From the rules after they were updated:
3) Your pumpkin must be a REAL PUMPKIN (one that you have carved out yourself to resemble anything from Neopets, and taken a photo of). We may consider a turnip, beetroot, apple or gourd, but only under special circumstances.
Adam wrote:
What is THAT?
Doesn't look like a Pumpkin.
Some sort of squash or gourd. I think it was pretty creative, and a very good representation of the esophager. *lol*
They drew an outline and carved out round holes.
Hey, you never know...this may have well been a ten-year old kid who did this one.
Sure, it's not perhaps as professional as some of the others out there, but remember there are a lot of young people on the site, this very well could have been some kid's first attempt at carving a pumpkin. Not everyone is extremely artistic or talented with carving a gourd. *giggle* I give them major props for trying.
Is that a pumpkin?
I think it is...but painted...not really sure though, it is pretty round.
A "Babaa"?
It looks like one to me, but granted, I think the photo quality probably ruined this one, I'll bet it looked much nice IRL.
Cool but that isn't carved.
True, but extremely creative.
And judging by all the materials used, I'd say it was probably pretty expensive to make too.
Sticks and rocks aren't pumpkins.
That's not a stick, it's a carrot.
(The braintree anyhow) I'm not sure what the esophager is though, maybe a cauliflower bit or something?
It is crazy because some people did really carve pumpkins and didn't get in because of those people.
And I know tons of people would probably want this avatar.
I wouldn't go as far to blame the people who won for other entires "losing out" on an avatar. I think everyone did a great job. Like I said with my first post about this topic days ago, I really feel
anyone and everyone who sent in something hand carved deserved the avatar, and not just a select doubt is carving a pumpkin is hard work and time-consuming, but it's also expensive in some cases.
I personally didn't enter because a pumpkin would cost me too much (I live in the arctic circle) to enter the contest, but still....I'm thankful we have something new like the random challenges.
I can understand how some people may feel furt or "brushed off" because their entry NO DOUBT took a lot of time and might not have made it in, but that's no reason to be bitter about those who did win, right?
This was a fun change...but please try to think about the contestants before you say something mean about their entries.
And please no hard feelings about my comments Adam, you know I always like reading your posts and discussing things on here with you.
I just have a difference in opinion to your approach of the subject this time.