Hunter Lupe wrote:
I have a weird feeling potions last a number of turns, rather than seconds. Anyhow, my expirience says 40-55 seconds / haste potion.
Hmm. I've never thought to test that. However, I suspect they last by number of seconds, not number of turns, and that it just
looks like it goes by number of turns because your party tends to get a similar number of turns for a given number of seconds.
At least, I
am certain that's how Mipsy's Damage Shields, Velm's Group Shield, and Talinia's Multiple Target recharge works, as I've tried it (both by making party members take turns every second so the number of turns they get in a given time increases and making them take turns every 5 seconds so the number of turns decreases). Those definately go by time, not turns.
I have the sneaking suspicion that the length of time that a potion lasts depends on the level of the party memeber/monster, although I could be wrong. I think your best bet is to experiment a bit before you hit with Terask II with the (replacable) highest-level damage and haste potions.
I think I used Terask I as my test case. :-)
I think it is important to know how long the potions last though, especially on Insane. Knowing that the Coma potion on Terask II was going to wear off in time to start tossing more potions before it actually did, helped a lot. Unfortunately I no longer remember how long it took. :blush: