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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 10:51 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I like playing games, though -- I don't like reselling or restocking very much. I started playing Neopets back in 2000 because I liked the games, and the games are the reason I've stuck with the site for so long. They USED to give out a decent amount of money (never high, but enough to be "comfortable" on Neo). Now that they're all being downgraded, it's getting harder to make a "living" playing games -- I suppose I could sit and play every single game I'm decent at every day, but that would take a long time and would make gameplaying a chore instead of fun.

If TNT wants to fix inflation, there are better ways -- start selling things like paintbrushes and codestones for a fixed price in a shop, for example (like the baby, royal and darigan brushes already are), make stores restock more often, make rare items a bit more common, or something. There's no need to take NP away from the gamers, who already make the least amount of cash. They want to hook new players and keep them at Neo? Well, new players are probably gonna start out playing games, so give them a good payout and an incentive to stick around. Right now I feel bad for anyone new. When I started playing it was easier to make enough NP for painted pets and nice petpets. Now I bet a lot of newbies give up before they reach that point.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:03 pm 
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I agree with Cranberry. I think many new players get hooked because of the games, because they are a way to guarantee making some NP without having to compete with people who have had years of practice at restocking, job agency, stock market, even reselling.
I would think that they'd want to keep sponsor game playing up, to please their sponsors, but I don't bother with games that pay out less than 300 NP per play. Maybe they think that people will play it longer each play if they need a higher score to reach 1000 NP, or play more times before sending their scores. Personally I don't even play the games once they get down to the 25 NP per 100 points scored. It takes too much time and effort to end up basically watching a commercial for a pittance of NP.

Image Thanks to bluehawaii19 for the beautiful set!

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 12:09 am 
Beyond Godly
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Ugh, they've downgraded the np to score ratio on so many games, some of them just aren't worth playing anymore. Or they may pay, but you have to play forever - ice cream factory, suteks tomb for instance. Korbat's Lab I totally gave up on, the ratio is so pitiful for (what is to me) a frustrating long winded game too. Igloo garage sale game they did the same thing.

I don't rs - dial up, no patience to try to compete with people on high speed connections, and don't even get me started on anyone who ab's - there's NEVER a good reason for cheating on a game.

Most games I can''t play - either I just don't get it or things like the faerie cloud racers? they move too fast for me with my disabilities. I get verrrrry dizzy just watching that, let alone have fast enough fingers to get anything from the game. So I stick to mainly the easy ones. I used to be able to do at least 10k just playing the games I like on the puzzles page (if I was feeling lazy - at least 20K to 25K if I pushed it). Now it's hours of games (literally, like at least 3 hours) to get maybe 12k.

I don't see how this helps even anything out for the players or the neopian economy. All it's doing is driving an even bigger wedge between the haves and the have-nots.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:10 am 
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Well... there's only one solution! Bomb the Neo HQ with loads of eggnog and asparagus.

If that doesn't work, we'll have to move on to plan B: writing to the editorial!
Maybe one message won't be enough, but if it was swmaped with hundreds of requests to upgrade the point/np ratio, then they would have to oblige, or at least give their reasons as to why they are doing this.

This is what I wrote in:
Please, I NEED to know why all the games are giving out so little neopoints. It was once possible to play games for less than 3 hours and earn over 20,000 neopoints (not that much, but enough for a a gamer). Now, if you're lucky you might earn 12,000.

The only thing this does is widen the gap between the poor and the super-rich. Please, either make restocking less profitable (I'm gonna get bombed with dung for saying this), or make games more profitable (*points* best solution :P). Please :)

Oh, by the way, I'm not a major gamer myself (more of a reseller), but hey, when I was a newbie, it was my main source of income, and earned me my first 150k. This was over a year ago :roll: I wonder how much a newbie could earn in 3 months playing games today?

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:39 am 
Beyond Godly
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I wrote in, too. Good idea. :)


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:08 pm 
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I think it's probably because games are a souce of inflation... they "create" new NP. Why they always seem to hit sponsor games, which they presumably want people to play, and which are not usually entertaining enough to play in their own right, I have no idea.

Why they don't try to control inflation by manupulating items and restocking, which would have the additional benefit of at least slightly reducing the huge imbalance between the NP a restocker can earn and the ones a gamer can earn, I also have no ida.

I agree that it's probably the games that first attacts a lot of people to Neopets. If people can't earn a reasonable living playing games, they'll leave. Moreover, it just makes sense... Neopets is going to maintain more users if they attact people who like playing flash games as well as people who get a kick out of buying and selling virtual items. (Let's face it, there's probably a lot more people who like playing games than who like restocking.)

cpvr... newbies aren't earning 100k+ a day playing games. Ask valerielundberg how easy it is to make 100k in a day playing games... IIRC, she tried it once just for grins and giggles and reported that it was a heck of a lot of work. I usually hear people who play flash games for income report daily games earnings in the range of 6k-15k, which is where I fall as well. (Though, I don't have very many 15k days since they downgraded Whack-a-Kass...)


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 6:33 am 
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While it's true that games do create inflation, the best way to counter it is by having cash cows like the main shops to eat it all up. Freezing a rich account also works :evil: WOW! I discovered a conspiracy :P

Also, Tombola eats up around 300k a day (donations), Scratchcard Kiosk takes a lot, as do a lot of different things.

The best counter is to release more items, new shops, and new pay np-to-play activities which are virtually impossible to win with, but curiously addictive to play *cough test your strength cough*

Reducing the point/NP ratio kills of the newbie population (a good and bad thing in a sense :P)

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 6:42 am 
PPT Toddler
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Well, to make you feel better... You can make at least 50k from dailies. That includes winning a few and selling them.

But I'm sure there are a few games that can earn easy nps... Like trouble at the national neopian! I get 600-800 ea. time.

I would like to buy a Honey Potion. ;) I am willing to spend under 700k. PM me if you got one!

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 6:52 am 
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ELEMENTx wrote:
Well, to make you feel better... You can make at least 50k from dailies. That includes winning a few and selling them.

But I'm sure there are a few games that can earn easy nps... Like trouble at the national neopian! I get 600-800 ea. time.

Yeah, but even if you could get 1k from it, 3k isn't enough to help you buy that super-rare bd item, or finsih your gallery. You need to be able to make AT LEAST 20k a day from playing your favourate games. And Trouble in the National Neopian is doomed to be downgraded, mark my words.

I just hope Magax doesn't get downgraded too far. I can make 1k easily from it (plus it's my favourate game).

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 7:13 am 
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I would like to see a downgrade on restocks because well... misery loves company. [/i]

Honk Honk Honk $#%#$% honk hooooonk.

- Honk

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 7:16 am 
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Oh yeah, I can just imagine the havoc of the battledome chat once they realise that everyone is only able to restock one r98 or above item each day, or that restock bans are set to last 2 weeks, or so on so forth :P

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:19 am 
Beyond Godly
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ELEMENTx wrote:
Well, to make you feel better... You can make at least 50k from dailies. That includes winning a few and selling them.

But I'm sure there are a few games that can earn easy nps... Like trouble at the national neopian! I get 600-800 ea. time.

What dailies are you going to? I'm going on at least 2 weeks of the best thing I've gotten is 106 np from tombola - and that was once.

Oh can you just imagine setting rs rules like that up? Things would be, shall we say, lively on the boards? It would never work of course. The scammers, ab'ers would still be there and people would just be trying to figure out ways of making new accounts (IP wise) so they could still rs.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:19 pm 
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Why... the eternal question... who knows? Why indeed... why is the sky marshmellow yellow? Why is the grass green? Why are mouse prefer ice cubes rather than cheese when in cartoons... they specifically prefer cheese? Why do they call corn beef... corn beef when there is no corn? :battar:

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 3:32 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Not sure if it's been mentioned, but another good way to make NP is to play the non-flash games. I make a point to reach my 5k quota on Pyramids as often as I can. Not only does it give you an NP boost, but it also gives you some good REs. I got a Draik Transmogrification Potion a month ago doing this, not to mention several codestones, faeries, and map pieces! Tooth faerie likes to visit too :D


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 4:25 pm 
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I agree. I have a fairly fast computer, so I'm fine, but it isn't fair to other people. I seems like it gets harder to make NP, and the pprices for everything skyrocket all the time. I remember when Morphing Potions were really cheap...mabey 45k for a Cloud Ixi one. But now it costs way to much... a lot of times over 100k.

I really stinks...

Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!

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