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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:12 pm 
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((Ok, I think we have enough people for now.. I'll go close it, add the new players, and then edit this post for my first appearance.))

Where is it? Ryu thought, walking through a dark grassy forest. I can feel the Origin Earth Orb here. I just know it. He continued to tell himself, as he slowly moved onward, inching through the darkness. I'll retrieve it for master, and finally be accepted as a demon. He finished, sensing something near him. Quickly, he reached for a pouch at his side, and pulled out threee needles, between his small and ring finger, ring and middle,, and middile and index fingers. What is that? Nevertheless, I won't let them escape. He told himself, using his prized Shadow Orb to become invisible, in hopes of not being seen.


Made by Hellyer

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:56 pm 
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Renrin pulled her tail closer to her body as she rested being half asleep in her lair. A small stream of lava was running a few meters away giving her a comfortable body temperature. She made a small clicky growling sound and took a more comfortable position on the rocky and slightly grassy ground she was laying on.

((I figured anyone who wants to have Renrin as a companion from this point can enter the cave to wake her up, or something :P))

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 8:49 pm 
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Ember sighed as she heard the Dragon sleeping. Again. Everytime her tribe had come here, Renrin had always been sleeping. Until Ember came to wake her up that is. Almost tripping over a loose rock, she slwed down. Although it was hot, she liked it. The Denatou were a Desert Tribe, and even that didn't get this hot, but she was linked to fire. So was her older sister, in a way, but not as much.

Sighting the Dragon she smiled. Renrin made a small clicky-growling sound as she attempted to get into a better position.

"Really, Renrin. Your getting old, and sleep to much. Get up, I want to talk to you."

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:04 pm 
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"Old? Ah seriously Ember you need to get over this old thing, dragons are not immortal but I will probably still be around when this place gets destroyed by some natural disaster. And that's when I'll actually be even close to old." Renrin muttered rolling over to her other side opening her eyes to look at the elven girl standing a bit further away.

Though Renrin might have seemed mostly irritated by Ember really she appreciated her quite a lot. During all her years there were few who had had the courage or will to wander into her lair to just have a chat. Mostly they just wanted to slay her, which Renrin had had quite enough of. Finally someone had actually looked at her as an intellectual being and not an object of bravery.

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:54 pm 
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Sin was hopelessly lost. "Elves don't get lost in forests..." he thought, then remembering he was only half elf, Sin let out a depressing sigh, shrugged his shoulders, and laughed it off. He continued to stumble forwards aimlessly, in this putrid forest setting. "The ground seems to have been defiled here, and the grass overwhelms even the rocks and animals." he said aloud, carelessly. In the dim moonlight, the forest seemed aged beyond belief, aswell as extremely sinister.

Sin sat down for awhile and took off his battered gloves. The aura from his hands seemed like sunlight in the dismal forest, and he wholly welcomed it. He stood up and walked to a nearby pool of water, and cleansed his bruised and shivering hands. Then washing his face and soaking his feet, he got up and went towards a tall oak tree, like something was compelling him, luring him. He gathered his gloves, but carelessly forgot to put them on, and starting a light jogging pace moved evercloser to this item of attraction, his hands still glowing like two small, but powerful beacons of safety.

{{edit, i'd like to change my character from half human/elf to half angel/ that possible?}}


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 12:23 am 
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((sure... Just edit it in your post n.n; And I officially became your characters stalker :O))

Hmm? Yes... It's getting stronger... Almost.. Angelic.. He told himself, creeping along, still invisible, watching every step. Still holding his needles, he held them up to his face. "Prepare. For a fight." He hissed to himself, jumping onto a tree and lunging off until he hit another one, in which he continued the pattered, to avoide stepping on small twigs and attract noise.

Finally, he had reached the small pool, and through slitted eyes he watched Sin. Yes... I feel the angelic presence... Very powerful... He confirmed, still watching, he jumped onto the ground, being sure to not make a sound. Quietly, he inched forward, closer to Sin. Death awaits. He hissed to himself, flicking his wrist, sending the needles flying towards his enemy. Can't have an angel here now can we?


Made by Hellyer

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 12:40 am 
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Ember laughed. "Your old compared to me. Of course, we both still have thousands of years to live."

Then Ember grinned. "Hey, Renrin, look what I can do now!" She held up her hands, and a look of concentration came onto her face. A few seconds later a small fireball appeared, and slowly got larger. Until it blew up.

Glancing sheepishly up at the Dragon, her face all blackened, Ember said, "Whoops. I haven't gotten complete control over it quite yet."

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 1:17 am 
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Aria Nervelle had a sense of foreboding when she glided over to what had been her mother's room before she died. She bit her lip and looked around, and seeing nobody, entered. She searched the musty room, and memories flooded her mind and clouded her vision.

She shook her head. " Stop it, wanting her isn't going to bring her back," she muttered.

She walked over to the chest near her mother's bed. In the chest is what you seek, her mother had told her on her deathbed. Aria opened the chest, and saw a golden staff and a large crystal. These? She took the crystal and wiped it with her sleeve, as it was very dirty.

Suddenly, the crystal began to glow inside, a mass of colors appeared. She gasped and almost dropped the crystal. She looked intently at the many faceted sides, and they began to focus. It showed her a vision. An elf...Wait, she thought. Not quite an angel too! The elf-angel seemed lost.

I can help him! Aria thought excitedly. She grabbed the staff from the chest, assuming it might have magical properties too, and pinpointed his location. She put her hands together and they began to absorb the glow of the rest of her body. Her wings fluttered slightly and she appeared in the forest.

The angel looked around, and saw the elf-angel she had seen earlier. She grinned and said, "Hey, it seems you're lost."

((Gah, that was long...

Edit: It appears to me that I started a conversation with a person that's about to die. -_-;; Dunno how to fix that, but I'll try. ))

Suddenly, she saw needles flying towards them. She shrieked and, surprisingly, the two of them both appeared a couple miles away from where Aria had appeared.

Image Thanksies Dawn, sorry I didn't see it before. ^___^

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:19 am 
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{{laff kirstina :lol: , ok thanks ryu :D }}

A voice called to Sin, but it was unheeded because of his lust for this unkown, but very desirable artifact or person. A stunning white glow then overtook his vision and body, and his mind grew cloudy. Suddenly, as if awakened from a dream, Sin realized he was neither in the place he was, or in a place he remembered. With a questionable look on his face, he paced around trying to make sure he was not paranoid, and WAS just a few miles from an oak tree looming out of the darkness.

With a slow, but dumbfounded realization, he suddenly saw that there were 2 others here. Entrusting in his past encounters with a demonic tribe in the last region he visited, he quickly drew Jadereel and fitted a bolt to her fine wooden notch. Disregarding the fact that his hands, still were not covered by a sheath, he did not realize how important the gloves were to him, until now.

His first instinct was to fire on what seemed clearly to him as a demonesque looking thing in the distance. But he saw that the sparkling being in the middle did not move to attack it, or either one of them. He hesitated, but did not fire. "Who is there?" he shouted, hoping his voice alone would scare away these unkown beings.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:21 am 
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"Well it seems like ages since you started bothering me as a young child no matter how young you still are..." Renrin said.

As she had said that she watched as the exited Ember started to create a ball of fire. It didn't take long for it to explode, but fair enough; she couldn't have been doing this for long.

Renrin sighed and rose up to stand up on all of her four legs. Suddenly the young elf seemed much smaller and Renrin felt it was necessary to bend down her long neck a bit.

"Impressive I say, not many here around I have seen creating fire out of nowhere." she complimented Ember as small puffs of smoke came out of her nostrils.

Renrin stretched out her wings as much as possible in the lair. It was very spacious and all, but Renrin was a large dragon and her wingspan needed a lot of space. She yawned yet again, though it might have seemed more like a roar to others.

"I'm thirsty. Want to follow me to a pool in the forest nearby?" she asked.

Renrin glared at Ember.

"Okay so it might be far away for someone like you but not for me if I fly there." she added quickly.

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 1:28 pm 
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"It's only been what? About eight years now. I was a young little Elf, lonely because I lost her parents in the only fire I didn't manage to start. When I heard of a Dragon in a cave not to far away from the city we were trading at, I couldn't resist my self. You know how I am."

"I'm up to the challenge, Old One. I'm a Denatou, remember? We're nomads, and travel all the time. I'm up to it. Just don't fly too fast."

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:09 pm 
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Renrin bent down even lower to help Ember climb up on her. As she felt the little girl sit safely on her back she walked out of the lair facing the bright sunlight. She started flapping with her wings and soon the dragon lifted up from the ground.

"Oh and stop calling me old, I'm a young adult for goodness sake!" she said as the two flew up high in the air and past the landscapes with a high speed.

Soon there was a forest visible a bit further away and Renrin started to lower herself down in the air.

"You could practice your fire making near water, that way you're safe from starting any catastrophes. Oh wait, there is someone down there, you'd better remain on my back for now." she said to Ember as they landed with a thud not far from the pool.

Renrin walked carefully forward and looked at her surroundings. A man was standing not far from the pool but he did not seem to notice them as he was concentrated on something else, perhaps he had heard some other creatures approach.

"Ember, stay on my back, there is someone there, maybe more than just one creature."

Renrin pointed with her head towards the other side of the pool and then bent down to drink some water. She was not that frightened of who was there, she was more worried for what they might do to Ember if she started running around the place.

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:21 pm 
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"Who I am, is none of your concern!" Ryu shouted to the man with a crossbow ready to fire.

((You were talkign to both of us right?))

"But, I can sense an angelic presense in you, and angels should not be allowed to roam on this world!" He finished, reaching for his bag again, and pulling out two needles, and flicking his wrist again, throwing them towards Sin, completely ignoring the angel who had just arrived. I will get her after I finish with this half breed. He told himself, putting down half breeds, even though he himself was one.


Made by Hellyer

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:12 pm 
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Renrin lifted up hear head up quickly as she felt something small fly against of her front legs and then fall to the ground. She also heard a scream of some kind coming from not afar. Clearly someone was under attack and the attacker was not in a good mood. She took a closer look and could now see some kind of demonic creature close to the man she had seen earlier. An angel was also visible.

Renrin covered the confused Ember with her wings so what she would not get harmed by whatever the demon was shooting to their direction. She then made a powerful roar blended with high pitched screech sounds to warn them about her presence and also tell them she was not happy of this disturbance at the pool she always came to drink at.

((Imagine her roars as the ones Godzilla made in that movie :D lol))

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:25 pm 
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Ember grinned. "I may be 14 in human years, and younger in Elven years, but I'm still half grown."

Ember nodded, "You said there was a person there twice, you silly Dragon. I heard you the first time, you know."

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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