plushie wrote:
Slime Lord wrote:
I don't like this abrupt ending/ revamped ending for the following reasons.
1. There wasn't enough oppoents between 250 - 50k/100k. Hrobi, xxxx, featheralley and others did not defeat either/or. There for it was unfair to all players they ended this so abruptly.
2. Masilia should have tooken on the Thieves guild. Plain and simple. We don't have enough "Evil" Things to play with, and if we do they're all good now. IE. Darigan Citadale. Why couldn't of that kept evil and force to flee to the Wastelands of Hebejebee?
3. Kanrik should not be the leader of the Thieves Guild. Again, Plain and Simple. He should be dead.
5. Who was that "Bori Mage/Wizard" that somehow managed to undo one of Taelia's weapons actions? Why was he in that room to begin with?
6. Why wasn't there an actual second part of the War? Going from Outside to Inside is two parts? Come on!!! I wanted to be on Taelia's Side fighting back a DemiGod from Desert! Don't tell me The Bringer was this DemiGod! Weak!!!
7. Hannah should have been left venturing into the Haunted Wood to find something! Not back at a bar!!!
8. Great. Sloth plot will be coming in Febuary/March, right before the Darkest Faerie V. Fyora plot. Splended!!! Non-Stop-Inflation!!!
9. Was it ever clear if that Grral guy was actualy killed? If so, why is he even in the dinner to begin with? Why is Masilia still there?
10. I hate how they ended it so quickly. It wasn't fair to anyone because of the Holidays coming up. Perhaps TNT should have started it in Mid-Nov to actually get it fully completed this week! Or hey, wait untill January next time!!!
I don't like any of it. I don't appreicate how they did it.
I agree it did end far too fast, and no one defeated kanrik OR the bringer because they were never released for battle!!
and taelia, how on earth did she become unfrozen, it couldn't have been just some old person and a stick ><;;
I agree it ended too fast, that hannah should be somewhere else, and I think that TNT needs to think of the players and make wars last SUMMER SCHOOL BREAKS, The 2nd meridell war lasted 45 days or so, and ended on school break start, so all in all, useless weapon inflation, shaken-up neocola can went from 99000-185k, I payed the least then payed 145k. Thanks, knives, you=teh 1337.
Buying: Black frost cannon, good once per battle weapon, maybe a good shield.
fUNDS 220K/???