Yet Another (In-depth) 10,000 Neopoints a Day Guide by berekka_13

Yes, here we have it folks: another one of those helpful (?) guides for making NPs (neopoints) fast. However, this guide is targeted towards people like me; I like to call myself “game-deficient”. *cough* yes, it’s true. I am terrible at games, but by trying several out I’ve found seven that are relatively easy, and pay off quite well! So without further ado, let’s make some neopoints!!

Game #1 – 200m Peanut Dash

I was introduced to this game by a “Better Than You” competition in my guild. I actually won! It’s a simple game, with three main parts: getting energy, jumping over logs, then catching the peanut. Let’s take them step-by-step:

Part One: Getting Energy The instructions will tell you to tap the left and right keys, similar to how you play Tug-o-War. However, what I have found is more effective is tapping the keys simultaneously. And make sure never to push the UP key until you are into the red zone.

Part Two: Jumping Over Logs The key combinations for jumping over logs are: -Left Up Right => Front Flip -Right Up Left => Back Flip -Up Right => Straight Jump -Left Right Left Right Up => 2x Front Flip -Right Left Right Left Up => 2x Back flip Now, if you have played the game before, you know that it’s nearly impossible to get in the 2x Back flip combo when you see the log. But I’ve discovered that you can type in the combination ahead of time, then wait with pressing UP until you see the log. So if you wanted to do a 2x Back flip (which would get you the most points), then you would type in R L R L, keep running until you see a log, then press UP to jump over it.

Part Three: Catching the Peanut I’ve found that the peanut normally will come down while you are jumping over a log. If you catch it while still in the air, you get a point bonus. This is good. So all you need to do is make sure you are running with the small shadow, and then do a back flip or whatnot to catch the peanut.

My high-score in this game is 810, which is rated as Master. It doesn’t take long, and the points are great. You get 75nps for every 100pts scored, so on average you should earn about 500nps per play. X3 = 1,500nps

Game #2 – Faerie Crossword You can play this every day, and the points are as follows: Solve in less than 5 minutes = 600 neopoints Solve in less than 15 minutes = 400 neopoints Solve in more than 15 minutes = 200 neopoints But you can get the answers anywhere online, including PPT. Which means you should be able to get 600nps from this once a day.

Nps so far: 2,100

Game #3 – Castle of Eliv Thade For this game, have the game window on one side of your screen and a browser window on the other. Go to in that browser window. Put in the following preferences: Limit solution to 1 word Massive English dictionary with some proper nouns DON’T include single-character words Then go back to the game. Play in the Hard mode. When you come across an anagram, type it into the anagram solver. The solver may not be able to find all the words, but when you get words right you get more hints. So you can use up several hints, and then guess the rest of the word. You have 3 lives, so it’s not a big deal if you get one wrong. Each play should give you 1,000nps. X3 = 3,000nps

Nps so far: 5,100

Game #4 – Meepit Juice Break This game may take a bit to really get good at, but the neopoints are pretty good and there are some tricks as the levels get harder. My hi-score is 1,547 is rated as Amateur. (*tear*) Just kidding! It’s a fairly straight-forward game, but here are some tips: -When you get to having more than one Meepit at a time, try and link their pipes together, giving them both juice at the same time. It makes the game take less time, and also decreases the chance of your Meepit’s time running out. -Put pipes together from both ends. Start at one end and work your way to the middle, then go from the other end and try to meet that middle point. This way, you won’t get to the end and realize that it won’t work. -Don’t worry about the ‘rotten apples’, they do decrease your points but it takes time to wind your way around them. -If you have extra time, make the path to the Meepit really long, with lots of pieces connected. You get one or two points per piece (depending on the colour of the juice and the colour of the Meepit), so if you have the time to add more, do so! And that’s about it. Just keep trying with this game, it takes a bit of dedication but in no time you’ll be getting points around 1,200, which gives you 360nps. X3 = 1,080nps

Nps so far: 6,180

Game #5 – Meerca Chase I + II Whether by chance or on purpose, you can still collect nps from Meerca Chase I, which means you can play 6x per day. However, version II gives you more nps per play. I’m not good at this game at all (my hi-score is a whopping 200), but it’s quick and easy, and can get you a lot of points, depending on skill level. 200pts in VI – 200nps X3 = 600nps 200pts in VII – 240nps X3 = 720nps Total: 1,320nps

Nps so far: 7,500

Game #6 – Pyramids Costs 50nps, and the points aren’t great, I average about 150pts per game, which makes my profit 100nps, but it is a pretty quick game, and the great thing is the limit is 5k – so you could hypothetically play 50 times. It all depends on how much time you are willing to take, but if you play 5x you can get about 500nps. Not the biggest earnings, but you can keep going for a while.

Nps so far: 8,000

Game #6 – Whack-a-Staff Member! A simple yet fun game, Whack-a-staff Member gives you fairly good points. Plus, type in a5paragu5 and you get a bigger mallet! It’s a straight-forward game, just use the mouse to move the mallet and click to whack it! Make sure you don’t hit the Neopets though! The comments made by the staff are pretty funny too. My average per play is 1,500pts, giving me 525nps x3 = 1,575nps

Nps so far: 9,575

Game #7 – Dice-a-Roo Here’s the skinny on this game – clicking that little button over and over takes a long time. Plus it’s mega-boring. So here’s a tip that will give you items, nps, and a chance to stretch your legs. On your computer, go to Control Panel. Click on “Keyboard”, and set the repeat rate to about 1/5 from the Slow side. Then find something small but heavy. Go to the second Dice-a-Roo screen where it says “Play Dice-a-Roo”. Have your heavy item sitting on the” Enter” key, holding it down. Then click on the button. It should stay on that screen, but at the bottom of your browser you should see the page load image keep loading new pages. Now it’s time for a break – get up, get something to eat, etc. while the game runs. Then, after a while, you can release the Enter key, and the page should show your pet saying “I’m so BORED of Dice-a-Roo”. If not, put your heavy item back and click it again. Once the game is done, go to your inventory and refresh. There should be around 4 or 5 items that will sell for around 100nps. The game does cost 5nps per play, but you normally win those back in the game itself. Selling the items will get you about 425 nps.

TOTAL NPS: 10,000!

Great job, and I hope you enjoyed this article! Even if not all the games worked out for you, there are plenty more to try out, and with some practice I feel certain that you will find some that work for you.

Feel free to neomail me with any questions, my username is berekka_13.


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