hyperflutterby wrote:
Oh great! How do I convince you guys that you DON'T want to vote for me? Well vote for me if you will. We all know that a person's true identity is revealed when they die. I just wish that there was a way to let you guys know that you're not making a good choice here.
Can you guys just tell me one thing? How did I get singled out this quickly?
Edit: Wait a sec! I just thought of something! Since the Mafia and the wolves know who each other are, couldn't they just single someone out and start the majority?
For instance, they all talk and pick one person to vote for as a group. Then they go and post their votes relatively early and get the ball rolling to create a majority against one person who they know isn't from their group?
You sort of convinced me, hyper. And I think it really is stupid just "going for the majority", since hyperflutterby may just be a mystic/angel/shaman/archangel.
But then, those of you who are trying to push for a vote for someone so eagerly may very likely be the baddies...

Especially for someone who hasn't exhibited signs of evilness yet. After all, there are 24 people in the game, and 6 are baddies, so 1 in 4 people are bad.
I think I am going to vote for the person who seems the most suspicious currently to me... look at the way she keeps trying to make hyper sound bad, plus she was the first to vote for hyper, no reason given.
VOTE: Dawn2
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