o_0 wrote:
kthnxbai o.o
This is another instance of TNT's blatant ignorance when it comes to knowing how to properly run a public, majorly travelled site. The warning can easily be abused by idiots to freeze innocent people. "You are continuously being given ... autobought rarity 99 items for cheap."
Now put your logic caps on, read further, and see how stupid TNT is.
First: TNT can tell that the items were autobought. That brings up an interesting question - Why was the sender, who autobought the items, not frozen immediately? Are they assuming that there's an autogiver too, so that people can autobuy, then autosend the items to alternate accounts? If so, they need to check for an autosender as well, not just an autobuyer. In reality, a user who uses an autobuyer (that TNT knows about) should have been frozen before he even had a chance to send someone the items.
Second: There are a lot of idiots in the world, a lot of people who find joy in making other people's life miserable. Let's say Joe Idiot uses an autobuyer to buy a lot of r.99 items. TNT knows they're autobought, but for some ******** reason, they don't freeze Joe Idiot immediately, so Joe Idiot has a chance to send his items. Joe Idiot says "Hey, people can get frozen for being sent a lot of autobougth r.99 items. _________ (insert random innocent/rich person here) could be frozen if I send them a whole lot of my autobought items!" And then, Joe Idiot decides to send 5 autobought items to the victim, waits what he thinks is long enough for the other user to get a warning, then sends another five. Oh look, an innocent user gets frozen because some idiot sent them autobought items, and TNT is stupid enough not to have frozen the user who used the autobuyer in the first place.
If it wouldn't be for the fact that I generally try to keep a low profile on Neopets, and therefore am not too terribly worried about this stuff, I'd probably quit Neopets based on this kind of stuff.