ToyBox Escape Solutions by foodeater184

zYou have three minutes to get the voice activated neopets to safety by getting them to the doors in each level. Do this by using their abilities. Shoyrus jump, kacheeks push, scorchios burn, and myncis climb. Click on their icons in the bottom left corner to use their abilities. If one of the toys dies, then you can retry the level, or send your score. You have three continues (retries). When you get to around level 17 and 18, the levels start to switch around, so just look a little higher or lower. I put the directions for those on the map so it will be easier to use on short notice.

Level 1

Okay. The first thing to do is have your purple mynci hit the two blocks, and the have the green mynci climb up them. DO NOT click the button twice, because then it will fall and you will waste precious seconds. While the purple mynci is facing the coin, click on its icon and have it climb up to it. Then when it is facing the door, click the icon again and wait put the rest of level 1. I usually get about 39-40 on this level.

Level 2

In this level, you have two scorchios, red and green. Let the green one burn through the one closest to the door, and the red one burns through the one closest to the coin, and then after you have it, go through the one that blocks you from getting you through the door. Easy, eh?

Level 3

Three kougrasred, yellow and blue. As soon as this picture shows up, click on the red and blue kougra icons. Wait for the yellow one to get to the light orange block on its area before you dig. Once you get all of them through the doors, you should have about 40 more points.

Level 4

This level has two shoyrus. Have the orange one jump onto the two blocks in front of it, then jump again over to the side with the coin. And since falling is faster than walking, have the purple shoyru do the same. I get about 39-40 points on this one

Level 5

In level 5, there are two new pets to use. The Uni and the Kacheek. Right away have the kacheek push and the uni turn into a ramp (just like the mynci and scorchios, they will not use their abilities until the can). As the kougra goes over an orange block, have it dig. The scorchio will go up the ramp and get the coin. To get the uni back to normal, just click on the icon again, but I advise you not to until the scorchio is about 5 blocks away. Now all you have to do is wait. I usually get around 38 and 39 on this level. Please note that this is the first level that you get a level code. Level codes come after every 5 levels.

Level 6

This one is easy ;). Have all of the myncis climb the walls that are on the rights of their areas. As the blue on falls down, it should land right after the purple and right before the green mynci. Again, have all of them climb, but this time its the wall to the left of where the blue mynci started. I get about 39 points on this one.

Level 7

Have the kacheeks push in this order: blue, green, yellow. Just make sure that the green is past where the yellow kacheeks block will fall or else it will be smooshed. I get about 40 on this level.

Level 8

This is probably the first hard one in the game. Have the shoyrus jump up to the ledge with the button and step on it. The spikes will go down. Then jump over to the ledge with the coin. Have the scorchio burn through the red block. Note: If you fall while trying to get to the ledge with the coin, just jump up to the ledge with the button, and when you are at the block directly before the button, jump, you should land on the same block. Just try again until you have it. If you step on the button a second time, just jump against the ledge with the coin to turn around and press the button again.

Level 9

Have the Kacheek push and the uni turn into a ramp when it is facing where the kacheek starts. While this is happening, the scorchios will have fallen down to the uni and kougra. Have it burn, and if the kougra is close enough behind it (one or two blocks) and it will bounce off the burning block. The kacheek and scorchio will fall down to the ledge above the doorwhill the kougra goes up the ramp. After it is up, have the uni return to normal and when the kougra is above the coin, dig twice and it will fall through the coin and walk into the door. 38 points is what I get with this strategy.

Level 10

This one is kind of hard to explain, so I fixed up this picture a little to show where you should dig. Blue dots = blue kougra digs, and red squares = red kougra digs. I also numbered them so you know which order to do them in. Make sure you do not fall in the spikes! I get about 38 from this. It also has the second level code.

Level 11

Do not dig until you have pressed the red button. To do this, have the shoyrus jump over the block it is in front of (in the picture). Then continue jumping over the red spikes until you get to the button. THEN the kougra digs. But have the scorchios burn through the orange block floating in mid air (parallel with the coin) instead of going through the hole the kougra will make (above the green button that, when pressed, makes the green spikes go away). The shoyru jumps down through the first hole that the kougra made and over the gaps until it gets to the coin. The go through the door. Easy 36 points.

Level 12

Also kinda hard to explain, blue = blue kacheek, green = green kacheek, s = scorchio, orange = kougra. 35-37 points

Level 13

Heh, I should just switch to this type of guide. Orange dot = scorchio, blue dot = kacheek. I have not figured out a use for the uni, but I have some ideas.. 36, or 37 points.

Level 14

Have both myncis climb the wall they are facing in the picture and the kacheek push the block off the edge. Then push that same block to where I put the black dot on the map. You automatically push when there is a yellow box around the kacheek icon. To stop pushing, just click on the icon again. When one of the myncis get to that block, have them climb it to get the coin. Have the kacheek push the block into the pit near the door and wait for everything to get in the door. 35-38 points for this level.

Level 15

Square = scorchios, orange dot = kougra, blue dot = kacheek. 6 easy steps for world dominion… erm.. 37 points and a level code! Hehe!

Level 16

It does not really matter what order you do these in, but make sure you get the coin with the green before you dig down the the doors level. Colors are matches up with their kougra counterparts and the yellow does nothing but go in the door. 35 points.

Level 17

Once again, color-coded. The purple dots are where the shoyru jumps. There are two dots on the coin block because you jump there twice. You have to have fast reflexes because you jump before the green spikes, the right when you land, then when you land from that jump. Be sure to do the shoyrus things first.

Level 18

Pretty self- explanatory. Colors are matched up, but the green scorchios has the green s and the green mynci has the green dot. I got 35 on this, but the levels start to switch around at this point (level 17 could be level 18, etc.) and it was the first time I played it.

Level 19

Here is the map for level 18. First, have the orange shoyrus go on the blue button, then jump out of that alcove and go to the door. Then have the purple shoyru jump over the lava pits and go on the red button. Jump on top of the two blocks by the blue button and jump onto the ledge with the coin. Go get the coin then go back and down through the door. About 35 points.

Level 20

Here we go, last level. It is important that you do everything in the exact order that is marked on the map. I got about 33-35 on this level. See you later!

Well, that’s my guide on Toybox Escape! I hope it was helpful. – foodeater184


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