, it seemed interesting to me.

Lastly, a Cove question.
Only a set number of an item stocked at the cove can exist.
I can't recall the number, but, say it was reached.
If a person with one of those items discarded it, or fed it to a Grarrl or Skeith, would one restock at the Cove?

These are just some observations I made, and questions I have.
Any help is appreciated.

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 Post subject: Re: Downgrades/"Red X" Items/Other Weapon Stat Cha
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:13 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Chao wrote:
Does anyone know the exact rules of weapon downgrading?
Let's say for instance, I had two HPs equipped before they were altered to "Limit One". I know i'd still have the two at my disposal...but, let's say that the Honey Potion was downgraded to 10 icons. Would they be affected? Or still do the old damage?

Now...for something entirely different.
"Unlucky Scratchcards", which can be found via the IDB, seem to be one of those weapons that only the 1 Player Opponents have. Somehow, they were released to the public.
If I had gotten one and equipped it, then the item was deleted from the server, (For users, anyway) what would happen?

Also, a very odd occurence...ever tried stealing from Punchbag Bob/Inflatable Balthazar?
You'll receive an item with a red X on it that can't be used.
I just thought i'd mention that, it seemed interesting to me.

Lastly, a Cove question.
Only a set number of an item stocked at the cove can exist.
I can't recall the number, but, say it was reached.
If a person with one of those items discarded it, or fed it to a Grarrl or Skeith, would one restock at the Cove?

These are just some observations I made, and questions I have.
Any help is appreciated.

This isnt exactcally helpful, but heres what I think:

About Honey Potion:
If TNT ever downgrades that, and there will be a massacre(sp?) if they do, TNT will prolly forget to change the limit one thingy and the HP will be one of those crappy only-good-for-gallery items. On a side note, Illusen will probably be very, very lonely...

About Unlucky Scratchcards:
You'd prolly still get to use them, I think that because IDB knows the status of it. :P

About the Weapons that are red [x]s:
Ask it in the editorial and TNT will probably give them a nice pile of dung for you to steal. ;) But that would disrupt the system if punchbag had a sticky hand, and then he could steal a good weapon from you. TNT will think of something. ;)

About the cove:
Hmm... I dont know, perhaps Neo has a "items alive" script that tells it how many of that item is currently being owned by someone. I think it will restock.

Hope you found that helpful. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:31 am 
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Well, in the case of the Unlucky Scratchcards, it was an item designed to be used only by Sidney.
Somehow, it was obtained by a user. It shouldnt have ever been released, from what i've read.
I'd like to know how someone got it.
I have a theory on the Red X's as well.
Say a challenger has no weapons.
You use a stealing item.
What happens?
It can't steal "Nothing".
So, you're left with a broken image because the stickyhand or whatever you used had to take something. The server had to put something in your lineup.

<robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:40 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Chao wrote:
Well, in the case of the Unlucky Scratchcards, it was an item designed to be used only by Sidney.
Somehow, it was obtained by a user. It shouldnt have ever been released, from what i've read.
I'd like to know how someone got it.
I have a theory on the Red X's as well.
Say a challenger has no weapons.
You use a stealing item.
What happens?
It can't steal "Nothing".
So, you're left with a broken image because the stickyhand or whatever you used had to take something. The server had to put something in your lineup.

Neo should just make it that you cant steal anything from Challengers with no weapons. No matter how good your sticky hand is, it will always miss.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:53 am 
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Yes, it wouldn't be very hard to alter those two opponents to where stealing items don't appear.

<robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
<bawss> Right click.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 5:57 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Chao wrote:
Well, in the case of the Unlucky Scratchcards, it was an item designed to be used only by Sidney.
Somehow, it was obtained by a user. It shouldnt have ever been released, from what i've read.
I'd like to know how someone got it.
I have a theory on the Red X's as well.
Say a challenger has no weapons.
You use a stealing item.
What happens?
It can't steal "Nothing".
So, you're left with a broken image because the stickyhand or whatever you used had to take something. The server had to put something in your lineup.

well, I'd never heard of that scratchcard before! I got to learn something new! Who knows how someone got and equipped the thing - sounds like a glitch that TNT let slide.

The red x? Yes, I think your theory there is right on - they have nothing to steal, so you're just going to see a pizza box instead of an image.

I guess even if HP were downgraded and you had 2 equipped you'd be able to keep them equipped. I don't think? a downgrade would affect what you already had in your lineup. Course, I don't understand having 2 hp in your lineup. That sounds like a very n binator thing to do (and I cannot stand those people - weak pet, 15 mil set going around crushing newer battlers. That's fair or a real challenge?!).

Hmmm, the idea of HP being downgraded, even to a 10 icon. Well I do think Illusen would become very lonely - or lonelier. Her quests seem to be asking for more and more super expensive/not released UB at lower levels. It's cheaper to just buy the hp (waiting for prices to drop). And yes, the BD would go completely round the bend if that was ever downgraded, it seems to be such a staple in peoples' sets.

Cove items - I don't rs in general, and I certainly don't have dubloons, so this is a guess based on reading what others have written on the boards. My understanding is there is a set amount of items from the cove. It doesn't matter if there's, say 20 of something released and 10 of those are in frozen accounts, 3 were fed to pets, leaving 7. That's it - there will only be 7 of that item in Neopia. Unless a frozen account with one is de-iced. Or a nasty little scammer decides to try to dupe the item - there really needs to be a way to stop that once and for all and for the rest of us to be able to tell when an item's duped - before we're the ones duped - and either the item/np taken from us or frozen for buying something from a cheater.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:03 am 
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It's actually quite scary when you think about it. If someone can dupe an item by hacking into the Neo servers (no matter what you say, if a hacker really wants to get into something, they CAN get in), whats stopping them from releasing and selling something like.... Ultra Attack Chive Of Death for instance?

Anyway, to try and answer your questions.

IU\f a weapon is downgraded, then I'm pretty sure your version of the weapon will also be downgraded. But if you have 2 equipped, then I belive you will continue to have those two equipped in your set. But tehy would both be downgraded.

And with the cove... I'm pretty sure that once 120 are sold, thats it. Finito. No more. Thats why everyone was getting so uptight about all those cheaters buying up the Super Attack Peas, because out of the 120 that were released, around 30 were lost to freezing. Maybe TNT might be kind, and release an additional few items, but I wouldn't count on it. Although, I could be entirely wrong, since I'm not a cove restocker. This is just my experience from reading the rants of the BD chat.

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