After playing neopets for a few months, I’ve searched for ways to make np, and here are a few that i’ve come up with that’ll get you rich
the most important thing is to SET A GOAL!!!!! my goal is to increase my daily interest by one np. it may not sound like much, but in the long run, thats a heck of a lot. It also gets you motivated to really make np.
buy omelette’s for under 20np each, and put them on the trading post in lots of ten. do it as often as you can, and if the trade has been on the trading post for more then 5 minutes, take it off and put it back on. do this not only for omelettes, but also for milkshakes, baby food, little things like that. what will this do you ask? I’ve gotten people who bid 500np or more on ten omelettes that cost you 20 np each, and I’ve also gotten people who have bid petpets, codestone’s, crackers, allsorts!!!
Play go go go, and Pyramids everyday. Not only are they easy ways to make np, but you can also win trophies from them. Also play dice a roo and scorchy slots, and sell off any items won
visit the Alien Aisha Replicator. It may not be much np at the moment, but who’s complaining about free np when it helps you to reach your daily goal?
DON’T BUY PAINT BRUSHES. Instead save up and buy the lab map. Sure you run the risk of your pet being changed into another kind of pet, but if you’re serious about wanting all your pet’s to be painted, then this is the way to go. Because of the lab ray I have a faerie peophin, desert shoyru, cloud grundo, and (at the time i wrote this) starry tuskanniny.
Do the daily freebies, such as the shrine, fruit machine, omelette (to put on the trading post), and tombola. Donate any junk that you might get to the money tree from the tombola, along with any fruit from the fruit machine, and any potions from the healing springs (as long as it isn’t a pale elixir, or healing potion X. Sell those)
This may sound mean, but you don’t need to feed your pets. When you need to battle, simply feed your pets an omelette or two and fight.
When you price items in your shop, make them 5 or 10 (depending on how expensive the item is) under the lowest price that you find on the shop wiz, then go and advertise your shop in the chat rooms.
Well, those are all my secrets for making np, and if you have any comments, neomail me at theevilcell
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