I know this is going a little off-topic, but there is something in the T&C regarding people getting items, and I added some other things that have been getting warnings lately:
5. If you cheat on Neopets games or use cheat programs, including non-Neopets software or programs, to play the games we will freeze your account. In addition, NeoPets may freeze any other account that has directly or indirectly benefited from the use of such programs.
I bolded that last sentence. If TNT thinks someone has cheated (ab'er, autorefresher, etc. ... whatever) and they give or sell you something, yes you can be warned and/or frozen.
Personally, I don't like that. You have to be very wary if you do receive an item anymore, especially if it's from someone you don't know or barely know. Unless you're sitting next to the person, do you really have any way of knowing if someone else is cheating? No!
You can also get warned now for advertising that a pet is going to the pound (don't ask me why ... it even says on the site to let people know you're pounding a pet)
You have received an official warning from the Neopets Team for violating the Neopets Terms and Conditions. You may NOT sell, trade, give away, share or buy a Neopets account or Pets for np, money, items, or anything else. This includes giving away accounts/pets/items! To deactivate an unwanted account, go to
http://www.neopets.com/remacct.phtml And as far as people putting their pics on their lookup or petpage? Someone I know got this, not an actual "warning", but pretty close. This one I DO understand.
Be careful! Never give out personal information online to people you do not know well offline. This includes posting your picture for people to see. Please check our Safety Tips page for other ways to stay safe online:
http://www.neopets.com/safetytips.phtmlAnd the whole avatar lending thing? No Tipping!
You have received an official warning from the Neopets Team for violating the Neopets Terms and Conditions. TIPPING IS NOT ALLOWED, PERIOD! Do not encourage other players to break our NeoRules! Do not post or encourage other players to post inappropriate words to test the message filters. This includes typing gibberish words and inappropriate words with spaces or symbols.
I have no idea what the gibberish part is.