i've only read one of hers, the black swan i think, which was a remake of swan lake, i did like it, but then exams hit me so i haven't the time yet to read any of hers others, but another friend read the hawk and the nightingale, which appears to be the only book of hers in the 4 libraries i frequent

i'll keep a lookup for the valdemar series then

they sound interesting.
david gremmel, the name is awfully familiar, i'm sure i've read a couple of his, but can't remember what they were about. they must be half decent at least since i remember then, but obviously its a book someone has lend me or is pack up in the shed, since its not on my bookshelf.
david eddings socks my socks! love everything he and his wife have written, except the riven codex, some reason, head turns into cream cheese.
tamora, pierce, theres a thread about that somewhere here, and shes fantastic! love the new trickster series

i've always a bit suss about it when i comes to the bookstore, since they don't know enough to put her books together, and thus, can never find them.
is meridith anne pierce related to tamora?
anne rice is good, borrowed all of them off my aunty

spent my practically the whole time i weasn't visiting relatives overseas, reading those books
anne mcCaffery has a thread here somewhere, no wait, she doesn't

i'm going a bit off her now, although she used to be one of my favorite authors, but the ultra feminist friend always grills me about reading, and since i was stupid enough to lend her one of those books, she knows exactly whats in them, so it isn't as enjoyable to have them around the house.
wheel of time, it bores me frankly. i got lost around the 6th book, i think its my own fault for attempting to read the entire series in a week. *yes for me its highly possible, i finished 2 books of his in one night* when he gets round to finishing, i will read them all. but its looking like its going to drag on.
acorna is nice, i like that series, since ultra feminist friend can't say anything bad about liberating women from slavery.

haha! got her!

unfortunately, i can't find the latest book in the library

and i've been banned from buying new books as well
as for elvenblood, who wrote that?
and i'm a fantasy buff as well

never venture to any other catergories except insperational, lifestyle or science.

If you see my sanity, get it to give me a call.