The Wonder Weezel wrote:
I don't know why Im having so much trouble with the latest constellation.
Ive tried all your methods... all of them. Here's what Ive been doing.. can somebody try to correct me?
Ive got all the things used to heal the petpet up, so heres what i do:
-Click on the bird petpet in the archives.
I hit "check in on the valeous" at say 17:01:01, and perform the proper method of healing.
After a minute has passed, at say 17:02:02, I "check in on the Valeous" again and then perform the correct task.
After a minute has passed, at say 17:03:03, I "check in on the Valeous" again and then perform the correct task.
but it never gets to the end!
I had loads of problems with this task too.
I'll tell you EXACTLY how I got mine to work
1) Click on the petpet in the archivist office at 5sec past the minute
2) Perform the correct action
3) click 'check on' immediately afterwards
4) At 5 sec past the min click 'check on' and perform the action & click 'check on immediately afterwards again....and so on and so on.
I think the reason I was havin problems was because I was doing the 'check on' action between steps 1) and 2).
Hope this helps.
Howard TJ Moon (Jazz Maverick!)