Tips For Snow Faerie Quests by Debbie

– First of all, you want to make money out of this quest, so set a budget for yourself. I think 5,000 np is reasonable, since her paybacks are rarely a lot more than that.

– If you think that her quest items are too hard to get, then DO NOT go and get them, she will not hurt you in anyway. Just wait until the time is up for the quest, go back, reload the page and do another quest.

– I always try to do 1-5 quests per day. Therefore, I have stored in my Safety Deposit Box 50 or so chocolates. I know people tell you not to keep expensive things in your deposit box, but buy chocolates directly from the chocolate factory and store about 1-2 of each type in your deposit box. Trust me, if you want to do a lot of Snow faerie quests, in the end, it will pay off.

– As for all quests except for uber faerie quests, USE THE SHOP WIZARD. I often find people begging for items in chatrooms, when they can use the shop wizard.

– Always do a quest that costs about 1,000-2,000np. They are rather rare, but the Snow Faerie always gives you about 950-2500np, a snowball that you can sell for about 15-200, depending on the type, and another item that ranges from 20-30,000 np.

– Take a chance once in a while, true you may lose 1000np, but that really isn’t a lot, and you may get something worth 30,000np or more! – Debbie


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