Meowth, I'll tell you what the problem is.
It's that TNT cares more about its sponsors than its members.
How many plots/ideas have been scrapped or delayed (Sloth plot, neoschools, etc)?
How many more new sponsors have they added?
Why is it that they can put up ads for Ebay, but if you say that word, you're iced?
Why is it that they can put up a disgusting ad that shouldn't been seen by children, but if you say that someone is "hot," you're iced?
Why is it that families that share their computer are iced? Why is it that people who use computer cafes are iced? Doesn't Neopets want more members? Do they really think that every member has their own computer? Do they really think that not a single member might share/borrow a computer?
I am a Neopet consumer. Even though the membership to Neopets is free (excluding premium), I buy the cards, get the magazine, collect the figures, plushes, stationary, jewelry, etc.
As a paying consumer and a longtime member of Neopets, I do not feel like a valued member. I feel disposable. My membership could be terminated at any time because of something that isn't my fault, or because a rule was changed without public knowledge.
I feel that my membership with Neopets is just a number. They have millions of members, but don't forget, iced members are still members. They are frozen, not deleted.
In fact, I'm starting to think that Neopets is icing members, knowing that they will get new accounts, to increase that number. The higher the membership numbers, the more sponsors are willing to pay for advertising, and the more sponsors are willing to join the advertising.
I have worked hard for my account. But it could be all wiped away with just a keystroke for little or no reason.
We aren't valued members. We're just numbers.
That's what the big deal is, Meowth.