Neopetsmom wrote:
Well I initially picked kugetsu to vote for simply because he posted early in the topic. I've played this game before and tow things have always been true. One, a disproportionate number of wolves post early in the game. I'm not sure why that it is. But, Ive seen may be 25 games played and bad guys post early most of the time (not all the time, but more often than would be predicted by their numbers). The second thing I've learned is that innocents benefit from executions. Waiting a day or so might be fine, but much beyond that and it gives the wolves too much of a headstart. So that is why I picked Kugetsu the first day.
At the end of the first day, there was no majority but there were more votes for kugetsu than anyone else so I didn't think it was likely that anyone else could get executed the second day and thought it made sense to build on that to get an execution. The second day he had the most votes but not enough to execute. Given that I didn't see it likely that anyone would really vote for anyone else on Day 3 and felt we needed an execution.
Now? I am not sure. The first 3 posters were kugetsu, Qanda and Wind.
I beg to differ. There are many factors which would affect your theory and I'll list them here.
1) There are only two wolves, and they may live in different time zones, so even if they were excited and wanted to post first on the thread, it is likely that they wouldn't be online when the gameplay thread was newly created.
2) Anyone excited about the game would post as soon as they see the thread, regardless of their roles. Especially since Scottnak urged everyone to be more active.
3) Some forumers tend to be more active then others, and are online more often. For example, I am online most of my waking time and I tend to notice a new thread sooner.
4) Kugetsu posted first, but it turned out he wasn't a werewolf. I posted second, and I'm sure as heck that I ain't one.

I'm not sure about Wind, but I don't suspect her much.
If you ask me, it is people who keep trying to divert the blame/attention to others who are more suspicious... especially those who try to influence the thinking of others. *looks at a particular suspect with narrowed eyes*
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