Turmac Roll Guide by Shoyru_Lover

You play a small Turmac, who incidentally loves to roll around looking for berries. As it is, you want your Turmac to eat as many berries as possible so it can become big and strong. This game is relatively straight forward. Once you start, the Turmac should automatically start rolling. All you’ll really need to concern yourself with is ensuring that the Turmac jumps at the right time. To proceed, you’ll want to ensure that the Turmac jumps over tree stumps and pot holes. There is an option to go at a slower speed, however I don’t recommend using this option extensively as you’ll need the speed to jump over obstacles.

Throughout the game, there are strategically placed hills which will give you a boosted jump when you jump on them. I suggest jumping on every hill as you’ll often find huge tree stumps located just after these hills. It is also suggested that you practice this game a lot as you’ll begin to notice that there are patterns as to where the berries and tree stumps are placed. After awhile you’ll know exactly where to time your jumps to avoid the stumps and get the berries.

Every second will give you point returns, but selected berries will give you boosted points. The berry points are listed below.

Snidberry – 1 point
Loveberry – 2 points
Chiaberry – 4 points
Conkerberry – 8 points
Voidberry – 15 points
Fishberry – 25 points
Jumbleberry – 50 points
Juicy Berry – 75 points
Unguberry – 100 points
Aquaberry – 200 points

These points aren’t concrete however. There are three difficulty levels to choose from (easy, medium, hard) which will give you differing point multipliers. I always play on hard, as just one common berry can give you 300 points! So what are you waiting for? Go kick some tree stump butt! Good luck! – Shoyru_Lover


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