Welcome to the New Pink Poogle Toy!

A big howdy and welcome to everyone who visits Pink Poogle Toy today and are probably rubbing their eyes wondering what in the world happened to the website.

To cut a long story short, this website has been under redevelopment over the past 3 months and it is with much pride and excitement that I unveil the new Pink Poogle Toy.

All articles have been transferred over to the new website and re-organized to make navigating more intuitive and easier for you. There are a few articles that still need to be fixed but let’s put that all down to teething issues for now until I fix them over the next few weeks.

Hopefully, the new changes means that you will be able to find what you want, when you want it, faster.

I’m still working out a few kinks so be patient whilst I delve into the inner workings of the all new, brand spanking Pink Poogle Toy.

In the mean time, please leave comments and messages where you notice things not working as well as they should. I will get to them pronto!


5 responses to “Welcome to the New Pink Poogle Toy!”

  1. Lemonade Avatar

    sorry to say, but I don’t really like it.

  2. Jake Avatar

    Definitely don’t like it. Tired of everyone going to wordpress; I can’t find anything.

  3. melly Avatar

    takes a decade to load.

    Advertising np selling sites that are against the Terms & Conditions. This site is going to shame 😐

  4. Sierra Avatar

    I like it actualy!

  5. Dave Moyer Avatar

    Gotta say, while I love love love that you’re using WordPress, the layout and the way things are organized just doesn’t seem to support the kind of content PPT has to offer. I’m a little overwhelmed by the clutter, to be honest.

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