Ah, the daily life of a bank, money comes in, and (unfortunately) money goes out. It’s your job to make sure only the loyal customers pass through the doors of the NNB (National Neopian Bank).
To make your life harder there are six entry doors that you must man. Each door corresponds with a certain button. Starting from the left, door 1 is S, door 2 is D, door 3 is F, door 4 is J, door 5 is K and door 6 is L.
It is your job to watch out for pesky burglars which are:
- The two Meerca Brothers,
- A red Scorchio with a mask,
- A (COMPLETELY) Green Usul
- And when you reach the higher levels the mystery bandit is a red Techo in a gray tracksuit.
Especially in the lower levels its very easy to identify the robbers because they are all fairly dull colors, whereas the loyal customers TEND to be quite bright. DO watch out for the Usul though, it’s the same color as a Quiggle that appears.
When a customer appears, do nothing, let them in, they give you neopoints (not literally, just in the game). When you have 100 NP or more (there is a bar at the top telling you how much you have) press the space bar. This converts your neopoints into gold bars which the thieves cant carry away. Dont worry too much about this bar, if you keep glancing up then you may miss a thief and you’ll lose neopoints. Only look up when you’re SURE youre over 100, as if you click before you do, you lose NP.
Now, when the thieves do appear, you must press the button that corresponds with their door to lock down the security door. But this doesn’t stop them coming back for more, and if you’re not careful they’ll run away with your (game) neopoints. You lose a life and neopoints if they get away, but do be careful, clicking on an empty door will lose you 10 NP, and jailing a paying customer? You lose a life AND all the NP they were about to give you.
As the levels progress (BE WARNED! There is NO pause between the levels.) the game gets faster, you get more visitors and less time to figure out who they are. DO NOT PANIC. You panic, you lose concentration. Just stay calm, relax without getting all hunchy and keep your fingers light on the keys (get heavy-handed and trust me, it all goes horribly wrong). This is a fairly easy game; most people will be able to get to level 20 with ease, providing you concentrate. Turn your computer sound off altogether and breathe deep. You should score an average of 400-500 points (and therefore NP) per game. Oh, and good luck!
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