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 Post subject: Mercedes Lackey and more^^*
PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:49 am 
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Anyone read her books? THey are INCREDIBLE! She is one of my favourite authors!!! I love her Valdemar series, my favourite being 'the last herald mage' trilogy, as well as the mage storm ones. Brightly Burning was also very good. Her Joust and Alta books are awesome, as well as the outstretched shadow. Yeah, I'll stop naming them. But I HIGHLY recommend her books.

Some other authors I like are:
David Gemmell
David Eddings
Tamora Pierce
Meridith Anne Pierce
Anne Rice
Anne McCaffrey

and some series:
The 'talking to dragons' one, read so long ago, I can't quite remember the name anymore o.O;;
Acorna series
The Wheel Of Time

a bunch more. I'm such a bookworm XDD I love reading, but I keep mainly to fantasy, as one can see o.O; haha.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:54 am 
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i've only read one of hers, the black swan i think, which was a remake of swan lake, i did like it, but then exams hit me so i haven't the time yet to read any of hers others, but another friend read the hawk and the nightingale, which appears to be the only book of hers in the 4 libraries i frequent :(i'll keep a lookup for the valdemar series then :) they sound interesting.

david gremmel, the name is awfully familiar, i'm sure i've read a couple of his, but can't remember what they were about. they must be half decent at least since i remember then, but obviously its a book someone has lend me or is pack up in the shed, since its not on my bookshelf.

david eddings socks my socks! love everything he and his wife have written, except the riven codex, some reason, head turns into cream cheese.

tamora, pierce, theres a thread about that somewhere here, and shes fantastic! love the new trickster series :) i've always a bit suss about it when i comes to the bookstore, since they don't know enough to put her books together, and thus, can never find them.

is meridith anne pierce related to tamora?

anne rice is good, borrowed all of them off my aunty :) spent my practically the whole time i weasn't visiting relatives overseas, reading those books :P

anne mcCaffery has a thread here somewhere, no wait, she doesn't :( i'm going a bit off her now, although she used to be one of my favorite authors, but the ultra feminist friend always grills me about reading, and since i was stupid enough to lend her one of those books, she knows exactly whats in them, so it isn't as enjoyable to have them around the house.

wheel of time, it bores me frankly. i got lost around the 6th book, i think its my own fault for attempting to read the entire series in a week. *yes for me its highly possible, i finished 2 books of his in one night* when he gets round to finishing, i will read them all. but its looking like its going to drag on.

acorna is nice, i like that series, since ultra feminist friend can't say anything bad about liberating women from slavery. :P haha! got her! :P unfortunately, i can't find the latest book in the library :( and i've been banned from buying new books as well :(

as for elvenblood, who wrote that?

and i'm a fantasy buff as well :P never venture to any other catergories except insperational, lifestyle or science. :P

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:55 am 
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lol, yeah, mercedes lackey is incredible. She's the one who wrote the elvenblood series^^*

David, like, Skilgannon, umm, darn, I can't remember the names anymore >.< *sigh* but thick books taht are incredible ^__^ haha. Well, not super thick, but yeah.

Tamora Pierce..she's the one who got me into fantasy^^* hehe. Yeah! I've only read one trickster book. are there more? o.O; heh.

Yeah, David Eddings is good^^* I haven't read all of his, cus I stopped halfway through the last series. I couldn't keep going >.< I think it's cus I had read his books nonstop, from first to then, so I needed a break. I haven't gotten back in o.O; haha.

Meridith anne pierce..I don't hink so o.O;; haha. author of the Darkangel series. fantastic books^^* Plus many more. I love all of them, haha.

Anne Rice...still gotta read more O.O hehe.

Anne McCaffrey..I normally read her Pern books. I've read soo many, but that was a long time ago, so I should really read them again, to remember^^* heh.

Really? I loooved the wheel of time^^* haha. Well, I like Rand XD That's mostly it, hahaha. Yep, I think it's a good series, but that's me. Fast reader, eh? I'm...kinda fast? Depends on how concentrated I am ont he book^^* hehe. Probably not as fast as you.

Banned from buying books?? *hugs* awwww >.< I don buy them normally tho, hehehe. Library^^* mwahz.

Hooray for fantasy XD


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:05 am 
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ooh i really reccomend that you try and finish off the series, i think they would have to be among my favorite books, its well worth finding the other books Polgara and belgareth *polgara is my favorite*

david gremmell, did he write stormrider?

and yes there is a second trickster book out, its called trisksters queen. i know its out in australia for some time now, at least a month, if not more, childrens fictions not where i haunt usually nowadays,

and yes i'm banned, i've spent over one and half thousand buying books, and when you put it like that, you have to a gree with my family. most of those have been books i've described as "must-haves" but still a couple of them are books i'll never read again.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:16 pm 
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Ack! I totally love Tamora Pierce!! I'm reading The Outstretched Shadow' by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory. It's really good so far =D

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:57 pm 
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haha, I'll se if I can get back into the series^^*

Yeah!! Thta's one of David Gemmell's books^^*

Hmm, the Trickster Queen. I'll keep that in mind^^* mwahz.

Hehe, the outstretched shadow is an AWESOME book. I loved it!! I can't wait to read the other one(s) ^__^ hehe.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:59 am 
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its trickster's queen, and i've heard it takes a bit of time to get the books overseas :P good luck :)

ah then i know i've read the first in that series, i haven't read stormrider, but could only remember the title of that book, but not the one i've read, since i saw stormrider, thought it looked interesting and decided to actually start at the beginning of a series for once *i usually start at the second book due to weird buying patterns of school/public librarians who never seem to like buying the first in the series, but always buy the second for some unknow reason, its true, and weird*

another long writing autor i'm fond of is Janny Wurts. she writes well, and is another "robert jordan" in that her books are long, and shes at the ninth book in the series *very thick* and hasn't finished :( but i took that series in numerous stages, maybe why i finished them all :P

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:34 am 
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Heh, yeah, I Hope it comes soon! >.< hehe.

I didn't start at the beginning of the series. I think I read RavenHeart first or something,then Stormrider, then I've read Skilgannon, but that's a bit of a different series. I've read a few, but the library doesn't have tons.

It IS true, they buy all the like, last or 2nd last books, but never the first ones! haha. So annoying *sigh*

Hmm, Janny Wurts. Never heard of her, but I'll look into it for sure!^_^


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:31 am 
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Wolven Spirits wrote:
It IS true, they buy all the like, last or 2nd last books, but never the first ones! haha. So annoying *sigh*

:o its universal! :P what is with librarians doing that? i asked them, and even they didn't have a very concise reason, just mumbled about thats how its always done.. and then running off to shelf books in the ancient history section..

have you ever read isobelle camody? shes another fantastic author, but shes another one that hasn't finished her main series.

and of course, i'm a huge harry potter fan :P and LOTRs of course ;)

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 4:35 am 
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Haha, it IS universal, lol. I've never actually asked o.O; but maybe they don't realise what they're doing? hahah. Librarians are weird sometimes >.< hehe. Like, at the district public library, they have rurouni kenshin manga comic no 4 and 5, but no 1,2,3 or anytin like that. it jumps around a LOT. same wit inuyasha. it goes from like, 13, to 24 or something clsoe to that o.O; it's so weird :thinking:

Nope, never read isobelle cannody. I gotta write this down o.O; haha.

Have you read terry pratchett? You probably have. I LOVE his books. They always make me laugh^^* hehe. You've read Garth Nix, right? Well, maybe not. But I love all of his books XD not just Sabriel, Lireal, Abhorsen. (spelled correctly? it's been a while >.< heh. ) the ragwitch is a good one, and shade's children is good too^_^ I'm trying to think of some more authors I can recommend o.O; but none are coming to my head right now >.< maybe if I go to the library some time, I'll try to find some good authors^_^ heh.

GOtta love HP and LOTR XDDD


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:06 am 
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*points to terry pratchett topic* mine :P read ALOT of them, and the library is supriingly good about having most of them because they are so popular, and the ones it doesn't have.. lets say 2 shelves are devoted to terry pratchett books on my book collection :P my favorites are the rincewind books, anything with DEATH in it, susan *she rocks! wish there were more books about her* and the unadulterated cat, that book is soo true :P

gareth nix is also someone i've read, i didn't like sabriel as much as i LOVED lireal, i adored it, got it out 12 times until the librarian started giving me strange, almost resigned looks. um probably about 9 times? :P i bought abhorsen when it came out, couldn't be bothered waiting, and the Dog has to be my favorite character in that :) haven't read shades children, i saw it but was currently reading a graphic novel by neil garmain or something like that. but the reason they only have the 3rd and 5th books was because apparently people nicked the rest, i was doing work experience at the library then :P i went back last week, and they are all gone now :P i went to the shop, and they are about $30 each :( but fantastic art, really good and very interesting plot.

i got out acorna again today from the library, but i'm having problems re-reading it, due to the fact the book SMELLS really badly of cigerette smoke and other indescribable smells. half a bottle of my favorite perfume has already gone onto it, but now it smells even odder :P i think i'm going to buy my own copy at this rate :P

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:02 am 
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I LOVE Mercedes Lackey! I've read most of the Heralds of Valdemar books and I just finished Phoenix and Ashes. She takes up more space on my bookshelf than any other author....except perhaps Robert Jordan...


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:39 am 
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Heh, I love the elemental series too^^* But pheonix and Ashes is the only one I haven't read o.O;; Yep, I LOVE her books^^* I'm reading Exile's Valor, cus I think I put it on hold once, but never got the message from my parents to pick it up, cus they have a habit of forgetting to tell me >.< haha. So I got it from the school library XDD

I wish I could buy ALL her books, heh.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:59 pm 
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went to the library today, and found another book of hers: the fairy godmother, or something similar, :) quite good, but i found terry pratchetts book about tradition and narritivium more interesting, this was more light hearted, well written though :)

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:46 am 
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Yeah, the fairy godmother. I went to the library at school, and I found that book! I haven't read it yet though o.O; heh.


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