evilkitten wrote:
If we had five pet,s people would start wanting six. and if they allowed us six, people would start demanding seven. If they let us have seven, people would want eight... If they allowed some people to havve 8, there's gonna be people who would start complainging that's it's not wenough, and they would want nine. If they broke down and gave us nine, people would start demanding a pet collector avatar, leader board and trophies for their constant pet collecting, and it wouldn't stop till someone evenone had 90 different pets, just to try to get on the Neopet Pet collector leader board.
nahhh...... thats what i tried to say earlier.... 5 is actually a good number for a pet ammount... and you would have to EARN a 5th pet, so a 6th would be out of the question. 6 pets would be way too many.....