Turmac Roll Guide by elfdragoniii

First off, ALWAYS PLAY AT THE HARDEST LEVEL. I find this applies to all games, as it means your points are usually increased, and there is no problem if you do choose to change level later. If you start easy, then try to change to hard, you may have trouble adjusting. In Turmac Roll, the differences between the levels are the combination of obstacles rather than anything else, and this is easily dealt with:

However tedious this sounds, it neednt be. If you do your three games of Turmac Roll per day, then that would be enough, as very quickly youll start to notice the patterns the obstacles come in. The start, for example, is always the same, so work out the best way to get all the berries. Other patterns go in seemingly random cycles, but since you know what is coming, to a limited degree, itll soon be easy to get 700NP+ per play.

– Play at top speed. It means you jump higher, and you can always slow down to get those berries if need be.
– If you land on a tree, JUMP off it. (Unless, obviously, there are berries immediately after it, in which case slow down.)
– If there are berries in the air beneath you after a ramp but before the second obstacle, DO NOT slow down. Nine times out of ten, you’ll hit the obstacle.

– Check out the berries section of instructions at the start to know which berries are your priorities. Remember, if you’re playing at hard, like you should, the points are trebled!

Hope that’s a help! – elfdragoniii

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